Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Catholic priest commits suicide


A Catholic Priest at Charles Lwanga College of Education in Monze has died after he allegedly committed suicide.

Police in Monze have confirmed to ZANIS that Father Frederick Kabwe, 57, who is also the Principal at the College allegedly hanged himself using a scarf.

Police further explained that Father Kabwe allegedly hanged himself to a burglar bar of a window in his bedroom and was found dead in a kneeling position .

The incident is suspected to have happened in the early hours of yesterday between 04:00 and 07:00 hours.

Police officers who rushed to the scene found the body hanging in a kneeling position and did not spot any physical injuries indicating that no foul play was suspected.

The Police are investigating the cause of the suicide as the Priest did not leave any note in his room.

The body of the clergyman is in Chikuni Mission hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem.



  1. He did the good works and dies without leaving issue (children). Let the priests marry for two is better than one. Peradventure, the wife could have dissuaded him from taking his life. MHSRIP.

  2. too bad for a lost soul in hell. he either had hiv-aids due to homosexual acts or had impregnated a woman and he was ashamed to be named as the causer of the pregnancy. let catholics marry and not this false celebacy crap. condelences to his family members.

    • Your level of thinking is breath taking. How does homosexuality come into this? Do u have an idea why he did this? Please if u don’t have anything to say, keep quiet!

  3. Lusaka times are indeed dull, and so is the police. How can one commit suicide by hanging himself to a burglar bar of the window in a kneeling position that is a shoulder level. This is reason enough to suspect faul play. The same views we expressed when that man in chilenje murdered his wife who was a daughter to Mr. Mabenga and police said it was suicide by hanging on a window until doctors such as professor NKanza told them they were foolish as usual and it was murder

    • @Kelly – I was wondering the same thing. Life is so resilient that it cannot let go by killing itself in a kneeling position. At that height, the man would have stood up to avoid dying. Death by hanging has to be at a height higher than a person can stand.

      Ba police please investigate this issue. The man was killed, then hanged at window level…capwa. You issue is to establish who did this…check the scene of the crime ( iam sure by now it is even all contaminated).

    • Its simple. He hang himself to a burglar bar and after he died, he knelt down to pray. What’s so hard to understand here?

    • @ Antipolitics, you are the one who is not all there! How can a person who has hang himself be found in a kneeling position? This whole story is either bogus or the police are totally inept!

  4. Too sad! But the details do not seem to add up well or it’s the poor writing of the reporter: found hanging to a burglar bar of a window in a kneeling position?

    • I dont know what u dont understand here, someone hanged himself with a scaff which is long enough to reach his kneeling position and you say facts not adding up? You are a fool.

    • @ Antipolitics, you are the one who is not all there! How can a person who has hang himself be found in a kneeling position? This whole story is either bogus or the police are totally inept!

  5. ”Police further explained that Father Kabwe allegedly hanged himself to a burglar bar of a window in his bedroom and was found dead in a kneeling position”

    Something amiss in these details. how do you hang yourself while knelling?

    • Exactly my thoughts. If this is the calibre of our police officers then we are in trouble – there is this thing in every living creature known as survival instinct which can not allow such to happen. You can never hang yourself while kneeling hey?? This a case of homicide.

    • This is no suicide but homicide. How do you hang something thing kneeling and to a burglar bar?

      Attmpting to commit suicide by those who have survived is very painful. The Priest could have easily stood up. Also when you are a person of average size, hanged to a burglar bar of the window, there is a possibility the wall would not make it possible to be suspended but slant or be in a certain angle.

      I would encourage the police to check for foot prints outside the window.

    • This explaination is similar to the Barclays bank employee who killed the wife and hanged her on the bathroom window and claimed suicide. the police simply could not understand how someone could hung themselves from such a low lying position. it was letter establised that it was murder

    • There are far, far too many priest deaths going on. To the enemies of the Church, killing a priest is the highest power of hate one can show to Christ. But, it creates martyrs and that’s what makes the Church grow.

  6. some comments come from mentally degenerated people. how do you mock death, when it’s supposed to be a sad affair? better keep your comments to yourselves, than show sadistic idiocy!

  7. Those that are mocking death will leave to remember when your time comes or that of your children or any other relative, i encourage you to mock them too.

  8. A priest committing suicide unheard of, he couldn’t lean on the everlasting arms of our Lord Jesus Christ. What happened ? He should have remember what a friend we have in Jesus all our griefs and pain bear ….! Easier said than done.

  9. The Police are lazy!
    How can this be concluded as suicide right away? How do you hang yourself in a kneeling position to a burger bar? Have they thought of the possibility of someone pulling the priest by his scarf through the Burglar bars? According to the police he hanged himself using his own scarf right?

  10. ….using a scarf..???
    …most scarfs are made of soft woollen material with elastic property….(stretches under stress)
    …difficult to make a gripping knot
    …usually wide enough to do no harm to the neck
    ….you need a good head room to hang yourself
    …priests undergo vigorous and extensive counselling tuitions….makes up a quarter of their entire 7yr course

    • I love your analysis. This is more worthwhile to discuss than most bloggers’ comments above. It would be worth examining most of your points, including a possible analysis of what this report defines as kneeling. Could it be it was a contorted body position against the wall that made his knees protrude against the wall suggesting a “kneeling” posture to the uninitiated?

    • Am starting to wonder whether we are debating with a bunCh of kids on LT. cause realy the comments have seen dont add up. any mature person would take this as a questionable suicide I think I wont take most bloggers here seriously these should be kids.

    • The police cant understand and analyze issues of crime in nature unless its traffic offences. so much needed to be analyzed like, how much was the scurf stretched, what was the weight of the priest against the wounds left on the neck? was there a sign of struggle of marks against the wall as the man was dying? all these would have helped but alas, our police are useless

  11. Terrible for a man of God to go this way. Why, I ask why and what was it that was such a big problem as to make the man of God take his own life if indeed he did. Where were other priests to assist with his difficulties. I know there are good priest in that area… e.g. Father Sebastian Malambo, where they? I hope he was not one of those writing things in the papers.

  12. In Monze???? The person who caused the Priest’s death is a FREEMANSO!!! We all know him. He has been behind all the accident deaths in the recent years.

  13. UPND is responsible for this and their HH BECAUSE they have been courting CATHOLIC CHURCH to support them likethey way we did since SDA they are neutral to politics. stop corting catholics court SDA. MHSRIP our bemba HERO in tonga land

  14. @anyoko,

    You are very right. Hakaivotela Heka is responsible for this death. You know how freemasons behave!!!

  15. Breaking News!!!!!!

    HH has made puclic his deslike for all Bemba Speaking people and announce that if he had a away, he would terminate all of them.

    More to follow from his Press Conference……..

    • but HH is out of the country…I do not get this…??????? is it malice or what??? or shows to prove sentiments on tribalism are made against HH.

  16. We have useless police officers in Zambia who just look at the crime scene and pronounce things. yes how do you commit suicide in a kneeling position on a burglar bar against the wall? Even those who commit suicide after kicking the chair that they stand on fight to survive until they die.

    We are simply not protected in Zambia from these foolish police officers. that’s why we have the prisons full of innocent people while criminals get away.

    • The police said that they do not suspect foul play because they looked at the body they did not see any cuts marks or bruises. Possibly they looked at all angles and saw nothing sinister. If you interviewed them further they might enlighten you as to other facts which made them make their conclusion. @ jailosi wali pena, mu real life kuti natemwa ukukumona. you are another kind! Bad kind!

  17. Alot of things need to be taken into account. Other bloggers have already mentioned them. The wall supporting the window provides a physical barrier, therefore the neck would be inclined at a grotesque angle. Most times, people who commit suicide soil themselves. They also struggle in their death throes. Kneeling position? Am sure there are smart cops out there, they will untangle all this.

  18. Police shouldn’t rush to the suicide conclusion. Men of God very rarely kill themselves. At his age suicide is usually not the kind of option for any problem he faces. So ZP investigate first

  19. Thank you Fr. Chilinda and the Minister of Education for your enlightenment over this issue…people, though am not supporting the act, acute stress and grief kill and this could have been the case with our man. Fr. Kabwe must hav thot he was dying from suicide but it must have be grief that took him. judge not and u shall not be judged

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