Government offers its deep-felt congratulations to opposition MMD Lunte Member of Parliament Hon. Felix Mutati on his election as a member of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Committee of Elders, as contained in a communiqué just released on the 17th summit of COMESA Authority of Heads of State and Government held in the DRC capital of Kinshasa from 26th to 27th February, 2014.
Established by the COMESA Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the COMESA Committee of Elders has a crucial role of preventive diplomacy on issues of peace, security and stability as fundamental pre-requisite for the attainment of sustainable development in the COMESA region and beyond.
Hon. Mutati’s election as a member of this high profile organ of COMESA is not only well deserved, but is also a source of immense pride and honour to the people of Zambia.
It is also a sign of the confidence COMESA member states have in Zambia’s political and governance system under the leadership of His Excellency President Michael Chilufya Sata.
Government is confident Hon. Mutati, will represent the country effectively in this important regional assignment.
On behalf of the Government and people of Zambia, I convey our deep-felt appreciation to COMESA member states for the honour and privilege bestowed on Zambia through this election.
Zambia pledges to use this position to work with fellow member states in fostering peace, stability and unity in making the COMESA region a prosperous and better place to live in.
Hon. Mwansa Kapeya, MP
11th March, 2014
Congratulations to Felix Mutati (MMD Lunte MP)..Now Kapeya you should really get your mental faculties checked.Mutati’s sucesses have nothing to do with Sata.Infact you are tarnishing Mutati’s image already by mentioning him in the same breathe as Sata!
Mr Mulenga, you will need to forgive Mr Kapeya, he has realized there is nothing to show off for as a govt. He is looking for approval even where it does not apply, too desperate if you ask.
My thoughts exactly.
Mutati is the next Prez under the PF banner…you guys are still sleeping. wake up and smell the coffee.
Sometimes i wonder if the is a competition in PF for the most stup.id or fools.h press announcement
Mutati was nominated by the Zambian Government hence the deep-felt congratulations from Government.
Ba Mulenga, you dont even know what you are talking about, Hon Mutati was nominated by PF gov to represent Zambia hence the comments by Hon Kapeya. Mutati will be the next president. You should get to Know Mr Kapeya then you will appreciate what kind of a man he is. but Naive people like you look at the surface without getting facts. Pa nsaka basekapo ifupuba
What has Mutati got to do with PF? This is nonsense congratulate the man and MMD his party should come into the picture, he is a good gentleman who can not be compared to those *****s in your PF full of lies. Please reverse you statement.
You are a lost sheep, Have you heard of Mutati talking about MMD? Even greater men have their own weaknesses so Shut up!!!!
Iwe Kapeya! Goodness gracious imwe this man is NOT NORMAL!!!
A man who picks a cyber name like “dudelove” lacks imagination, hence your rantings. The government nominated Hon. Felix Mutati for the COMESA Committee of elders and now that he is elected, the same government should not congratulate him, lest they are insulted by lunatics on the cyberspace?
Grow up and start debating logically, some of your comments make you sound like real lunatic such that the people you are demeaning look very sober! Understand that nobody can represent the government on a region body without the consent of the GRZ. These are the reasons we are very worried with experiementing with leadership.
Why have the bloggers on this site started to ridicule the PF?Something wrong within the party.
Kekekekekeke!!! I am in tears laughing at the joke by this fyabukaya clown.
Mutati for PRESIDENT. Come 2016 we need such brains to run this country.
This man is PF now in case you didnt Know.Have you ever heard him comment on anything to do with MMD.
Have you ever heard him comment on anything to do with PF?
Once a turn-coat, always turn-coat
Oh, yes, and election of Nkosazana Zuma as AU chief executive also showed that the AU was confident of Zuma’s leadership.
What a muppet?
And the failure by Felix Mutati to scoop the prestigious post of UNCTAD Secretary General was a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE in Sata’s leadership by the Global Community.
“It is also a sign of the confidence COMESA member states have in Zambia’s political and governance system under the leadership of His Excellency President Michael Chilufya Sata”
Someone please tell Kapeya that Mutati is not in PF, he is in MMD. How is Mutati connected to Sata and PF? I dont see how Sata and PF come in.
Kapeya, if you have nothing to say, shut you useless mouth.
Yapping loudly is not a sign of intelligence, not at all! WHO NOMINATED MUTATI for committee of elders at the region body of COMESA? The same only GRZ by PF. If you don’t understand region and local power brokering, it is better to keep quite than insult people who understand what they are talking about. Kakoswe iwee!
@Mundetelele, what Mwaba Jnr is failing to say is that Kapeya should have had the greatness to congratulate Mutati and MMD for this honour but as is usual with African politics we fail to rise to the occasion. The only time I have seen this happen is when Chikwanda in 2011 congratulated Musokotwane and MMd for leaving Zambia such strong macro fundamentals.
You r lying. Intelligentsias r not “Moved by Wind” whn they r on the Cross-Raod they just keep quiet and there Mouths are Shut. Have ever seen Mutati or Dr Chituwo commenting any how?.
These r people who love Zambia so much.
Viva Progressive Zed.
No. Thats not right, Mr Kapeya. I do not understand how Felix’s appointment has anything to do with PF government. Let’s just say COMESA has confidence in Felix as an individual, having served in various portfolios in the past.
And according to your sh!ty analysis COMESA themselves approached Hon. Mutati without the involvement of the PF led Zambian government? UBUPUBA FYE BULESABAUKA NOKUSABAUKA!
Congrats Hon Mutati . Iam only disappointed with you on one issue . That is cowardice . Mutati you are a real coward I have evere seen under the sun . God made you a very inelligent man who could become a president or vice , who can work with HH and onother coward Hon musekotwane to take this country to higher hights . But bukuwe Ngachimbwi , why sitting on your intelligence pamulandu wamwenso , why you have disappointed a lot of Zambian who wanted you to be a President . Be your self don’t behave like a child in a long trousers . This is the stupidity of stupid leaders like mutati , when people want you, you think there is shortage of leadership , no it is just time . WAKE UP MAN !!!!
Who is a lot people? if there were a lot of people no one would have stopped Mutati just like the way it was in 1991 (that’s what we call a lot of people) you are the one who should wake up.
Mutati was nominated by the zambian government and therefore kapeya is right in his comments
Bwana People@Hotmail,
You mean the entire PF didn’t have any didn’t have anyone without the MMD tag on theirname to nominate so they take the stake of Claim as PF government candidate? Then they have a serious problem. If this is so, they are F.ucked
@cat power that’s the problem right there, with your kind of thinking our great nation is surely doomed…Mutati is Zambian so just like any pf chaps, we do not always have to be partisan. lets do away with this party card, mmd started this project so I wont give pf credit, upnd this nrp that….no lets grow as a nation guys.
@Big L
I agree. surely they have to find suitable Zambians with qualifications to represent us and they should also find suitable people manage our economy locally.(They choose from bowl regardless all the nuts are bad or raw)
Why didn’t they send BIG MOZE??? Charity begins at home. So please boss don’t say we will be doomed with my opinion. We were doomed 2011 when we went into the Drama Class instead of maths class.
Thanks Boss
*****……..walema na njala
Yes he was nominated by government because ALL Panga Fighter (PF) MPs are USELESS and others are fools( FIPUBA), you should always remember that.
one question for you fool.when yo mother bore you,did yo father rush to congratulate yo neighbour?
Next PF president. Let Kabimba, Lubinda and GBM fight, they are not the chosen ones.
Mr Kapeya, l would have excused you if this comment was made on IFYABUKAYA, but making that comment in your capacity as minister leaves much to be disired. It shows your mind set (sebana wikute).
PF mps are useless the president said so. It was going to be an embarrassiment to zed if a pf cadre was nominated by pf.
Dis Honorable Mwansa Kapeya, MP,
Really, are you just dull or really stupid? Suffering from attention deficit disorder? Or just ASSLlCKING to keep your job? Perhaps you do not understand your job title?
Maybe we should we change your title to Minister of Lies and Deception and Chief Government BullSHlTer!
He is just going to embarrass US please is their away of blocking him? we have alot of credible PF people COMESA could have chosen from such as JEAN KAPATA, LOU NKANDU, LUPINDA GIVEN ETC NOW PICKING A USELESS MAN WITHOUT CLUE CNP
You and Kapeya need to go to chainama
Quite erudite. Zambia will not be let down, going forward, although there’s need to tone down regarding known weakness!
This is not the first time PF is backing Mutati…
kapeya senseless.
Yaba- anyway I also applaud the election of Obama in 2012 for a second term as it expresses the confidence the world has in the Peole’s Failure (PF) H.E. Michael Sata.
Oh please Mr Kapaya..@people at hotmail, why in the world would the government back someone from a party that is so corrupt? PF are so inconsistent its amazing
Mutati stood with Nevers for MMD presidency and only won in Northern Province. Namugala and Kachingwe fought for Mutati in MMD things do not seem to be going well. They were sponsored by PF on behalf of Mutati. Even as chief wipe the man was scared of Stata and the PF. Now Mutati is PF but he cannot resign because PF may not win easily in Northern Province. They have to deal with Kasama Central for now. That is enough battle.
Applause wawa, you are spot on on fool was saying a lot of people wanted Mutati to be president & I aske him who is this a lot of people. You have just undressed him he lost to Nervous Mumba where there were not “alot of people”
Mutati for PRESIDENT. Come 2016 we need such brains to run this country
All you guys condemning associating Mutati to Sata don’t you know PF Math?
Chicken + Banana = Apple
Mutati + COMESA = Sata
“It is also a sign of the confidence COMESA member states have in Zambia’s political and governance system under the leadership of His Excellency President Michael Chilufya Sata.”
GOOD JOKE! Where was this comedy show? I want to attend the next one for a good laugh!
And who is this clown? Never heard of him before on the stand-up comedy circuit.
fyabukaya of fyabupuba…PF is dead..LEAVE MUTATI ALONE, and may be MMD should be congratulated
Dear Felix,
Much has already been said by bloggers. Allow me to add a few lines:
-if its true you are chewing with the PUBLIC F.OOLS (PF), then sad. But then its not too late to reclaim your dignity.
Do not be swayed with the pieces of siver, Iscariot can confess to you!
Your name has been above board, keep it that way.
According to Comesa’s own web site the role of the Committee of Elders is to anticipate and resolve conflicts. Members are appointed on the back of their experience and expertise in various fields. By definition apolitical.
In short all the arguments about the PF being part to his appointment are hollow at the very least. Not even MMD had anything to do with it. He just has better personal connections, or some people out there value his intellect and experience. Give the man some credit.
….If that is a yardstick for good governance, would it be wrong to assume the opposite when he(Felix)did not manage to get the UN slot….???