Monday, March 10, 2025

President Sata fires Home Affairs Deputy Minister and reshuffles cabinet


File:President Sata addresses a Cabinet meeting
File:President Sata addresses a Cabinet meeting

President Sata has with immediate effect relieved Hon. Alfredah Kansembe, of her duties as Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The President thanked Hon. Kansembe for the services rendered to the country during her tenure of office. This is according to a press statement released to the media by George Chellah special assistant to the president for press and public relations.

On December 30th 2013 during the swearing in of Minister of Home Affairs Ngosa Simbyakula,President Sata openly told off Home Affairs deputy minister Alfredah Kansembe that he was aware that she was planning to resign from her position challenging her that she had joined politics alone and should therefore resign if she wanted.

Meanwhile President Sata has transferred Minister of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Hon. Harry Kalaba to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the same capacity. Hon. Kalaba replaces Hon. Wylbur Simusa, who has been transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in the same capacity.

The President has also transferred Hon. Emmanuel Chenda from the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry to the Ministry of Local Government and Housing. Hon. Chenda replaces Hon. Emerine Kabanshi, who has been transferred to the Ministry of Community Development, Mother and Child Health in the same capacity.

Furthermore, the Head of State has moved Hon. Mwansa Kapeya from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services to the Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. Hon. Kapeya has been replaced with Hon. Dr. Joseph Katema, who before the reshuffle was Minister of Community Development, Mother and Child Health.

While Hon. Robert Sichinga has been transferred from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry in the same capacity.

The Head of State says he was confident that the ministers will discharge the functions of their respective offices both to his satisfaction and that of the Zambian people.

The reshuffles are with immediate effect.


    • How can a whole country be taken for a ride by this du*ll guy called Sata? He is ever joking and making light of serious issues. He continues this useless habit of reshuffles that started in Kaunda era, continued throughout the MMD era, and still persists today, but without any fruit to show for it. I hope HH will stop this reshuffle system when he comes to office in 2016. Ministers should be appointed based on Merit and specialization of labor. If a minister under performs, they should be fired and replaced and not moved around from ministry to ministry. It is confusion and it will never work.

    • When I always comment that Sata is overwhelmed by smoke, most of you end up insulting me, and not the other way round.
      Sata lishilu, never get settled, and will never be, so crocked, and unpredictable. He only missed three portfolios, The Injustice Minister and Minister of Sex Tourism.

    • @The Bricklayer; you are right about appointing someone into a position of their compitence. I will be civil and not mention names but some of the ministers that are being moved have no relevant experience regarding the portfolio they are holding. Granted there may be technocrats in the ministry who understand the fine details, but it would help if the minister had some grounding in the operations of the ministry for then, the man/woman is able to articulate or argue policy with out difficulty. Has it ever been a concern with the size of delegations that go out for meetings? Basically there has to be a large support staff to prop the ill qualified ministers during negotiations and bi-lateral discussions. Most of the ministers including, sadly, the Veep, is sign praises of Sata.

    • This a clasic example of a trial and error govt. How come HE is failing to fire Bob Sichinga? The man has failed beyond belief in Ministry of Agriculture….. and he has a history of lamentably failing in the ministry is being moved back to. Mwansa Kapaya to be taken to Ministry of Community Development, Mother and Child Health is a laughable matter in itself. Now Katema another failed MP in Chingola being the next govt spokes person is beyond normal reasoning.

    • Well not surprised at all. Firing reshuffling and hiring thats all what people voted Sata for. Nothing else.

      Instead of addressing many issues people are complaining about, he chooses to be mute. He can not engage the public through a press conference but hides behind the police each time he is challenged . What a weak president?

      I think Sata is a wimp who fears to take on people fair and square and answer questions from them. He is currently hiding behind face book. Why does he not fire and hire through face book it is that important.

    • The following are the names mentioned in the above article.
      Where are these people from? Does this small sample of a limited reshuffle represent a true reflection of the many different dialects we have in the country? Do you see a bias? No rocket science knowledge required. This is reshuffling of the stup1d PF MPs.

      Hon. Alfredah Kansembe
      Ngosa Simbyakula
      Hon. Harry Kalaba
      Wylbur Simusa
      Hon. Emmanuel Chenda
      Hon. Emerine Kabanshi
      Hon. Mwansa Kapeya
      Hon. Dr. Joseph Katema
      Hon. Robert Sichinga

    • Sorry to chip in late but I couldn’t care less about this old relic president. He would never be even a PS here in Europe. He needs to stop favouring his wife’s churchmates.


    • “The Head of State says he was confident that the ministers will discharge the functions of their respective offices both to his satisfaction and that of the Zambian people.”

      My ASS


    • @Nostradamus
      i cant believe this! this is extreme for Sata. The bashelubemba must bewitching Sata, he seems to be under a spell of confusion,,, his memory seems twisted,
      But the problem with Sata himself is that he refuses to be prayed for and his hides his sickness

    • This is the tragic comedy that keeps giving non-stop: no commercial breaks, no epilogue, no national anthem…..

    • @Ndobo, and worse timing is that Sata is firing women when we are mourning the QUEEN of Kingdom of Barotseland, who died in Lusaka, Zambia just 2 days ago. This is additional sign that the man of Christina Kaseba has no respect of neither of the traditional leaders, being in Northern or Western.

  1. That is all we should expect from Sata,those that are expecting more than this please stop before you get hospitalised due to heart attack

  2. He seems to be in a very bad mood lately, I could tell from that video when he was reprimanding Mr Zulu, I wonder why! Whose next?

  3. It’s like a game of Three-card Monte.

    Keep your eye on the Minister and his portfolio. Now which one’s which?

  4. Very confusing indeed. He is imitating Kaunda. Next he will blame millers for the high cost of mealie meal, and then starting nationalising companies with the view of appointing MD among PF cadres.

    • Ooops!!! Got confused with DR Joseph Katema and DR Joseph Kasonde.
      Wonder why we have Ministry of HEALTH as well as Ministry of Community Development, Mother and Child HEALTH. To me that’s duplicity.

  5. LOl! Hahahahahahahahaahahahahha! Dreamer. Any way it has paid so soon

  6. reshuffling, reshuffling – everyday reshuffling !! This is a costly exercise. Can’t you b more productive Mr. president?

    • Reshuffles happen when the president fails to set performance expectations for members of his cabinet. These guys are expected to set their own performance targets. Where personal interests conflict with public service, personal interests win, which is usually the norm, not the exception.

  7. All others aside I am happy with the placement of Wilbur because of his levelheadedness and open mindedness. He’s one guy who in my interactions with him is open to fresh ideas and consultations. I verily doubt the competencies of and difference the Ifyabukaya man will make at Ministry of lands.

    • I agree with you @Job. Was with Wilbur at Uni and he was/is a down to earth chap with a strong christian ethos. However, in 30 months of PF being in power how many portfolio’s has say Wilbur or Kalaba held? Minimum its three posts. Are they and others being moved for over achievement or lack of it? Could it be that they are being moved before they establish themselves and start getting noticed? Surely, each ministry has a whole set of different policy documents and action plans. And going by my caluclations, on average 10 months is being spent on an assignment. Is this time long enough to be effective in a job and acquaint oneself with the operations of a given ministry? Or is it job on training or it doesnt matter? Just wondering…

    • Are the PF MPs even expected to PLAN?

      Last time I heard that Little HaHa had stolen Cimbwi’s plan. Has Cimbwi retrieve it since then? LOOOOOOLLLLLLL!!!!!!!

    • What are Christian ethos?
      “All have sinned and have fallen short…”
      “Hang out with dogs and you soon start scratching like one”

      His Christian ethos, assuming there is such thing, would have informed him not to pally around with flea-infested hypocrites.

  8. Sorry madam Alfredah, it’s bad to lose employement but thank God for the closed doors, God has thought of something bigger than being a vice minister. The man should control his temper we saw it when he was shouting to Lawyer. But why has he ommited Masebo?

    • Good question why leave Masebo? Chenda goes to local government yes he will do better he is conversant with the running of councils, Kalaba foreign affairs ???? Kapeya was doing fine at information now Environment ???? Sichinga total failure everywhere.The best way to go – re align the ministry you dont need things which look like two health ministries ,

  9. Reshuffles reshuffles It does not make any difference . It is the same bunchof failures it is like changing plate but same rotten relish. Fili uko tuya . Impande yalubile mukwalula . Umulembwe wachipuba upwila muli Tumfwe . Fundi Mwaiche alya imo ashika nobuchinga . Mwelubemba nabashilubemba abana benu Bapwilapo ngapabwalwa . Uwanjikatila mumwana nenyi kamfule fitebo Naisa imfwale amatebela . Umuku tapusa akebo ,,,,, Uukwebele imfwa yakwano Mutanshi

  10. Garbage in garbage out! garbage on point A garbage on B! The fact that you have reshuffled them is enough proof that you are not satisfied with their current performance in their current positions. For once Mr. president you would have done the right thing, though we understand you want to keep your friends around you. Since reshuffles is development in your eyes Mr. President, please do reshuffle them again tomorrow again.

  11. These are UNIP scare tactics… shuffle the deck so that no-one in the cab is ‘safe’… and show who is the boss… ba Sata is a UNIP in a canoe or PF clothing.

  12. What kind of people do we have this country everything about the president Sata IS bad let me tell you something your interest will never be head everything he does is bad are you normal the thing you should not forget is every country has one president there will be no three or four presidents at state house everything has got it on time time is coming to have your on president for now we have president Sata at state house period if i may ask is reshuffles new to you you have never head of it

    • @ Macha Muhango
      What is your point? You seem to be waffling with words you don’t even appear to understand. The whole of your paragraph or is it sentence does not make any sense. Yes we have heard of reshuffles many a time and we know that there is only one president at a time. We also know that Zambian is the only country with a mad president. So what are you trying to say?

    • For your information @macha; reshuffles are made to inject fresh ideas and impetus into a flagging cabinet. If in your view this resuffle represents a hydraulic jump in performance then that explains why as a country we are making little progress. Furthermore, if by electing a president translates into a nation going into slumber while the said president leads the nation into a ditch, then why not announce to the world and its mother that we are a dictatorship and not a democracy.

    • What is not normal is that everything this man does is wrong. And what makes matters even strange is that paid up people like you see no wrong, in tribal politics. Just look at the names being mentions above. Vindictiveness is also normal for you, why is sister to Mwamba being fired, when it is clear people like Bob Sichinga have failed every assignment.

    • Go back to school and learn how to punctuate.bOnce you have mastered that, you can come back and make your point. Your diarrhoea-ing here doesn’t hold any stool.

  13. What i do know is the if the policies set are followed, then there is no problem of who the head of that particular ministry is, it’s a long time i have known of a minister who suits a ministry he/she is appointed to. To me, if the PS is the same and policies made are followed then everything is fine. The ministers themselves are just political noisy tins with no proper direction, active during campaigns but mostly hopeless once rewarded with a desk, keeping them in a ministry for long they tend to feel they own it. Just like cows flog them around to keep them alert to the cause, some of these ministries are not effective after all, and if their are it’s the PS who does the job, the minister and it’s deputy are political appointees, and mostly boot licking the man on the helm.

    • Are you just off the bus?The PS at Ministry of Justice Akafumba is a PF cadre who stood for the position of Livingstone Central MP and when he lost was made PS by Sata.In short most of the controlling officers are cadres.

  14. Why Allow Mmembe confuse us through Chief Liar Nkomeshya? Nothing has changed but the post is trying to confuse chiefs that land has been taken away from them through liar chief Nkomeshya. Before, land was vested in the president. In the draft constitution, land is still vested in the president as follows:

    2013 Draft
    296. (1) Land is vested in the President and held by the President in trust for, and on behalf of, the people of Zambia.
    (2) Land shall be administered and controlled for the common benefit of the people of Zambia.
    297. (1) Land shall be delimited and classified as State land, customary land and such other classification, as prescribed.
    (2) The President may, through the Lands Commission, alienate land to citizens and non-citizens, as prescribed.
    (3) Land shall be…

    • Current Constitution (old)
      The 1995 Land Act vests all Zambian land in the President and recognizes two tenure types: customary tenure and leasehold rights to state land.
      Customary tenure can be converted into private leasehold tenure over state land at the election of the holder of the customary tenure. Once converted, customary rights are extinguished and the land cannot be converted back to customary tenure.
      Zambia’s Water Act (1996) vests ownership of Zambia’s water resources (excluding those that form international boundaries) in the President.

    • M.embe is a learned colleague. Alas, he has turned into what I will not mention. He is vested with the contents of :
      the Lands Act ; the Lands and Deeds Registry Act ; the Land [Perpetual Succession] Act ; the Land Survey Act ; the Lands Acquisition Act ; the Housing [Statutory and Improvement Areas] Act ; the Common Leasehold Schemes Act.

      According to current law ( Sect 3 of the Lands Act of 1995) in Zambia all land is vested absolutely in the President and is held by him in perpetuity for and on behalf of the people of Zambia. This include state and customary land.

      What is the mischief in the draft constitution?

  15. Dr Kaunda,Dr Chiluba,Mwanawasa and banda they used to do the same what is the matter with you re sentry the president of Malawi did the same every where in this world do the same now because it is president Sata it has become an issue fuss

  16. masha mhango you speak sense dear. let these pigs die with envy. if these pigs think are more intelligent than our ministers then where were they when PF was looking for MPs? The same you condemn every day shall be our ministers. But if you want to be nominated then get closer to the drams to get and understand the rhythm.

    • Its because they are useless mps. Dont you know who said that, what drams are you talking about? If you mean drums, then I will say this to you: You can know from the sound coming out of a drum whether it is off tune or not even from a distance. You risk being deaf if you came close to such a drum!

  17. What about Uncle Chikwanda, Summer Kabimba and Dude Scott? Anyway, they are all sycophants – ba Sebana Wikute except GBM or Ginormous Bag of Maize.

  18. I don’t think even Kaunda reshuffled as many times as Sata has done in the short 2.5 years the PF has been in power, relatively. When we were at school during Kaunda’s reign, we had posters of the cabinet on the classroom wall. They didn’t change as often because when we were asked even months later, on the street, we could recite who was minister at which ministry. Apart from the so-called ‘A team’, you will struggle during this PF tenure to remember who is minister of what at any given point. Anyway, in terms of Sata’s work, reshuffling, dismissing and swearing in, are the easiest tasks he is able to carry out.

  19. Reshuffles cost money and can result into over-run budgets. Obviously State house thinks otherwise. And it does not help children know how things are meant to run in the country and the world at large. Am in!!!

  20. Any chance the new foreign affairs minister ends up in Australia or sends a preferred attaché? What with all his previous experience overturning ZEMA decisions. 😉

  21. Any chance the foriegn minister send a preferred attaché to the island continent, what with overturning ZEMA decisions and stuff? A transparent smoke screen.

  22. Maybe these reshuffled Ministers could have been the Katuba referenced “non performing Useless MP’s”, while we see some (perhaps useful MP’s) have not been touched despite indicators they may have been on the reshuffle line: CHIKWANDA remains at Finance, WYNTER remains at Justice, MASEBO remains at Tourism, KAMBWILI remains at Sports, ED. LUNGU remains at Defence, SIMBYAKULA remains at Home Affairs, PHIRI remains at Education, INONGE at Womens, LUO at Chiefs, KAZEMBE remains at Health…..OOOOOOooooooooOOps! have i missed some one from the list? Change is good given that one (HEMCS) has full information on the capabilities and inadequacies of each of his Ministers.

  23. It appears many of our contributers discuss issues based on personality. If you look at world politics and governance,you discover that what SATA did was reasonable except people are always looking for reasons to deamonise him or people are not well informed on issues they talk about hence showing your ignorance and primitive.Its technocrats,the proffesionals at each ministry who do the job. Even when you want your leader to win election, do so with civility so that others join you as well rather than insulting others every day. You dont need to have a degree to become the president. I have seen a lot of graduates who have failed to live meaningful life here in England and even there in Zambia.My father never went to school but his life knowledge and exeprience has made me who Iam today.

    • I think the difference between ur father and sata, is that your father used the knowledge he gained over the years. People usually forget, the reason we learn is to apply that knowledge to solve problems. This is not the mentality of sata, ask the lawyer he disgraced yesterday. Sata appears not to know what he wants. Other presidents did reshuffle but it was 1, 2 or 3 ministers. Yes the technocrats do the work, but I think ministers have to lead like managers and consistence in leadership and manner of doing things will help alot, not this business.

  24. Reshuffles are necessary whenever necessary to prop up the cabinet. Well done Mr. President, we dont want people becoming too familiar and corrupt with their offices.
    Tough luck Alfredah you probably deserve it going by the breakdown of law and order that you have allowed from UPND cadres.

  25. These insults being hailed are just a nuisance!!! Zambians need to grow and know that they really drain a news reader. Awee if this is the freedom of speech chachilamo mwee. Mr Sata is old enough to command a certain level of respect. Zambia needs repentance as a nation daily. Which God would bless us????

  26. i wonder which leaders support insults. anyway it depends on where you come from.
    reshuffles are normal in all governments,ministers are not suppose to be comfortable with there positions. In fact we were not doing fine as a country in the following ministries :commerce, local government,foreign and information,that is why the kwacha is getting weaker and weaker all the time because we are failing to attract foreign investment. Its not all the time that we suppose to wait for the president to post on face book for us to be informed! its minister of information to inform us. The towns are dirt typhoid everywhere. garbage even on bus stops. But councils have bought tipper trucks to do all those works but lack of supervision.

  27. President Sata is ruling according to the mandate he was given by Zambians in 2011. Reshuffles are normal in a functioning government. Exposing ministers to different roles and challenges is a sure way of ruling by consensus. There is nothing wrong the president has done by merely reshuffling his ministers. The hollow and cheap talk laundered on this blog by anti-Sata band of *****s is nauseating. You skunks you foolishly think by insulting Sata you will make your under five HH become president, NEVER.

  28. Compare this kind of stuff with our neighbor Botswana, a minister in Bots can stay for many years in the same post, I ve known a certain minister who stayed in one ministry for over 10 years until us to his retirement. If you compare Zambia with Bots, our friends are million miles ahead in terms of development, i.e ubusaka, level of education, planning, look at the level of development, they have better infrastructure, better housing, better roads, better water reticulation system, better health facilities, better education facilities, almost all the village and towns are electrified, they have met their 2015 millennium dev goals, above all they are a democracy to reckon with, given another 10 years Botswana will beat even countries like Romania. I know many will say @ banono in…

  29. numbers but what of Rwanda, you need a good consitution and respect the rule of law. We need to be taught to separate the person and the president’s office, if we accept that the presidency is just a job, then we will be some where, but as long as we have that ‘big man syndrome’ or ‘patrol’ as Mobutu’s cronies sung this day & night, then we are in trouble. Thats why President Ian Khama can drive himself, and does not need a body guard to move around over the weekend, you can approach him in the streets when he is off duty have chart with him, he is a hands on president. Its sad that we have lunatics who see nothing wrong in the PF govt denying us a better consitution. They see nothing wrong in resources being looted and plundered. People being brutalised by the police, and they are…

  30. Due to complete lack of intellectual talents, the President is being misled to creating a bigger “hate” constituency that will lead to his crashing downfall. Mmembe and Kabimba as prominent advisers tying a perfect noose to hang their President.

    Mmembe and Kabimba (etc) have buried their heads in the sand believing that GBM is a loner. Yet GBM has a very large chunk of supporters in Northern Province. GBM support base is enhanced by his Bemba Chiefs and village headmen who command the grassroots.
    MP Hon. Alfredah Kansembe has many friends and sympathisers too, constituting a sum total that drastically reduces Sata’s popularity.

    The truth is that many PF Ministers are active silent burners waiting for the right time to glow out of PF’s mystery of darkness.

  31. How do people work with so many reshuffles, firings with no proper reason, how do you
    Support someone firing his pals , these things create fear in the people who are supposed to do their jobs properly, instead of doing a good job they instead become kissAss and not productive , you can work well being pretentious , looking at the picture
    You can tell they are not themselves, trying too hard to please their master .

  32. That picture (at the top) ladies and gents is the picture of the worst government led by the worst president ever – you may wish to file it to remind your children’s children so they don’t make the same mistake as our generation did!

  33. In his book, Africa Twasebanae, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, predicted the nonsensities being experienced in the PF Government. there is only one thing we ought to do as a people and that is TO GET ANGRY AND REFUSE to allow a clique of selfish indoviduals to squander the opportunities which God gave to this country for the benefit of its people. Enough is enough. the hour is now to act. Enough retoric and enough of being passangers in a sinking boat. The late President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa once called Zzimbabwe under Uncle Bob’s leadership a sinking titanic. I know where his grave is, but I don’t know what he could have called this government. I have spoken.

  34. Well done pressident SATA – one good way of fighting corruption. Continue with the good work, we are behind you.

    • true one way of fighting corruption and forming an inner circle for fruad. These ministries have money and these changes are good. especially with imediate effect.

  35. For me this should be a positive thing to do. Or these guys would be too comfortable if left in the same ministry for a long time.

  36. Pray for mother Zambia, MPS and Ministers work hard to help the President achieve his dream of a better Zambia for all of us. As for civil servants remember we are the ground soldiers, in the Army, Police, and other security wings it is COMPLY and COMPLAIN later.

  37. I may disagree with the way the leaders are doing things hence i am of right to express my views and hopefully with solutions. However, I will never insult the elders including the president. Please let us debate but leave insults outside the de

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