Deputy Inspector General of Police Solomon Jere has charged that for as long as the political parties do not follow the right procedure to seek permission to go for a peaceful demonstration, they will not be granted the permission.
Dr. Jere says there is also need for the political parties in the country to understand that there is a procedure for them to follow before being granted permission to have their peaceful demonstration.
The Police Deputy IG also notes that the law is very clear that the notification should be submitted at least seven days before the day of doing a peaceful demonstration.
He has particularly singled out the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) as one of the political parties that should not even complain that it was denied permission to have the peaceful demonstration at parliament buildings.
He says police denied granting permission to the UPND because the opposition political party did not meet all the requirements.
Jere is one of those church elders who has really disappointed me. He is man who cant live a life he preaches or sings about. How does he explain the demos staged by PF cadres before without following the so called procedure? Wot did he do when PF cadre threatened to storm parliament n harm innocent MPs? Jere is a man playing double standards and his time is coming. The problem with these little beings is that they think they ll remain there for good n they wud rather appease their bosses other than do right. The good news is that a day of reckoning is coming and drawing nearer very fast.
LUBUTO the law is there to be followed.We should not support people who think they will become popular by constantly rubbing shoulders with the law!Jere is doing his job and you as an indivual should respect that.If you were in his position you would do exactly what Jere is doing.The UPND leadership think they will become popular through demontrations!This is a primitive policy for any party.LUBUTO you should ask HH to give you his manifesto for developng Zambia he wont give you because he does not have it.This is the reason why he keeps critising the pf without offering solutions.If Zambians make a mistake of voting HH into power then there will be confusion because HH knows nothing about running a government.Let him stand as a concillor first in Monze so that he learns what politics is!
Jele niyako once Sata tamuchosapo.
Quote: “He says police denied granting permission to the UPND because the opposition political party did not meet all the requirements”
What the hell are the requirements then? What’s the point of printing this unfinished business on a global online publication? When will the police force be independent of government arm twisting so that our men and women in uniform can carry out their work with honesty? Why don’t you ask this Jere guy what the requirements are?
@ What a life
Whilst I understand that life time failures like you accept few pieces of silver to betray, I am failing to understand how can you comment on Public Order Act without having even basic knowledge of its provisions.
jere how is your girl friend in chelston run are eating place in palm drive road at shurb barkey.
There’s no law in Zambia that requires any political party, other groups or an individual to seek permission from the police or anybody else to protest/demonstrate. The right to gather and demonstrate is enshrined in the constitution.
Even the so called public order act (which is junior to the constitution) just requires the demonstrators to notify the police. Notification is not seeking permission… its merely to ask, rather tell them to go and ensure security to protect both the demonstrators and the public because they are paid to do so. This was proved successfully in a court of law.
Now sometimes cops may say we don’t have resources and in that case the demonstrators can postpone or to choose to go ahead if they feel security will be OK
Mr Jere you have wrongly given yourselves power that is not yours. Its not to ask for permission but to inform you. Reposition yourselves please by doing the right thing.
So Jere and the police have been abusing the law and the constitution. I’m surprised that no lawyer has taken them back to court and put them in their place. What a disappointment the likes of Jere have been… this guy had so much potential to be a good professional after his studies in Aus. Anyway this is what happens when humans choose to trade their souls for job security and pieces of silver.
Cops are untrainable. Even to PhD level a cop will still think like a grade seven
TO: What a Life….
I am sorry but please STOP the dirty of misleading Zambians! What law are you referring to? If it is the Public Order Act, then you are talking out of ignorance. That law talks about informing the police and Not seeking approval or permission. Dr. Jere knows what he is doing by abusing that law.
Fortunately, the Public Order Act is a public document and Zambians who care for decency can get it from the Government Printer and read for themselves. It is a good law which is being abused for partisan political expediency.
As for the UPND Manifesto, let the UPND talk about it, not you What a Life, we do not expect you to be sincere after your misleading comment about the Public Order Act.
Yesterday I posted what is below on ZWD. State institutions have always abused the weak and that includes opposition parties. PF suffered under MMD and the latter under UNIP and so on ad infinitum.
The real question is ‘how will UPND deal with this problem when in power?’
I have always believed that it is state institutions more than anyone else including politicians that make it difficult for Zambia to be an inclusive society.
The police in this case must have acted out of their own myopic thinking and gone ahead to arrest innocent youths without instructions from govt or any other person.
With the tendencies Text tennis borne from throwing religious verses out of context at each other I am afraid I sometimes find it odd that when we discuss stuff we fail to do justice. Simply quoting something that is a small part of the greater statute is what we call seeking mileage while the lion sleeps. If Jere has abrogated the law, which one? Why haven’t lawyers challenged the Police? Why hasn’t LAZ that is always alert to such scenarios sat up and said something to that effect? These are questions we should explore other than hurling insults and bringing up Jere’s alleged escapades in Chelston, among others…
Meant “with the tendencies of playing text tennis…
Its true that even Phd cops do not understand the law they are supposed to admister , the law says inform and NOT get permission. My hope is that cop Jere’s Phd is not a traditional one. He is an embarrassment. I think Dr Malama was only cop with proper Phd but as usual because he was good he was sacked.
It looks like there is problem in interpreting law.
“He says police denied granting permission to the UPND because the opposition political party did not meet all the requirements.”
If such a case, how “learned” Phd. illiterate justify machete carrying ruling party members running amok without his permission?
mr jere sr
what are those requirements to be met.
Exactly the question. We want transparency in the matter.
What the hell are the requirements then? What’s the point of printing this unfinished business on a global online publication with feeble reasoning and leaves a bad taste in the mouth? When will the police force be independent of government arm twisting so that our men and women in uniform can carry out their work with honesty? Why don’t you ask this Jere guy what the requirements are and which one/s did they not meet and how they can pass through this red tape going forward.
Jere, just look for PF uniform, when addressing such matters. Stop abusing that uniform
Jere is an embarrassment to all educated men in Zambia. Not even the infamous POA mentions the word ‘permission’. With such dull bosses, it is to understand why the entire police force has turned into a gang of uniformed streetkids. They mount roadblocks to beg for drinks, newspapers na ma K20. Now they think they can unilaterally change the law so that political parties should get permission from them.
guys just understand the man,he thinks he will be the next ig