The Movement for Multiparty Democracy stands solidly with the aspirations of all the youth in our Nation.
We are aware of the anxiety and fears of all our young people as they look at the diminishing opportunities in our country. As we seek to celebrate youth day, we are mindful of the many difficulties which confront our youth. The issue of unemployment remains a painful setback to the well being of our youth. The high cost of education has made it difficult for many families to break the grip of poverty. The HIV/AIDS pandemic has continued to threaten the lives of many of our young people.
[pullquote]It has become absolutely clear that march pasts have become the only youth programs in the nation[/pullquote]
It has become absolutely clear that march pasts have become the only youth programs in the nation. The PF government has no road map to pull our youth out of the ditch of despondency.
The New MMD back in government will ensure that compulsory education is introduced for all Zambians in order to eliminate both poverty and ignorance. In order to build a modern progressive society, education must once again become the number one priority.
In the health sector, a lot of our youth have fallen through the cracks of a non working health policy of the PF. Most families cannot afford to take their young to the hospital because of lack of funds. The New MMD back in government will ensure an equitable scheme that allows all Zambians access to medical care.
As we celebrate Youth day, our young are walking the streets with university degrees but without jobs. This is extremely painful for families across the country. Due to a lack of clear economic policy by the PF, investors have either stopped their usual trek to Zambia or they have now with held further investment into our economy. This diminished economic activity continues to subtract from the few jobs on the market.
MMD believes that Zambia has what it takes to provide the necessary goods and services equitably to all Zambians including the youth. The current crisis the nation faces is that of leadership and clarity of vision for the youth.
We call upon all youth to place a demand on government to ensure that youth programmes and benefits are extended to all youth and not PF youth only.
Happy youth day.
“Our young are walking the streets with university degrees but without jobs. This is extremely painful for families across the country.”
PF has only been in government for 2 years, MMD 20 years. How would PF create jobs overnight? MMD should have created these so called jobs when they were in government.
Yes the MMD was in power for 20 yrs After inheriting a Govt that was bankrupt( there was no money in Govt Coffers). The art of destroying a nation is done in a short period of time but to build it takes long. What some of us are worried about is that instead of at least stabilizing the economy they have taken us back nearly 10 years back in two years in power. He has not taken us through his development plan for the nation- but the truth is he has none. His plan is to govern the country from behind the keyboard through George Chellah’s facebook page. All economic, social and moral indicators are showing red lights. Before we realize we will be worse off than when MMD took over from Kaunda. In short PF and Sata in particular have nothing and nothing to offer the people of Zambia.
I think you were not in Zambia, because the 20 years you are talking about, Sata spent more years in MMD than Nevers. Think, what are you talking about. Use your head please.
Great message and politics aside. PF enters 3 years in government but we have no idea of the youth policy.
Precisely what we all know of MMD Party-Bedrock of Zambian Democracy. Dr Mumba puts a fitting response on this Youth day. I can’t help reminding voters that MMD is the only party with solidly set democratic structures that no individual can dismantle, it’s been done right, it will stay that way. It also beats me why there should be anyone out there giving PF votes now and in future.With this presidential statement Mumba has put out, don’t be surprised at how close presidential votes will be come 2016. Keep going MMD, you’re doing it right, we know there no shortage of brains in there.Kaponyas will soon be dealt a blow.
Where is Chingola township? I grew up on the CB and I never heard of such a township
Now you are talking. Is MMD ready to roll?
MMD is coming back into power come 2016 satan is going to be kicked out.