Thursday, March 20, 2025

President Sata’s son, Kazimu reported to police for assault


Vice President Guy Scott (right) talks to President Micahel Sata's son Kazimu (centre) and his wife Tiwonge Mukobeko during their wedding reception in Lusaka over the weekend.
Vice President Guy Scott (right) talks to President Micahel Sata’s son Kazimu (centre) and his wife Tiwonge Mukobeko during their wedding reception in Lusaka

President Michael Sata’s son Kazimu Sata has been reported to Kabwata police by freelance journalist Thomas Zgambo for assault and a docket has since been opened against him.

Kazim last weekend violently and physically attacked Zgambo at a social spot in Kabwata, an incident that shocked many on-lookers.

According to a medical report dated 13th March 2014 obtained by the Daily Nation, Zgambo, who is currently in court on trumped up charges, sustained injuries on his ribs after he was beaten by Kazimu for unknown reasons.

The medical report signed by Dr Prince Kanyio reveals that Zgambo had his left ribs bruised apart from the soft tissue rupture he sustained after he was physically assaulted by Kazimu who recently got married.

The medical report reads in part: “Thomas Zgambo sustained pains on the left ribs after being beaten by the person he can identify if seen. His ribs are bruised on the left side and have soft tissue damage”

Zgambo confirmed having reported Kazimu to Kabwata police and said he did not understand why the President’s son Sata attacked him on the material day.

Zgambo said while he was reluctant to report Kazimu to police, he had been forced by the unrepentant and unremorseful behavior by Kazimu whom he said he had given seven days in which to discuss the matter without involving the police.

Zgambo said he was shocked that President Sata’s son could publicly engage in physical confrontations with people who did not provoke him adding that he had restrained himself from retaliating because of the respect he had for the Head of State.“Kazimu Sata was unprovoked and he was with friends in a Pajero and soon after seeing me, he quickly jumped off the vehicle and came to me and started throwing punches below my diaphragm and ribs while shouting obscenities.

“I struggled to defend myself and restrained to fight back because of the respect I have for the President. So I have decided to report him to Kabwata police because I thought he was going to find time to see me but it appears the law has to help me to find out why he violently attacked me,” Zgambo said.


  1. That drunkard has time for fighting instead of playing love games with the new acquisition? the guy should be in his early 40s and wants to behave like a toddler!

    • Kazim be warned, KGB training will soon be made use on you easily.

      Kazim needs to abducted and taught a good lesson. His malondas are easy to evade with a bit technological gadgetry to fo.o.l them. If he carries on thats exactly what he is gona get next time I hear he is bahaving like his father.

    • Thomas Zyimbo has reported to wrong people, not the ZP. He should have reported that dirty-distigusting-thug, to some one who accept him as a son.

    • I think they select whom to attack, if he came to me with fists, he will mourn of pain until his father begs me. Kazimu kuti namuponona na wishi aletambako!!

  2. It appears every Zambian president has a renegade offspring. This one doesn’t even appear to be legitimate and might be pushing his luck.

  3. Another one-sided report leaving us guessing as to the motive behind the tantrum. There is always a reaction to an action – two flints have to rub against each other to cause a spark.

    • Wrong reaction, by the wrong person for the wrong reason! Kazim was friends with Castro and his father has been in politics for too long, he should know better!

    • You failed to understand the whole story. To help you.. He gave him 7days to resolve the matter, this didn’t work. Adding the number of days you know the answer.

  4. No one will be surprised by this kaponya’s violence. Just look at him, he everything you don’t want in a son,friend or neighbour.It runs in the family, like father like son.You need not look far.As a police constable in the 1950s his father Sata brutalised civilians such that when momentum for independence gained pace in the late 1950s,he turned into a beast, killing innocent Zambians attending liberation struggle meetings. One of those murders earned him a prison sentence at Mukobeko Maximum in 1958. On his release just before independence he fled to UK.On his return he was hired by KK to beat up Simon Kapwepwe, actively used to suppress other political enemies with violence. So violence and bad mouthing can’t be separated from a Sata.I hope he faces court,but I doubt.

  5. Zgambo naiwe ulekosa ba Kazimu nimpepele bundafye bwafitala ine nalikaponona nainshi bawishi tabalaba bakateka ku northmead,

  6. Thomas is a **** as well you telling us you can’t defend yourself when you litterally being beaten to pulp out of respect to the head of state.

    • You don’t know that every single blow received was worth a substantial amount? He should have even let him on the other set of ribs as well, ni double tobela!! This will be settled out of court and the man will be laughing all the way to the bank, with aching ribs though.

  7. Zyambo, what do you want to achieve ? Leave Kazimu alone. He has his life to lead. Knowing you as a journalist ,you must have been prodding him about his father. Kazimu is an easy soul.LEAVE HIM ALONE. Or you want to gain plitical mile.
    Mrs Kabvulubvulu.

  8. The issue here is violence watever happened b4 is not important and cannot be a reason to attack someone in such cowardly brutal fashion.

  9. Zgambo be a man and fight to protect your self. What kind of a man are you to let let the so called kazimu to walk over you like that. Inga walimuponona fye what respect for the president. Next time do some good physical chancelling on the this Castro wanna be.

  10. But Thomas Zgambo also, what respect can one have for an *****ic fool who brings up a rabid dog like this Kazimu? No wonder he married a girl called Mukobeko, that is going to be their residence as soon as their father is swept out of power by these forthcoming demonstrations.

  11. Thomas Zgambo, please be real, what respect can a man have for an ***** that sires and brings up a rabid dog like Kazimu? Zambia is truly a police state because you can see and read people’s fear for the Satan.

    • does it mean this stupid kazim is above the law,police do yo work professionally,if u can chase hh for interacting with pipo,then leav this thug go scot free,then my conclusion is that police is only there for opposion poor folks

  12. In a trial, Muchinga province small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, Shikulu Ma Singongi, do you know me?’ She responded, ‘Why, yes, I do know you, ka Chixhimba Lukasu iwe. I’ve known you since you were a boy, and frankly, you’ve been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife with a Kamucheka girl, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you’re a big shot when you haven’t the brains to realize you’ll never amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.’ The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, Ma Singongi, do you know the defense attorney?’ She again replied,…

  13. She again replied, ‘Why yes, I do. I’ve known Kapumba Mumbalala since he was a youngster, too. He’s lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. He can’t build a normal relationship with anyone, and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes, I know him.’ The defense attorney nearly died. The judge Lord Chumbu Munshololwa, CNP asked both counselors to approach the bench and, in a very quiet voice, said, ‘If either of you *****s asks her if she knows me, I’ll send you both to the hanging gallows.

  14. Medical Report states: “he had his left ribs bruised apart from the soft tissue rupture” . Any medical doctor will tell that this report was not well done. how to do diagnose bruised ribs? assault can cause soft tissue injury but not rupture. No one can be convicted with such a vague and unscientific report

    • @advocate. My learned colleague. Remember assault is any act that violates a person’s privacy (body). Even a slight touch of the clothes of a person is assault!! For this forum, I wont go into the plethora of case law.

  15. looks like this Kazimu is gonna be another Castro Chiluba with a cursed future unless he changes his life.



    • kavuluvulu or is it storm or wind.stop bootliking
      try do some farming
      they shall be known by their fruits
      whats yours………cobra or python

  17. Wish it was me, i would have beaten the i.d.i.o.t so hard that he would have been the only guy on
    a wheel chair wen we go to heaven.

  18. Iwe Ciseche Banda @ Mrs Kavuluvulu who is bonking you between the two? Is it Kazimu or the Father? It seems you love them both.

  19. >>>> soon AFTER SEEING ME, he QUICKLY JUMPED off the vehicle and came to me and started throwing punches below my diaphragm and ribs WHILE SHOUTING OBSCENITIES.>>>>>>>?


    >>>> to discuss the matter >>>>>? Which matter?????

    UPND cadres like their president are always playing victims whenever they invite the wrath of their opponents/authority unto themselves because of their sheer arrogance and stu.pity.

  20. Hakainde si.lly ploy! He can dream about addressing rallies with no paparazzi around to report on the event.

    When he wakes up the following day, he does not find anyone because it was just a dream, after all. Then he blames police presence for the flight of his supporters.

  21. Kazim is just like the father, no wonder his like could not attend his wadding. People do not learn, recall what became of Chiluba’s son? Kazim that is waiting for you soon, public resentment, and thanks for helping decampaigner your father.

  22. Beauty and the sorry for Tiwonge, especially when the money that binds the marriage will no longer be there. The chap looks like he’s never been young. What has the Dad got to say about his bald head???

  23. To me, he looks to be a thug, very dirty & these are kind of characters tht smoke in their bedrooms. His not in his early 40s but very close to 50 years old or jst above 50

  24. His father (Micahel Sata) hates people with bold heads. May be that is why he did not attend his wedding and instead attended Mugabe’s daughter wedding.

  25. His father (Michael Sata) hates people with bold heads. May be that is why he did not attend his wedding and instead attended Mugabe’s daughter wedding.

  26. kazimu kwena amaka yamufulira try me kakusona ma lift hook yeka yeka . my bro take it easy you’ re on camera’s if you dont know.

  27. Iyeeee Kazimu efyo asanguka ifi? No wonder the father can’t stand him. Mawe mawe mawe! Kaponya fye uwapwililika. Ifyaambaa fyeka fyeka. Ewingwakata abapongoshi uyu? Whose daughter did he Mary mwebantu!!!

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