Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Kambwili orders construction of access roads to National Heroes Stadium


lusaka stadium2
YOUTH and Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili has directed Shanghai Construction company to start working on the access roads at National Heroes stadium in Lusaka and finish before October.

Mr Kambwili said since the 20 per cent payment of the total K 115, 000 of the project has been paid, it is now time for the constructor to start working on the project and ensure that its done before October.

“We want to host the Zambia 50 years anniversary in the stadium, so I direct the contractor to start the work now and finish them before October,” he said.

The Minister was speaking on the sidelines of a signing ceremony between Road Development Agency (RDA) and CADG Zambia limited for the periodic maintenance of lot 2 of Mpika – Kasama road, 86km from Chambeshi Bridge to Kasama in Muchinga and Northern provinces, at RDA offices in Lusaka yesterday.

The contract whose sum total is K 155, 887, 137.80 is expected to be done within 12 months with scopes of work that include pothole patching, construction of shoulders, reconstruction of selected sections and repair and replacement of drainage structures and road furniture.

RDA chief executive officer Bernard Chiwala said the project will commence within three months from the date of signing of the contract.

“A total of seven companies participated in the bid which CADG Zambia limited won,” he said.

Mr Chiwala said once the project is completed, the road will enhance smooth passage of goods and services between Muchinga and Northern Provinces.


    • I have seen the stadium and its an outstanding marvel but it surrounded by filth and dirty from the near by compound making the whole place an eyesore.

      Why are Zambians allergic to cleanness, orderliness and appreciation of public places?

      Even with this order to construct these access roads, the filth and dirt will remain major issues for people to appreciate the beauty and splendor that this imposing structure has

  1. Hurry up guys with kwacha losing value you might end up with less value for your
    Money, and set the rest aside otherwise work might be abandoned.

  2. These Pathetic Failures(PF).Why should access roads take years to build?If MMD was in power they would have long opened this stadium.Can these danderheads ever build a stadium?They are just like Kaunda who in 27 yrs never built a single stadium.God bless Zambia.

  3. i have never seen a country like Zambia and MMD and worse under PF where filth and disorder is the order of the day. they called the stadium “dissaster” , that is what you’re seeing.

  4. Chances are that there is no budget provision to support the completion of this project. More internal borrowing on the way, more devaluation of the kwacha. What a style of govt management……

    • Even when this selfsame stadium is completed they don’t even know how its going to generate revenue. .what is going to happen to Levy which is also struggling to sustain itself at the moment since matches will ne moved to Lusaka.

  5. What is required is to move the malasha market and the houses across the road elsewhere. Great North road expanded into dual carriageway from Lumumba road junction. Remove the independence arc as it narrows the road. Being too nice to those traders at the area wont do. We have seen enough match day confusion in Ndola and that’s just CB. Think of Lusaka and its miriads of cars.

  6. This minister is also toothles every time i hear Kambwili orders this and that but no body takes him seriously that PF for all talk no action 90 days agone in the wind

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