Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Black Friday Campaigners and the Grand Coalition fully supports Opposition MPs action


The Black Friday Campaigners and the Grand Coalition on the Demand for the release of the People Driven Constitution supports fully the action taken by the Opposition and Independent Members of Parliament to protest in Parliament as they demand for the Immediate Release of the document from President Michael Sata and the Patriotic Front Government.

The Black Friday Campaigners would like to urge Members of Parliament, Members of Civil Society, Members of the Church, the Students and indeed all Zambians to wear Black tomorrow, Friday (7th March, 2014) as the debate gets into another gear in Parliament.

We expect the Executive’s response through the Minister of Justice, Hon. Wynter Kabimba to the motion about the Road Map raised by Opposition Member of Parliament Hon. Garry Nkombo tomorrow Friday, 7th March 2014, to be in favour of the people. It is with this background that we appeal to all ZAMBIANS to be clad in BLACK as we all throng the National Assembly galleries and listen to the debate.

As the Black Friday Campaigners we are of the considered view that Zambians have the greatest opportunity to give unto themselves their own constitution now which clearly defines the destiny of the nation.

This is the time to say no to anyone that wants to hijack our People Driven Constitution. It’s now or never. Stand up and be counted. You must be counted on the right side of history. Power lies with the people, the Zambians.

As a people we did it in 1991, in 2001 on the third (3rd) term maneuvers, in 2011 and we have faith that this time around we shall do it in style. We need our constitution NOW!!!

Guess Nyirenda
Interim Spokesperson-Black Friday Campaign


    • The Book of Zambian Constitution is black.
      But red would have been better, unfortunately Fr. Bwalya may claim it, Green for UPND, blue for MMD, yellow umwaiche Chipimo.
      So black is good enough, like Sata’s bedsheets.

  1. why do you call these ministers who are deceiving Zambians are honorable? i fail to get it. just call Winter as dishonorable minister of injustice. i too support the action of the ministers.

  2. You are black and you wear black, who will see you? Black is said to be synonymous with funerals, question is: What is the origin of wearing black to funerals? Answer: It is said to have originated from a time when people believed that when a loved one passed away, that the souls of the dead would leave that body any enter the body of a mourning loved one. So people started wearing black robes to hide their faces so that the lost soul would not find them and continue on to the after life. As years went by it transformed into a showing of respect for the dead.

    Questions : Is the constitution dead? If so, on what is the country operating? Are you hiding from the dead constitution so that it can not find you? Are you wearing black as a sign of respect for the dead constitution?

  3. wasting your time ba opposion and remember that for one to stand as presidential candidate he should at least be a former MP


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