Government has said that it could not produce the expected new Republican Constitution within a period of 90 days after assuming power in 2011 because PF as a party in power had lacked clear knowledge on the sufferings of the Zambian people. Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba told parliament today that levels of corruption, poverty, unemployment among the youths, poor access to education and health care services among others in the country high perpetrated by the previous MMD regime.
He said PF could not just act on mere figures but needed to make its own analysis before it could empower the Zambian people.
He was contributing to a private member motion moved by UPND Mazabuka MP Garry Nkombo who urged the government to provide a Roadmap for the enactment of a new constitution.
He further said the Zambian people did not only elect it on the basis of the enacting a new constitution alone but to uplift the general welfare of the people in a holistic manner.
“PF is people centered and this government was not elected on constitution alone but uplift the welfare of the citizens in a holistic manner,” the minister said.
Mr. Kabimba further castigated the opposition MPs for causing anarchy in the House due to the disruptions on two occasions saying progress could been achieved in the on-going constitution making process.
He urged the Zambian people to be patient as the draft constitution was all-inclusive as it would be released to the public soon.
Mr. Nkombo also wanted to know whether the work of the Technical Committee drafting the constitution has been completed and thus ready for submission.
“Mr. speaker sir, producing the new constitution in 90 days by the PF could not have been possible because we lacked knowledge about the Zambian people.
“We inherited a government were poverty, corruption, unemployment levels were too very high and also people experienced poor education and health caused by the previous MMD administration.
“ It’s out of this realisation that figure alone did noting to empower the people in the country,” Mr. Kabimba said.
The Justice Minister said the PF Government was elected to redeem the people of Zambia and to address cross-cutting issues of life expectancy, provide good governance, equality participation and accountability and crop marketing issues for the farming community.
Earlier UPND Mazabuka Central Nkombo urged government to commerce assuring the Zambian people by giving them confidence in this constitution making process.
He regretted that great people behind the Constitution Review Commissions formations like Mainza Chona, John Mwanakatwe, Dean Mungomba and Willa Mungomba were being awarded by government posthumously instead of appreciating their services when they still alive.
Lubansenshi Independent MP Patrick Mucheleka said the PF government would be held accountable to the Zambian people should it fail to give the people a people driven constitution.
He accused the executive (government) of having hijacked the parliament on its role of the constitution making process.
And the winner of BS is Weeter!! This man is full of crap.
Another baboon who has not evolved into a human being
Winter is right!
PF is still struggling to understand how annoyed Zambians are with PF!
PF does not understand many things like simple economics, simple logic and common sense. It is not surprising why Zambia is now besieged by numerous problems today!
This is the baboon who is going to finally sink the boat
Well done the Honourable MP of Mazabuka, Garry Nkombo. You have just shown us how incorruptible most Tongas are, except figures such as Munkombwe. It is also satisfactory/satisfying and rewarding to learn that the best legal minds behind the constitutional making process hail from Southern Province. Those intellectuals have exceeded any contribution a reasonable human being can bring to the table. I take my hurt off for these individuals and, unique honour should be bestowed on them. I also extend my appreciations and recognitions to HH for his outstanding rare genuine attempts he has advance for all Zambians. Please gather more bravery in all your endeavours and, keep on chasing the snake until he relinquishes power to ordinary competent Zambians. Keep it up. Viva HHHH, VIVA UPND
you are not cindy,,, and you know it
Pathological lying is inherent in Winter’s vocabulary. Anyway it’s meant for the gullible.
Why is he doing all this talking when all we need is a constitution? Give us what belongs to us so we can move on, if you do not have money we can print it from the Zambian watchdog site.
Ba Winter mulasabaila kwena. Just look for another career, it is clear you are not only a failed lawyer, but a failed and useless politician too. Therefore, you laid that your PF was a better party than MMD, the more reason you must leave in 2016
the constitution was a. major campaign issue. Mr Kabimba must not continue to mislead the Zambian people. Sata even gained popularity for expelling those many MPs who supported the NCC. Today they must not tell us they did not understand what they were talking about. what a joke!
Useless nominated MP . He is in government to steal and cause confusion. Just like the useless president who him appointed . Only hope in 2016 diplomats will vote for them.
So this baboon thinks that zambians are puppets that we can buy into their gimmicks. . Kabimba really amazes me coz if pf did not knw what zambians were passingg through then how were they campaigning? As for sata he was widely seen as a darling of the majority poor thts why he was voted into office bcoz pipo thought he knew their suffering and what is winter talking about? For me pf is digging its own grave come 2016 we are burring them.
“because PF as a party in power had lacked clear knowledge on the sufferings of the Zambian people”
AND IT STILL IS! What has changed? You are even more ignorant and arrogant than before, but at least you can admit yourselves that you are IDI0TS!
I agree… If after 10 years in opposition you can lack knowledge of the sufferings of the people of Zambia, then you are truely USELESS – not fit to rule!!
A monkey in the maize field. Does he tell us that PF are not the same people from MMD. Are they foreigners who does not know the people who voted for them. .. atase
Exactly! Maybe he should ask people like Daniel Munkombwe to tell him what the Zambian people want. He has been ‘serving’ the people of Zambia for long enough. Next Alexander Chikwanda will be telling us that Zambia is not doing we’ll economically because of the excessive borrowing of the UNIP government left us in debt
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses! It’a all a sign of immaturity. This is running a country like a chicken run!
Hon. Kabimba…..
People voted for Mr Sata because he continuously claimed to have had more experience in politics than any other candidate (of course RB excluded). He started from Section, Ward, constituency and national level politics where as people like HH were termed under 5s who had not passed through that ladder.
Now the Secretary General of PF says that experience Mr Sata had did not include knowledge of the thinking of Zambian people!!!! SG is saying the information collected from the people of Zambia under Mvunga, Mwanakatwe and his Mungomba (MHSIP) are not enough to inform him about the thinking and material conditions of the Zambian people!!!
Who can believe that, Hon. kabimba. You have really ran out of ideas. You see, Hon. it is very hard to sustain trickery and…
Shameful! He is not even embarassed to say that.??? wow…what a leader.
More likely “Black Ader” than LEADER
Congratulation PF for admitting that the “A Team” is composed of aliens from outside our galaxy!!!
Do you need translators for strange sounding words used and sentences commonly used in Zambia like: “Rule of Law”; “People driven Constitution”; “Honesty”; “Natural Justice”; “Democracy”; “Freedom”; “Protection of Law”; …?
This is what happens when your balls are being held in the hand and being massaged . kabimba is finding it difficult to urinate
Mwebantu MMD was far much better than PF,these baboons are no match to the previous resume.I cant see anything improving see how the kwacha is dancing to the dollar,prices of comodities,in chingola all the roads have become impassable,the constitution issue,where are these ammatures taking us to.Icant wait for 2016
Zambians do not like liars like Hon. Kabimba. Why did they lie when they knew they could not produce the Constitution in 90 days. Why should we believe Kabimba and PF that we are going to get the constitution, being in power for 2 years. Why should we continue with outdated constitution that gave more power to colonial masters that suppressed us? Why should we not fight for a new constitution when the government is doing anything it wants? Remember we fought for our independence, hence there is nothing that shall stop us from getting the new constitution. We will never wait for another party to come into power before we get the new constitution. With the new constitution in place PF will be forced to rule wisely, otherwise be voted out of power if it is doing things anyhow.
why then didnt u tell us earlier, ba honourable? are u really telling the truth?
Thats what happens when you lie yourself to the top. They had no idea what they were getting themselves into, ba chimbwi no plan!
I feel like throwing up!!
Zambians are too comfortable. If they were not then they should learn from other countries like Ukraine, come on Zambians, rise up and chase the pirates out of town to Mumbwa. Short people like Kabimba are a problem because they suffer from small pen!s syndrome.
F00lish excuses by Kabimba, as if he is telling kids! The mistake was to even bring these chimbwis into govt when they do not understand a thing and all they are doing is trial and error!
Such a statement can only come from an ***** not a Minister of Justice( maybe INJUSTICE)
Blame MMD who wrecked the economy and not Kabimba.He is our strong man in PF.
You are now in power and have established the poverty levels but what you have done?
You have removed the subsidies
Increased fuel prices
Increased mealie meal prices
You would rather spend millions on bye elections
If you can not understand that the above has directly affected the poor you do not deserve to be leaders!
What rubbish is kabimba talking about.
He is a zambian , aged 45 years old and doesn’t have knowledge of fellow Zambians?
what nonsense…….