Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) web site has been hacked by a group calling itself The Black Hawk from Iraq. The group has defaced the landing page with advise and message to the server administrator for the site. ZNBC site is accessible through the url www.znbc.co.zm.
This is the second time the site has been hacked. Last year in October, the web site was hacked by a group calling itself The Turk Hack Team. The team defaced the landing page with a logo of their organisation.
Is that site of any use? How is this use ba LT naimwe. Celebrating another new media getting hacked I guess.
LT are just reporting that our national broadcaster has been hacked. It is news, we. What is nes to you?
It it news my brother…we need to know. Why not??
What has been hacked for a long time, are the brain of the staff at ZNBC!
Sata should be Hacked period
iye, these are the same people who hacked silvia masebo’s face book account….ZNBC should ask Masebo how she solved this issue..kekekeke
its ok..what does ZNBC have to hide..thers’no news there..
Never seen or heard about it. Is it the one with 1 picture of an employee, last edited seemingly 2 yrs ago?
Who cares if Shi.t NBC website is hacked? Sh.it programming.
We really need to harden our servers and find real Programmers not kambwangas who create websites by editing templates in Joomla or Dreamweaver. Such websites are easily hacked by using Youtube videos which target vulnerabilities in the framework e.g Joomla 1.5 weaknesses identified by programmers and before the Joomla team releases patches Hackers strikes, mostly just for fun, as most websites that use dreamweaver or Joomla are made for fun as well e.g ZNBC. look at BOZ, it was generated using Microsoft Frontpage which is no longer supported!!!