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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Harrington sympathetic over Masebo’s sacking


 William Harrington
William Harrington

Former Communication and Transport Minister, William Harrington has said he does not take pleasure in the sacking of Sylvia Masebo as Tourism and Arts Minister.

President Michael Sata yesterday fired Ms Masebo who is awaiting the outcome of the findings of a tribunal constituted to probe her alleged professional misconduct and interference in the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) operations.

But Mr. Harrington, who instigated the setting up of the tribunal to probe Ms. Masebo, said he finds it unfair to comment on her dismissal because he does not derive any delight in her being fired.

Mr. Harrington told Qfm News in a telephone that it will be further unfair to both President Sata and Ms. Masebo for him or anybody else to assume that the step the Head of State has taken is based on the tribunal.

He said this is because the tribunal has not yet formally handed its findings of its investigations to the Head of State.

Mr Harrington maintains that his main goal for initiating the tribunal to probe Ms. Masebo was only to seek justice as he did not take pleasure in among other things, seeing people lose their jobs at ZAWA as a result of the actions of the Minister.

Meanwhile opposition Zambians for Empowerment and Development (ZED) president Fredrick Mutesa has welcomed President Sata’s decision to relieve Ms. Masebo of her duties as Tourism and Arts Minister.

Dr Mutesa said his party believes the action by the President will also be welcomed by a majority of the people in the country because it is in keeping with transparency and accountability.

Dr. Mutesa told Qfm News in a separate interview that this is why his party finds the decision of the Head of State long overdue going by the allegations leveled against Ms. Masebo.


  1. William Harrington, if we had just 5 people like you in Zambia, that place would be better off. I still remember that you brought the Dora Siliya issue of radars at KK airport and for sure Dora was found wanting. If all of us could only do our bit without fear, without personal interest in any matter, sure we would move forward as a nation.

    • SPOT ON…I said the selfsame thing at the beginning ….if we had just a handful of William Harringtons in Zambia. would see changes in our country.

    • Thanks Mr (actually HONOURABLE) Harrington for the resolute manner in which you pursued this matter. Now, this is a opportunity for Masebo to reveal to the nation everything about how she was instructed by her bosses( Sata & Kabimba) to take the decision and actions that she did, given that she now has nothing to lose.

    • There is nothing to celebrate about PF actions. Actually so far this lady is the only one fired for corruption and abuse of office. If you remember, Lubinda it was not for corruption, Kansembe was for relationship to GBM. So, firing one corrupt chap in 2 years is really not much.

    • “Dr Mutesa said his party believes the action by the President will also be welcomed by a majority of the people in the country because it is in keeping with transparency and accountability.”
      The so called Dr Mutesa has missed a point somewhere. There is no transparency or accountability in the sacking of Masebo as the sacking is not related to the actions she took at ZAWA but what she said or indeed exposed during the Tribunal. If she hadnt implicated Sata, she would still have a Job and continued calling for the arrest of Harrington.
      I thought Dora Siliya was cleared of any wrong doing in the radar scandal including under this PF administration? It was only Sata and his vuvuzela, the past newspare, that deceived the nation that “She was being shielded by RB” hence corrupt.

  2. Harrington 1 – Mutesa 0. Thats how you show maturity when given a tricky question, never gloat at someone’s misfortune even if deep down you’re jumping with glee. Mutesa should be actually questioning why the pre-emptive firing before the report from the tribunal has even been typed.

  3. There are times when hard decisions have to be made and one has to brave against the popular tide to ensure justice is done and sanity restored in public affairs.

    Against all odds and to the very risk of limb and financial wellbeing, you, my dear and most beloved Willam Harrington have rose to execute your civic and national duties.

    In the heat of corruption times of Allabee you took a stand and had mafiga Dora exculpate herself in that tribunal. You were harangued and insulted. When similar duty at zawagate called, you lone ranger took up bow and arrow and knocked incessantly on the doors of lady justice. The timid watched a safe distance till victory you plundered.

    Now therefore, on behalf of Zambian I award you the Eagle of Grand Commander of Tribunals of the Brave.

  4. She should have been given sack long ago …just imagine how taxpayer’s money has been wasted on this tribunal due to the incompetence of this selfsame president! !

    • @wabo MCS condoned corruption by allowing masebo to continue working as a minister despite numerous calls to have her be relieved of her duties to pave way for smooth investigations but Sata was arrogant, but thanks be to Harrington for compelling the president to fire this lady under duress and thanks for the patriotism Mr. Harrington.Shame unto PF vuvu zelas who thought you were a time waster.

    • And dont we know it! With Bwez mealie meal was affordable and the president did not spend his days hiding away like a chisungu and farting in state house.

  5. Masebo is yet to see stars as I indicated in my posting yesterday. She will learn that not all things that glitter are gold, PF. She pressed a wrong node and the cost will be immerse.

  6. Mr. William Harrington you are a true patriot and a 1 few of the good citizens of this country. I admire your courage to the core. This country needs you more than ever.

  7. Mr. Harrington, we the on-lookers congratulate and thank you for putting up a brilliant, illustrious, and gallant fight against the forces of injustice. Many were the personal sacrifices that you had to undertake, in terms of money and time. This woman, Masebo, is a Jezebel. Had she prevailed, she would have demanded for your head in a platter. Your spirit is one of extending love even to those who hate you, and to those least deserving of it. We applaud you. You are a giant among us.

    • And had she been afforded the opportunity to have her way, would we be wrong to surmise that Minister of Injustice, Wynter Kabimba, was going to promptly comply with her request to have you humiliated in the worst possible way imaginable!

  8. Ministers accused of and being probed for corruption should resign voluntarily or if they don’t should be dropped even before the tribunals or investigations start. That’s what democracy demands. A minister who clings to power when under investigations is not a democrat neither is the appointing authority that does not force them to step down.

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