As Zambia Police we would like to reiterate the need for all groupings, organizations or political parties who intend to hold public processions or rallies to do so according to what is stipulated within the law.
It should be understood that rights have limitations and therefore those who want to express their rights should also abide by the law.
As Police we shall ensure that the law is respected not withstanding people’s rights in order to ensure that public security and the rights of others are safeguard.
The Zambia Police service is mandated by the Constitution to enforce the laws and will ensure that these laws are enforced at all times. Police will deal with anyone advocating for the breach of the law.
Threats of any nature or calls for violence will not in any way prevent us from making sure that the nation is governed in a conducive environment and we are more than prepared to meet those breaking the law.
They need to cancel a few more to be deemed partisan. We are just suspecting at the moment. Ask Nostradamus
Hello Cat-Power, let me first teach;
The Police should not follow the constitution or law. The Police stops and arrest suspects, they presume MIGHT be breaking the law. They arrest and take them to courts who knows the law.
– Police chess a speeding car, they think is dangerous driving, which is not in the constitution.
– Police slap passengers who dis-bark on road-blocks, which is not a law.
– Police shoot stray dogs which are not in constitution
– Police go after anyone people call them for help, mu market, bus stations or EASTERN province.
In this case Police was called to go and stop HH, by someone.
I don’t know what constitution Rae Hammonga is talking about.
No dispute on this one….Police service is mandated by the Constitution to enforce the laws
And what does the POA authorise the Police to do?
But Rae, I have serious difficulties with the foregoing. It is good practice to pass legal statements for an opinion from eminent senior lawyers, AG, SG or DPP, because of their impact of perceived governace in the country:
……It should be understood that rights have limitations ……(are all right derogable?)
……we shall ensure that the law is respected not withstanding people’s rights……. (isn’t the purpose of the law to uphold human rights? Isn’t Police a human rights organ of first call?)
Guys, sharpen up on PR. Where is Bonnie Kapeso and the even young bride Madam Kanjela?
Hogwash…You think you are addressing illiterates don’t you. Can you please quote the law you are referring to that prohibits freedom of assembly.
Can Rae Hamoonga quote what the requirements of the POA as regards conducting political rallies and meetings are.It is then we will see who a law breaker is between the general public and the police.
People have respected the law unlike the PF cadre police who are in the forefront of abusing human rights.
The Zambian PF police institution is a disgrace world wide. They should just shut up if they have nothing to say. Useless.
This situation the PF is creating in the nation using the police is “good” for the opposition. they are actually decampaigning themselves daily. Evidence about PF misrule is spreading everywhere like wild fire. More and more people are getting irritated by PF and by 2016, no one will be reminded to vote against PF.
to hail with your unproffesional conduct,you are being used like condoms starting from kaunda s time till today and yet you are poorest paid and neglected civil servants,you just look njala njala
Police are ones breaking the law. How do they beat people peacefully assembled and unarmed? What is good for others today will be bad for them tomorrow.
What for excuse is that? Are people that naive!
The law stipulates that Police do not have powers to authorize or to refuse authorization.
The law stipulates that Police should use REASONABLE force to prevent the crime been committed.
That it is.
Anything else is a plain BS.
i don’t know who told him to speak but i feel it would have been better for him to keep quiet
Rae should understand that he is the one together with his police command taking us into a lake of fire by allowing PF to march without permit and repeatedly denying the opposition the so called permit when the law is very clear that all you need is inform the police. Anyway most police officers are used to receiving orders and executing them without thinking through the implications of their actions
The job of politicians is to politik (sic) and the job of the police is to maintain law and order at all times. If the police fail to perform their duties, the same politicians will be blaming the police command. They should not wait until marshal law is invoked( state of emergence).
The fact that this statement has fallen short of referring to what law they are enforcing leaves a lot to be desired. ZP please refer to Cap 113 and PF youths (thugs) show up in that uniform. What law are you enforcing?
Cap 113
An Act to prohibit the wearing of uniforms in connection with political objects and the maintenance by private persons of associations of military or similar character;…..
ZP you have also joined the Dochi Kubeba club
Citizens if these *****s assult us let’s us beat their families in police camps. If they kill one of us we also kill their own in police camps. Ichumbu is going to the Hague togather with that slut Libongani.
Your thoughts are extremely violate and I am so relieved they can never be implemented by any normal person. You are advocating killing families of police officers on the cyberspace, but if anything like this had to happen, believe it or not, you would be located and prosecuted right here in Zambia, not even hague as they don’t deserve cheap murderers like you! You have put up this comment consistently without remorse. You are a saddist who wouldn’t mind if this country went up in smoke. You are beyond pathetic!
We understand the work of the police is to make sure that rules are obeyed and anyone who breaks the rules it is their duty to make sure that laws are obeyed and at the same time they should know that people’s rights are supposed to be respected and anyone or any organisation trying to violate with human rights they are laws to protect human rights. In the case of HH in Chipata people were just waiting to be addressed by him whilst talking to traditional leaders the police just ascended on an armed gathering started beating, tear gassing and even broke an Innocent person’s colar born. Hw do you call that kind of behavr by our police is that executing their duties delegently? Or does it mean the oppositn has now got no right to address people in a democratic country tell us the…
I really feel for police men and women. It is the worst job one can get in zambia. You act like a dog that bites when the owner gives commands. You are not allowed to think. You are given a statement to read which should defend your dogly conduct. I really sympathise with these people mwandi. One comes to tell you to use a short button to break someones skull and you have to do it. So sad.
Rae, how come you failed to implement the law when PF cadres were demonstrating and matching around streets of Lusaka demanding the dismissal of Winter Kabimba? Did you arrest anyone when the two rival PF factions were wielding pangas and machetes in Chelston when Sata was launching the construction of the new airport terminal? Did you, as police, not see the offensive pangas on TV following this incident? Sir Rae, window dressing will not do, just implement the law fairly, otherwise I lost INTEREST in the police a long time ago because of lies like you have told and unfairness.
I believe the police just need to be notified of a rally if an individual or organisation want to hold one. The police are not an authorising authority. Let them not lie to anyone, its time they began to behave professionally and freedom of assembly is allowed even under our current constitution and this should not be denied to the citizens of our great country. Its a pity that majority of the police are not educated enough to even question when they are doing the wrong thing.
The police just don’t get it, do they? People are not questioning their mandate to enforce the constitutional obligation of maintaining order. It is their selective, partisan and unprofessional application of that mandate and law!! Get it Mr Hamoonga or whatever your name is? Comprehend these simple distinction before you can understand the complexities of governance and economic management. Cry my beloved country with low level characters in charge of national matters.
My advice to junior officers is that intensify on studies at various open universities , they shall definitely be high ranking jobs after 2016
@ abari, you are sport on.
His real name is RAE HAMOONGA and not HAAMONGA. What this tells is that the article above was written by a different person and used Rae’s name. I feel pity for Rae because I know him very well from the days of his secondary school at Chipepo secondary school
Ba Pombozi, your days are also numbered! Come 2016, onse muzalila! Fatten your bank accounts now, you will need that money!
Police be neutral and apply the across all parties including PF (Police Family).
@HH 2016 .
You are STUPID wht type of reasoning is tht ?
Lets b United and these fights u r trying to perpetuate its inhuman of you.
As @ Mutendeletel has said u can face tough consequences.
God will give us a leader He has “ALWAYS”. been doing tht to Zambia since time Memorial.
The Police are clearly breaking the Law here. After change of Government in 2016 we must make sure that we fire them from the police service (not retire them but to fire them without benefits) – Prosecute them and have them Jailed. Our job now up to 2016 is to keep a tag of these cops committing atrocities against the people of Zambia and remember to bring these cops to book after change of government whether they pretend to have shifted camp to the ruling party then.