Thursday, March 20, 2025

Acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda happy with ZIALE pass rate


PART of the 64 lawyers who were admitted to the bar during the Call Day for Petitioners in Lusaka
PART of the 64 lawyers who were admitted to the bar during the Call
Day for Petitioners in Lusaka

Acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda has expressed happiness with the huge increase in the number of legal advocates that have been admitted to the bar this year compared to last year.

A total of 64 legal advocates out of the 181 who sat for the November 2013 Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education (ZIALE) examinations have been admitted to the bar compared to only 11 last year.

Justice Chibesakunda said this development should remove doubts being entertained by some sections of society that ZIALE has set numbers of advocates who must pass its examinations each year.

She said passing of examinations at ZIALE is determined by the ability of the candidates to pass the examinations in a particular year.

The Acting Chief Justice said this during the Call Day for 64 lawyers for admission to the bar at the Supreme Court in Lusaka yesterday.

She urged the lawyers to abide by the professional and ethical requirements that will make them deserve the prestige of being called learned and that the oath that they had undertaken should guide their careers away from professional misconduct.

Justice Chibesakunda cautioned the advocates that their certificates of admission to the bar can be withdrawn if they depart from the rules of the professional conduct and ethics.

She observed that society expects lawyers to play an important role in promoting peace, order and stability as well as enhancing the reigning of the rule of law in society.

She further advised them to handle cases of their clients to the best of their professional abilities but was quick to warn the lawyers against handling cases when they are not adequately prepared.

And ZIALE Director Enock Mulembe said 181 candidates attempted the November 2013 Examinations out of which 64 successfully passed compared to last year where
only 11 candidates qualified.

Mr. Mulembe advised the lawyers that in order for them to excel in their profession, they need to conduct themselves with honest, integrity and decency and also have respect for other professions.

And Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) President James Banda urged the advocates to maintain high standards of professionalism.

Mr. Banda further called on the advocates consult from their fellow learned colleagues who have been in the legal fraternity for a long time.



  1. Hearty congratulation to Mr Mulembe for terminating the scandal at ZIALE. Zambia needs at least 10 000 lawyers. There is too much work for the current less than 1 000 lawyers for a population of 13 million.

    • Well done, Good start ZIALE. You can do better though. We need at least 50% pass rate. Deliberately failing students is very unethical for an institution that sings ethics and integrity

    • With this permanent ACTING Chief Justice, it’s clear our judiciary is another HOLYWOOD. So will keep recording the movie as she ACTS pertually…

  2. Good start ZIALE. You can do better though. We need at least 50% pass rate. Deliberately failing students is very unethical for an institution that sings ethics and integrity

    • “… Justice CHibesakunda cautioned the advocates that their certificates of admission to the bar can be withdrawn if they depart from the rules of professional ethics and conduct…” … YES!!!! And this includes ACCEPTING A POSITION FOR WHICH YOU’RE TOO OLD!!!!!

  3. So what do we get from this?Is this confirmation that they were deliberately failing students?If so do the culprits or lecturers get away with apparent misconduct?

  4. I will also express happiness, madam Chibeskunda, if you went home from the office and permanently stayed there. Grow a few tomatoes in your backyard while you are at it.

  5. For how long is she going to act as Chief Justice, anyway?we need to b serious in this country!its true we need a new constitution which will give proper direction than having one person keeping everyone guessing on the path to take as a country in such situations when one cannot b ratified by parliament!

  6. Did this woman really say “abide by the professional and ethical requirements …. the oath that they had undertaken should guide their careers away from professional misconduct.” ??????

    SO NOW WE HAVE A HYPOCRITE AND A LIAR AS THE HEAD OF THE JUDICARY IN ZAMBIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A sad day for Justice in Zambia.

    Madam, you have accepted your post which you are very well aware is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and ILLEGAL. You have not been ratified by Parliament as required under the law!

    So what are you talking about? Are you mad or just STUPlD?

  7. What has happened? The dull lawyers have suddenly become intelligent. This is a positive on ZIALE. However this implies that there is something wrong with people charged with the responsibility of handling Exams in our higher institutions of learning in Zambia. Maybe there is need for a central body which should be preparing and marking the Exams like it is with TEVETA or international exam bodies like that for ACCA. This will even force the lecturers (and students alike) to work harder unlike a situation where they teach, examine and mark(judge, jury, executioner).

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