Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Opposition’s attitude derailing constitutional process – VEEP


Dr Scott-Dr Kasonde 22

Government says the altitude of the opposition Members of Parliament (MPs ) is delaying the constitution making process.

Vice President Guy Scott says there is no reason why the opposition MPs bother him in the House when they had an opportune time to clarify over the same matter last week.

He referred his concerns saying Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba had during the time in question had issued a ministerial statement in the House on the same matter

Dr. Scott said it was surprising that no single opposition MP had queried Mr. Kabimba during his presentation.

“I didn’t see and hear any single question from the opposition MPs when Mr. Kabimba was on the floor presenting the ministerial statement. So why bother me instead of him (Kabimba). I’m receiving more questions on this subject matter than the Justice Minister,” the Vice President said.

He was responding to a question raised by PF Kaputa MP Maxas Ng’onga who wanted to find out the government’s position on the constitution making process.

This was during the Vice President’s 30-minute question time in the House today.

Early this week, Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba said the opposition should take the blame for the delay in completing the constitution making process.

Mr. Kabimba said if the MMD and UPND MPs had not resorted to the avenue of demanding for the constitution through parliament, remarkable progress in the matter would have been made.

He told a media briefing and charged that the opposition MPs should be held accountable for causing delays to the constitution making process by engineering premature parliamentary adjournments that are disrupting the business of the house.

Yesterday, President Micheal Sata assured the nation and various stakeholders including foreign diplomats that his administration remains committed to the constitution review process.

Mr. Sata said at State House when he held a closed door meeting with diplomats accredited to Zambia that after he receives the final draft report from the technical committee, Cabinet will consider the recommendations taking into consideration logical and financial repercussions so as not to derail other important national programmes.

Meanwhile, parliament heard today that corrupt elements in the civil service including private public institutions would sternly be dealt with.

Vice President Guy Scott told the House that the anti-Corruption Commission, other law enforcement agencies including the Auditor General’s Office expects the system to work.

Dr. Scott further disclosed that the PF Government has demonstrated political will to fighting corruption in the country especially perpetrators cited in the 2012 Auditor General’s Report.

On job creation, Dr. Scott said 600,000 jobs have so far been created by government in 2 years and five months since the PF came into power.

And Dr. Scott has attributed to the disasters currently being experienced in the country as due to sub-standard works.

He said the houses, schools and clinics that are collapsing in the country were due to poor workmanship.

The Vice President however assured that Government has employed qualified Engineers to beef up the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit under his Office to deal with calamities in a technical manner.

“There is too much sub-standard infrastructures across the country but the PF Government is working tirelessly to change the obtaining situation,” he said.


  1. I just can’t understand how the Opposition MPs are delaying the Constitutional process. How Scott and Kabimba manage to think and reason like that, I don’t know!!!

    • Scott “why are you asking me too many questions about the constitution and not Kabimba? Now you see, because of your behavior the president has takatad to receive the document. It is now your faulty that sata has refused to recieve the document and we tell the whole country that you have derailed the process by asking for it”

    • constitution. Let us vote for another party into power. As you do so, please do not recycle the same guys from UNIP, MMD and now PF. As for UPND, please reshuffle Mr. William Banda to other responsibilities within your party and not as advisor to the President!! He only knows UNIP politics and is likely to fight any moves to give Zambians a new progressive people-driven constitution. Why do you think PF is so attractive to former UNIP and MMD cadres??? The difference between the two parties is zeror. That is the answer. Do you still think UNIP-style rule can move Zambia forward?? That is the choice you have to make. For the young people who do not know UNIP, please read a bit. Literature abounds on this subject.

    • Clearly the PF leadership does not want to give us a new constitution. Let us vote for another party into power. As you do so, please do not recycle the same guys from UNIP, MMD and now PF. As for UPND, please reshuffle Mr. William Banda to other responsibilities within your party and not as advisor to the President!! He only knows UNIP politics and is likely to fight any moves to give Zambians a new progressive people-driven constitution. Why do you think PF is so attractive to former UNIP and MMD cadres??? The difference between the two parties is zeror. That is the answer. Do you still think UNIP-style rule can move Zambia forward?? That is the choice you have to make. For the young people who do not know UNIP, please read a bit. Literature abounds on this subject.

  2. The only problem with this moron “Muzungu opusa” thinks that he is in Kalikiliki campaigning even when he is parliament. He must address real issues being tabled by opposition

  3. PF always condemning and pointing at others like Adam, the Snake and Eve in the garden of Eden. You are the ones ruling the country so be responsible enough!!! Scott muzungu opusa is so irritating nowadays!!!

    • Blame for the delay to constitution making process – Opposition MPs

      Blame for the free falling Kwacha – USA

      Blame for loss in Katuba – Tribalism

      Blame for increase in mealie meal prices – South Africa

      Blame for un-ending bye elections – the Opposition parties

      Blame for failure to deliver 90 days promise – useless PF MPs

  4. Mr Vice President, were you in attendance when Kabimba presented his statement and Garry Nkhombo raised a point of order and the speaker curtailed the debate by stating that Garry had not raised any pertinent question? Had the speaker not chosen to take a partisan position by protecting the Justice Minister in the house, the Justice Minister would have provided the relevant answers but he chose to hide behind the Speakers skirt. At the point in time, the PF felt they had scored, unfortunately it now transpires that it was an own goal! Koseni fye mwasuke amepusho yama!

  5. PF shud REALISE that the “strategy” of finger-pointing that worked so well for them during their OPPOSITION days, will not be effective NOW!

    They shud just WORK, because that is why they were elected.

    if they fail to deliver in one way or the other, ENGAGING the ELECTORATE should be their only OPTION.

    This attitude of laziness, spontaneity, finger-pointing and hoping that things will work on AUTOPILOT isn’t only childish, but wearing our patience thin

    we are tired of your bickering. JUST WORK guys!!.

  6. These PF guys take us for foo!s or what?? and Sata is saying ‘after he receives the report’? I thought the report was handed to him many months ago..? playing the hide and seek game? blaming innocent people for delay???

  7. @ Bwana Mukubwa a nice one. I believe every PF SUPPORTER WILL READ IT.

    Guy Scot and others are worried tht PF will loose the GRIP on Power. Bit the fact is tht YOU ARE OLD and then is no need to WITHOLD the CONSTITUTION. MR Sata may not even reach 2016.

    Why getting scared. Infact as Zambians we said tht we will put as PRESIDENT FOR ONE TERM then HH or Chipimo in 2016.

    Whts a PROBLEM NOW……?

  8. This stupid muzungu is still trying to tell more PF lies “On job creation, Dr. Scott said 600,000 jobs have been created”..

    Where are these jobs? Show us the evidence? I only know there are no nurses in UTH, while Sata has his wife importing medical equipment for a private hospital in State house!


  9. In certain situations, it is better to cough than to talk. Guy Scott should have kept his mouth shut. Unfortunately for PF, the pendulum has swung the way of the gallant opposition.

  10. The VP’s statement is simply a mockery of Zambians and very annoying. The opposition is putting pressure because your government, through the President, Mr Sata, has categorically stated that you NO LONGER see the need for a new constitution. Why don’t you stick to that position. We all now know that is the position of government on the constitution. Some of us have started praying for a new leader and party to occupy government. You have had your chance.

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