Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Human rights commission applauds Government stance on Police brutality


Police officers manhandle a UPND cadre
File picture:Police officers manhandle a UPND cadre

The Human Rights Commission lauds the government’s position that it will not tolerate Police brutality as recently pronounced by the Minister of Home Affairs, Dr. Ngosa Simbyakula in Parliament. The Commission has been disturbed by the continuing acts of Police brutality and abuse of the rights of suspects, including torture, which it hopes would come to an end with the strong stance taken by government as it sends a clear message that such acts would not be condoned, but should attract sanctions on the perpetrators. Of great concern to the Commission is the use of torture by the Police on suspects that has resulted in severe injuries on the victims, like in the recent case of Ms Emelly Manyoni who was verbally and physically abused by Police in Mazabuka between 29th and 31st January, 2014.

The Commission agrees with the sentiments by the Minister of Home Affairs that cases of torture and abuse of human rights by law enforcement officers should be prosecuted and never be matters for settlement outside the court if impunity has to end. In this respect, we urge the government to take further action that would ensure there are no loopholes in the system that permit use of torture by the Police. We also welcome the announcement by the Minister of Home Affairs that the government would equip the Police with appropriate investigative skills and techniques as that will help them do away with primitive methods of conducting investigations such use of torture to obtain information from suspects. According to Article 18(2) (a), any person suspected of committing crime should be presumed innocent until proven guilty by the court of law and there is no excuse for the Police to mistreat or torture a suspect on that basis.

The Commission is totally against torture as it is no longer acceptable and can never be justified. The act is prohibited in Article 15 of the Zambian Constitution, and it is firmly established in international law that freedom from torture is a non-derogable right. That is why the Commission has been calling for the enactment of a law to punish those who engage in the practice. The Commission will continue with the campaign against torture to raise public awareness and follow-up vigorously any cases of torture brought to its attention so that perpetrators are brought to book.

Issued by:

The Department Information, Education and Training


  1. But we need action not mere statements. Begin by firing or demoting ka Jere and Libongani for allowing this nonsense. Mateyo and others never allowed these things to happen even when they seemed to work under pressure for the useless Francis Kabonde.

  2. Toothless and compromised Human Rights Commission!!!

    Why have you not been criticizing the police all along, you had to wait for a minister to repent?

    How long have the opposition political party members and unza students been beaten and teargassed? innocent Zambians have been tortured and died under the PF police and you dont say anything.

  3. As usual, give a PF cadre any opportunity, he will distort the truth to fit His Master’s impaired vision.

    Any Zambian can see that Zambia Police are perpetuating brutality and the biggest instigators and cheer-leaders are Sata and henchmen.

    Just last week, we saw fully dressed police unleashed onto opposition MPs – For what? Then a few days later Edgar Lungu, threatened to unleash the Police and Army. Kambwili later echoes the same. The permit to hold a peaceful demonstration for the constitution by UPND was rejected.

    So tell me, what part of “Stance on Police Brutality” is the HRC applauding?

    • In addition The Mwine lubemba Chitimukuu’s palace is surrounded by the Police, and Charity has the audacity to tell tell that those officers are there to protect the Chief.

      GBM is being victimised by the police after leaving his ministerial position.

  4. Is this government claiming to have been asleep all these years? Why don’t you just own-up to your wrecklessness than trying to hoodwink a whole nation through empty words?

  5. The Human Rights Commission only yaps when they wake up on the right side. Where have they been when grade 7 pupils from Barotseland where being tortured by the Zambian unprofessional police and charging them with treason?
    Where was this indolent human rights commission when people of Barotseland where maimed by the Zambian police cadres?
    The human rights commission had since been mute when Barotse citizens namely Nayoto Mwenda and Skwibele Wasilota are currently incarcerated in filthy prisons for merely writing a personal and family letter to Hon Clement Sinyinda the former ( Prime Minister) Ngambela of Barotseland?
    Where have they been when Bishop Mambo and others were assaulted by PF cadres at BIGOCA? Where was this human rights commission when the shenanigans PF are lawlessness?…

  6. These guys are brutal(somalians)don’t support them. After all you guys are supposed to rally behind your security forces but Alas!

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