country have caused severe floods. Here, a child plays on a Zesco
pylon cable while on the ground is a flood ed with stagnant rainwater in
Kanyama Township
A 13- year- old girl of Freedom ‘B’ Compound in Monze district died on the spot after being electrocuted.
Police sources in Monze said that the girl was electrocuted when she tried to rescue a one year old baby who was shocked by a naked live wire.
The cable was connected to power supply in a poorly-wired house.
The police sources further disclosed that Triza Mainza managed to rescue the baby, who was not related to her, but got electrocuted in the process and died on the spot.
Police sources confirmed said Mainza was found dead when police officers accompanied by Zesco staff rushed to the scene around 15:00 hours yesterday.
The body of the deceased is laying in Monze Mission Hospital mortuary awaiting post-mortem and burial.
Even in death u are a heroine.
Usually a son of God never die alone. The priest died in Monze.
What a week for people of Monze. We will mourn the girl and the priest, us “the people”.
I wonder if Sata will even hear about all what his Zesco’s faults.
This is something very few of us would do. Risking your life for another. Mainza is blessed
wow! truly she died a death of signaling love to others. Christ did this for us sinners showing an example to us His children. May God strengthen the family, peace, calm, unity and above all love.
Ture Heroine tho with a tragic end. MHSRIP
It’s very sad so young to die. But she died as a hero, who gave her life to save another. That means she went straight to heaven. Pray for us.
Too bad , what is happening in monze now, a bemba priest dies and now a little girl dying without enjoying fruits of PF GOVERNMENT NOW AND BEYOND 2016. MHSRIP, THE FAMILY OF THE ONE YEAR, ZESCO,UPND MUST COMPENSTAE HEAVILY FOR NEGLIGENCE
This is not a laughing matter.Learn to be serious sometimes. Remember God can not me mocked. Days are numbered. The small girl was serious in her act. You are bringing PF jokes just like CNP.
Bakamba, kufwanta ko fye ka ‘Sta’ at the beginning of your name and that will describe aptly.
As a parent myself, I feel extremely sad to lose such a young life due to our own carelessness and sheer negligence as a country. Poor wiring of electric yet, live cables are everywhere in our townships, markets and the so-called homes.
Makeshift barbershops, saloons, pubs etc., are mushrooming everywhere in the country as if we don’t have personnel mandated to inspect/approve building plans before construction, and before Power is finally installed to a residential dwelling and/or other social infrastructure. Local councils are now ‘money making’ houses and NO ONE cares! My heart bleeds for mother Zambia….
She died with a heart of an angel
Brave young girl! May your soul rest in peace. You have shown true love
2bad. May ha sour rest in eterno peace
u will b there in heaven, May God remember u when he comes. You are a hero. that is sad. May your soul rest in eternal peace.
State should honour this brief young woman!
Which state of PF?, maybe if it was Chiluba or RB, not that Sata who attend funerals. You want me to count from
– Manzomwe, Sakeni, Mandela, Ambassandor Banda, Chisuku the Katuba MP…
Even the Post Bus accident tragedy we had to smoke that Sata out of those KK tunnels he reopened. we know he sleeps underground.
She deserved to be honoured,yes
She did something i wouldn’t have had the BALLS to do!!
RIP our Heroine
TINASA private school,are people serious in Zambia?
LT. That is not a pylon cable the child is holding. It is a stay wire. I know this is trivial, but please next time call things by their correct name or simply say a zesco wire.
M. H. S. R. I. P.
And where was your merciful God? Taking a nap?
The merciful God sent this courageous young girl to rescue the baby’s life. The merciful God gave this young brave girl an eternal reward in heaven with Him. We don’t know how we shall die, but we should be so lucky as to give our lives for another and gain heaven so fast.
The caption on the picture is a lie. The kid is not playing on a pylon cable. Go do your research with ZESCO electricians you reporters
God bless this young soul. She was full of compassion, and courage. MHSRIEP.