UPND president Hakainde Hichilema says his party feels vindicated that its concerns with regards to the respect of human rights by the PF government have been highlighted by the 2013 US Human Rights report for Zambia.
The 2013 US Human Rights Practices in Zambia has outlined a number of human rights concerns including restriction to the freedom to assemble and several attempts to stifle freedom of speech.
Mr. Hichilema said he is happy that what his party and other opposition political parties had earlier reported to the Commonwealth is now being revealed by the US government.
The UPND leader said the report is a further confirmation that there are no human rights in Zambia and that the rule of law has allegedly broken down under the PF government.
He said from the report it is also clear that the PF government is allegedly brutal and dictatorial.
Meanwhile when contacted for a comment on how government viewed concern of restriction to the freedom to assemble which the US Human Rights Practices in Zambia report has brought out, Home Affairs Minister Ngosa Simbyakula declined to comment saying he had not yet studied the report which was released two weeks ago.
USA is not the best country to comment on human rights, they have violated every human right within their country and abroad, HH and UPND should ask the fugitive Synoden now in Russia, you will get the full report – Zambia is better off compared to USA on human rights.
HH doesn’t do for me…sorry…No comment
HH is just reiterating what the US ‘s perception of Zambia’s human right record as of now.
It is not for us to wait for other countries to tell us that PF has decimated all forms of human rights under pretext of maintaining law and order. The moment you realise that MPs have to seek permission to convene meetings with people who elected them then you know that all human rights have been taken away from you.
The only rights existing under PF are for you open your mouth and thank them and praise them for destroying the future of our country. Even when people are struggling to make ends meets they should thank Sata and PF, but for what really?
Its true HH and other opposition parties have been vindicated indeed. What Sata and the PF are doing in this time and age is brewing anger…
Whether HH, US or Robert Mugabe endorses the deteriorating human rights situation in Zambia or not, the fact still remains Sata and his PF have decimated all our small gains in upholding human rights. Sata has created a banana republic where only what he say gets done. He is breaching the existing constitution left right and centre with impunity.
Sata s days are numbered and he knows it. Let him continue ratcheting up pressure in us until it builds up to a point of exploding, then he shall see how annoyed Zambians are with his regime.
It just one day when he will realise that Zambians really get angry if he has forgotten what happened to Chiluba and KK . For him it will be worse because Zambians will want to sent a very strong message to all those wishing to repeat the same…
The Bantustan leader with his big ego-trip in free self-destruction mode
pf is just a joke.This minister has not read a report on Zambia for two weeks yet an opposition leader has read it. Who is at work here. PF should Go Now!
In PF dear, even reading is a problem. Doctors and Professors are lead by a grade 4 drop off and they are called ” most useless MPs” by the in coming dictator.
i doubt if the Minster is doing his job under pf
Home Affairs Minister Ngosa Simbyakula declined to comment saying he HAD NOT YET studied the report which WAS RELEASED TWO WEEKS AGO…typical.
Where is the report? I also need to read it before I comment. I am aware of the West and it’s double standards and support of jingoism.
# Doctor pliz defferenciety between US and USA. Pliz comment on an informed point.
Zambia is a failed state, thanks to greedy politicians and a bind electorate
Let us give president Sata enough time to rule otherwise only his Mps have neglected us the voters more especially our mp for nchanga chingola
Mmembe is such a disgusting human being. In his today’s editorial “Politics of lies”, he waffles and fails to point out that PF leadership got into power because of Politics of Lies. Mmembe jumps on anything good someone else says and makes it dirty, with his warped homosexual thinking. SATA practices politics of lies, period and this so called editor in a soiled body goes about beating the bush about politicians who lie when the truth is just up his ass.
ka (HH) why do you always want to capitalize on bullsht? Is it because you are so used to thriving in cow dung? You think you can do any better at human rights? how do you treat your workers in your businesses? watch out you chap before we arrest you on trumped up charges.
@doctor either you deluded or just dont have a clue about the current abuse of human rights happening in zambia.. justify the following…Multiple political opposition party members have been arrested on pre-textual charges, such as defamation of the president or holding an illegal gathering, for their campaign activities. Political rallies have been blocked by riot police, youth meetings banned, and allegations of corruption occur with increasing regularity. It is to be noted some these actions also occurred under prior administrations; however it does not excuse the continuance, severity or frequency with which this oppression occurs. Freedom of the press is also a recurring concern in Zambia, often in conjunction with political oppression. From censorship of publications (NEXT PAGE)
The problem we have is our vague and oftentimes outdated laws. With the current statutes one doesn’t know whether the law is being followed to the letter, or being abused, or yet still whether loopholes are being capitalized on. We need clearer laws, not good men. The law of defamation for example is so abused that an emotive stance is considered libelous and carried through. That explains to you why we are also witnessing the apparent abuse of this instrument called nolle prosqui.
Its amazing even people who claims to be educated like HH cannot read the world..So what if USA has written that? Its not surprising that the USA can start releasing such reports because Sata betrayed them by not chasing the Chinese when he became president, and his siding with Mugabe and non introduction of HOMOS..Because of all these Sata will be more of an enemy to the USA now..There is no democracy in USA that can be preached in Zambia .From history the USA have been thieves they occupy the land of the red Indians which they massacred. They continue to kill people around the world. We are better of without them. HH is really under five.
When they say people in PF are dull, i used to doubt. But after reading your article, I realize how iliterate you PF supporters are starting from you to your head. Even my Son at high school can not think in a mediocre way like this.
physical harassment of journalists, protecting the free flow of information in Zambia.
buse of individual rights in the areas of labor and consumer protection and an exploitation of the lagging regulatory framework in zambia.
Hate speech towards members of the LGBT community by government officials and within state controlled media.
On 25/03/13. police at Mpulungu police station stripped suspects naked and paraded them in front of the police cells to ascertain whether some of the suspects had traditional charms on them.
On 25/07/13 police arrested and detained Andrew Banda, son of former president Rupiah Banda, for allegedly referring to President Sata as a “Satanist.” Police later released Banda without a clear explanation.
Just a few examples of human rights abuse by PF AND…
Yes, add to that that if you are suspected of being gay you will be paraded before a Medical practitioner who will ascertain whether your behind had a prostate exam done or some other instrument of a biologically protrusive nature was used to explain the state of your – ahem – behind… That is abuse, too, without even going to the so-called sodomy matters (heterosexual a.n.a.l activity must also be brought into this while we are on this subject).
Can you count now what the USA has done or is doing now in other countries. In the USA discrimination is still there. remember hurricane catrina?
If this empty vessel had been reading the report yearly for the last 20 years he would have found the report largely the same, year-to-year. Even the wording is unchanged in places. US embassy should make back copies available for fair analysis
Kasaka HH, you are always the first to champion the calls for our country to be sanctioned by the west. Get a life boy and learn to compaingn on real issues. We understand all of us that you were raised as an abused and molested child. But leave that biterness behind you if want the zambian people to take you serious on issues. It’s not our fault the you had to go through that upbringing and if possible know God the creator, it help you propel you dwindling political ife.
If you don’t find human rights issues important then you are dead wood. Would be happy for me to frame you that you stole every you own and take it way from just like that?
You better watch out. This what will start happening very soon. For now you feel epic because you are part of PF. The day for you to be discarded is just around the corner, and on that day you remember HH, demands for human rights as will be yelling ” its not fair its not fair”
Better abused and successful than be unabused but destitute like you. HH is a model of a Zambian. Humble upbringing but admirably successful by any standard. Insult him as you wish but you will take away nothing from him. He has achieved great things than you whose only achievement is Patriotic Front language of insults and probably their regalia as well.
Differences of opinion in politics is healthy and desirable. The report that was critical regarding Zambia’s performance in Human Rights needs to be contextualized. Judging by Western standards, there is room for improvement in Zambia. Similarly, judging by Zambian standards, there is room for improvement in US and in other Western countries. Perfection is a virtue. On that basis, it is wrong for any opposition political party to claim its own righteousness.
@doctor u sound so dull how do u compare and call snowdyn leaking national security information as human rights abuse and stoping pipo to freely assemble,what are you doing in the states?yo statements is misplaced these are 2 diferent issues
Is it true that PF runs a Gay Club and that is why they have not written anything against gays in their newspapers. The watchdog revealed that one big fish in PF is gay and screws the mother. Can someone confirm or refute the Watchdog revelations. PF please come out clean.
The US Human Rights= gayism. Zambia will never be swayed by such reports. We know alot about some of these communities and we know our values better. Forget about the US bra- bra…..
Human rights & abused democracies are usually a source of dispondency in Africa,thereby for everyone’s safety we design them for use in our local communities that will enhance governance.Mr HH tell us alternative governance plans that helps improve our societies this being an arlarmist won’t win you votes.
@kudos, you are a of goat, uli mbushi, what did hh’s cows do to you kanshi ??? and yet you enjoy the T-bone from hh’s farms. we are watching you, careful!!!!
Beware of a presidential candidate who declares 7 guns as part of his net worth.
The USA is just sad Zambia has given no room to their gays full stop. Let this government support the gays, you will see how quickly they will praise the Zambian govt on human rights. I stopped trusting the USA. They have double standards in most of the things they have been doing especially in Africa.
Althought I do not support the PF on a number of things, I do not find any integrity in the USA and I find it very strange for anyone to be exercited by their report.