Thursday, March 20, 2025

Don’t Repeat Firing Nurses, Saunders tells Government


Political activist Dante Saunders delivers a speech during the gathering to demand for the release of the Zambian constitution
Political activist Dante Saunders delivers a speech during the gathering to demand for the release of the Zambian constitution

A political activist Dante Saundas says the ruling Patriotic Front government should not repeat the ill timed firing of nurses again.

Commenting on government’s decision to pardon the nurses who went on an illegal strike last year Mr Saundas said government should not have fired the nurses in the place and that it should not repeat the action which was condemned by many stakeholders.

He observed that government has realized that it can’t replace the nurses with cadres hence the move to pardon them as it has no choice.

He further accused government of not having the people’s interest at heart when they fired the nurses.

“Those people they don’t experience the impact of having qualified nurses, doctors and teachers so it is very hard for them to understand. One can not train somebody, you take years to train nurses and then later on you just dismiss them”. Mr Saunders said.

He added that bringing the nurses back was the right thing to do as nurses look at people’s interests by providing a very important service to society.

“Very rightfully so they have realized that you can’t feel in those positions with party cadres because no party cadre can be able to do a job of a nurse, doctor or teacher because you need training to do that, therefore, for me I think they have done the right thing bringing these people back and they should not repeat it”.

Yesterday government pardoned all the nurses who were fired for taking part in an illegal strike last year which paralyzed operations in some health institutions among them the country’s largest referral hospital, the University Teaching Hospital (UTH).


  1. Well done PF. The move you have taken is a great one as it will benefit ordinary Zambians. What im not comfortable is you calling it pardoning or forgiveness, i would rather you just reinstate them because you were the one at fault and not the nurses. Just let them go and save the lives of people though more than half of the number is already employed outside the country. It has now come to your senses that 2016 is now approaching.

  2. The Govt realised that they had lost a lot of nurses after only a handful re applied and discovered most of them are across the boarders making better money.. they simply failed to replace them nurses so ninsoni shonse ishi and can’t accept they made a terrible mistake

  3. This is serious back paddling for the boat after realising that it was heading nowhere!!! Kikikikiki!!!!! Let it be with costs for traumatising the nurses and their children, dependants, friends, husbands, wives, parents and endless lists!!! we have the cleverest boma in the world in the name of Proven Failures (PF) or did I hear power failures!!!

  4. I personally just like many other kept informing that firing of nurses was a no brainer. Whether many a citizen ifrom opposition or from PF, that firing was dullness at basic, acting without thinking holistically on the nurses case. You promise, when your promise fail you go fire the people you promised just because the complained! A terrible blunder, just like on Chitimukulu, GBM, uncecessary bye-elections, constitution, and many other themes, sectors orareas. PF put the ball on the ground and listen. You may end up with one term, you have vommited to many mistakes! You are drifting far away from what the populace expect of you. Rethink or you have quick sand under your feet!

  5. Thank you PF. Now also bring back those you caused to die because of the state-made shortage of nursing staff. The new constitution should provide that all govt officials should die with us in our clinics and hospitals, and not run to SA or India for oxygen. Tulechula bonse guys. Ifitala!

  6. Ifikansa fya calo fyaliba ifyafya. Umuntu awifwile ukukwata umutwe uwa londoloka, Pakuti atungulule bwino. Meaning National politics are complicated and a person needs to be level headed to lead well.

  7. Saunders likes speaking nonsence. Blooody loudmouth do you know how many people those unethical nurses killed by being absent from work?

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