Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Edith Nawakwi wants resumption of live coverage of proceedings of the Public Accounts Committee



The opposition Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) is saddened by the cancellation of the live coverage of proceedings of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the National Assembly of Zambia.

The opposition party has since implored government to source for funds to give the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) to facilitate for the resumption of live coverage of PAC proceedings.

FDD leader Edith Nawakwi said PAC is crucial for ensuring transparency and accountability and that it is also an effective mechanism for ensuring a corrupt free civil service.

Ms. Nawakwi commended ZNBC for making a progressive move to broadcast live the proceedings of PAC and urged all well meaning Zambians to join FDD in lobbying for the resumption of the live coverage of the proceedings.

She said the reports from PAC and from the Auditor General’s office have continued to reveal glaring and wanton theft, misappropriation and misapplication of public funds.

The FDD president said this was cancer that has caused so much suffering among the people in the country as money meant for development ends up in the pockets of a few thieving individuals.

She noted that the live coverage of PAC proceedings was giving the people of Zambia a rare opportunity to see for themselves how their hard earned tax payers’ money was being spent.

Ms. Nawakwi added that the live coverage of PAC proceedings was giving the public an insight of why critical goods and services were not reaching them because money meant for important issues was being squandered by some selfish individuals.

She further stated that the proceedings were exposing erring and thieving public officials to the general public, adding that the live broadcasts were an important step to raising the people’s awareness in demanding for transparency and accountability.

She further said the live proceedings were also acting as a deterrent to would be offenders.

Ms. Nawakwi said her party, which is a firm believer in transparency and accountability, implores government to source for funds to facilitate for the resumption of the live coverage of PAC proceedings.

She said parliament should also pass legislation so that PAC reports and Auditor General’s reports should expressly upon adoption by parliament be submitted to the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) for determination of possible prosecutions of the erring officers.


  1. Last week I passed through one of the offices at a District Community Medical Office and I found a team of accounts staff glued to a television set following the PAC proceedings. One guy commented ” ba Mudala this is very good. We are now understanding why the money doesn’t reach intended beneficiaries. This is also sending warning shots to us all.”
    In short I totally support the observations made by the FDD President, Madam Nawakwi, the incoming President of PF and Zambia. Good day.

    • I 100% agree with Madam Nawakwi on this issue, I watched that program on Wednesday last week, during Ministry of Gender ….. civil servants are stealing too much. In Chipata for example, a company drills 6 boholes without water and was paid even the contracted stated that the contractor was supposed to hand over 5 boholes with water.

    • funds should not be an issue because people pay tv license fees every month whether you have tv or not or whether you watch znbc or not or whether you have znbc signal or but for as long as you have electricity in your home.

      so ZNBC has money, free money fro all citizens

  2. 100% agree!

    This is a basic right of Zambians. We want to see where our money is being used (or abused!)

    Well done Edith Nawakwi, right on track!

  3. P.F, is now the Most Corrupt Government since Independence, so I have my doubts whether these criminals who have their filthy hands plundering our national coffers will support anything that exposes their Dirty Deeds!

  4. Thank you to PF through ZNBC for its efforts to bring about, transparency and a corruption free Zambia by initiating live coverage of PAC. Please let’s help our Govt source funds to continue broadcasting the programme. While I agree with FDD to have the program continue, FDD should not make it look like it’s their initiative to have PAC. If anything I would have expected FDD to commend Govt on this move although it was only done on trial run. THE PROGRAM WILL DEFINITELY PROMOTE ACCOUNTABILITY. Good move PF.

    • Read the article! She has commended ZNBC for their effort in bring the program to the people. What more do you want!

  5. But the question is, what is the president doing about it? Its very simple, those who are found wanting should be relieved of their positions as there is rampant theft and pilfering of public resources. The president should ask for a report from PAC which will set recommendations for those to be fired and act without delay, its too much.

  6. How can YOU demand that ?? This is as good as US demanding LIVE PROCEEDINGS FROM your bedroom. These are state secret issues discussed and agreed on what to tell the public then u want open for all.? thus why your party will never be recognised as a force to reckon with Party


  8. Of all the above comments. Anyoko’s is the most useless and laughable that an adult wud hv such a level of mind. I’m shocked at your caliber man. You are cadre & you dot sound educated. This is just my humble opinion

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