BIBLE Gospel Church in Africa (BIGOCA), Bishop Peter Ndhlovu has condemned the decision by some section of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to take the campaigns for the pushing of the release of draft constitution to churches.
Bishop Ndhlovu said CSOs, politicians, churches and all other people concerned must go for dialogue to find a peaceful solution to the problem.
He said in an interview yesterday that churches were supposed to be used for worshiping and promotion of peace and not to antagonize each other.
Bishop Ndhlovu said that 2014 was a year of jubilee which churches should use to preach freedom, peace and recovery because the country did not want to see conflicts generating into war.
He said that his church would not take part in such activities but would stand ready to seek dialogue with Government and other people concerned.
“What the CSOs, Government and other people involved should do is to create dialogue through a round table meeting because the church can not be used for antagonizing others. It has a mandate to people and sovereignty of this country” Bishop Njovu said.
Bishop Ndhlovu further urged churches not to take sides and not to be used by any politician because its role was to promote peace, love and unity.
He said that it was the role of the church to play leadership role where there was perceived failure of leadership through prayer saying a country could only have one President at a given time.
“As a church we are not supposed to preach hate or conflict equally Civil society and Government must reach dialogue. Government should open up for dialogue while civil society must also accept to dialogue” he said.
The CSOs had resolved to push for the release of the draft Constitution using the church platform.
How are u going to dialog with govt which does not listen. Sure Ba bishop from he stance and utterances that have come from govt officials u still stand firm ground and advice such? Awe mwandini some of u pipo surprise me. Ur advise is not timed and is offside. Pipo of Zambia have not started asking for the constitution yesterday in chipata NO sir. Its a song that has been sang for months and years. Are really in Zambia or u have a. Hidden agenda.
There is no hidden agenda. Just look at the picture. More likely it is a form of religious bigotry.
With miles Sampa standing besides him, thi ka bishop is PF CADRE kasila.
Bishop Ndhlovu you a very corrupt man and we encourage your church members to demand for your removal.
Zambia does not deserve manipulable, cowardly and divisive Bishops. Instead of being on the side of the oppressed, you choose the 30 pieces of silver. Shame on you.
I strongly suspect the clobbering you got from Miles’ thugs in your Church cowered you into a corner.
I have seen that action on this site ;
browse it and be informed
enjoy wisely
The BIGOCA beatings and then Deputy Minister M Sampa, MP for Matero quickly went there to apologise and gave K20,000….. SILENCE.
The Bishop is now appealing to Zambians to be reasonable……………
Memories of the beatings are still fresh. But for gullible people, they have already forgotten.
This same BGOCA assembled innocent people at one of its churches in Matero where thugs allegedly hired by the ruling party turned up just in time to beat them up. Then Hon. Sampa turns up with an apology and K20,000. We have already forgotten???? What kind of people are we??
You’re right. There’s no point in even reading the article. The story is all in the picture.
This bishop is a hungry one.During mmd rule he was busy lickn Chilubas and Rbs boots.Mwanawasa had no time for such characters.And now he is hoping to share in the spoil currently been enjoyed by the vultures.
This bishop is a hungry one.During mmd rule he was busy licking Chilubas and Rbs boots.Mwanawasa had no time for such characters.And now he is hoping to share in the spoil currently been enjoyed by the vultures.
Ba muselela kwa kaba
Who is the guy standing besides the bishop? Assistant pastor?
you caward bishop which freedom and peace are you going to preach in a state where the govt doesnt honor its promises indeed you must be a boot leaker is the issue of consititution news to you
Fo%oli@sh Bishop. the constitution is fundamental to bringing about PEACE, UNITY AND UINDERSTANDING among Zambians. This is one of the main functions of the church. Dentying a constitution is denying these attributes and it is Sata-nic. Ignorant Bishop. Where did he train?
Who does the Bishop support? The government has never listened at once on the constitution issue and dialogue? As the Bishop are u in church when you are talking like that or there is another platform? That is the reason I was against PAOG Z Theological School for awarding the VP Dr. Guy Scott because I dont even know what they saw what this man was doing. Now it is the Bishop talking as if he is not seeing what is happening. Is he in Zambia or in another country? God please help Zambia.
The church being the most supreme institution should just give instruction as per God’s word . No debating! There are no alternatives to God’s instructions.
Shame on you renegade Bishop. God is watching you, bootlicker!
OMG my honourable Bishop is wrong on this one. The church is not only for peace but also for Justice. It is in church were people have to petition God to help our leaders with wisdom. The Church has written to govt through ZEC and CCZ and EFZ to ask them to release the Draft constitution but the govt has called such letters names. The govt has resorted to using the Bishop to attack others. Justice is costly sir and the little slashes you received with Bishop mambo should not make you change your mind.
So long the delay by Government is not denial and injustice. However, if it is both these things, the prophetic voice of the land cannot be silent.
The BIGOCA beatings and then Deputy Minister M Sampa, MP for Matero quickly went there to apologise and gave K20,000….. SILENCE.
The Bishop is now appealing to Zambians to be reasonable……………
Memories of the beatings are still fresh. But for gullible people, they have already forgotten.
The house of God is not to be used for propagating evil schemes our Lord gave us the mandate to propagate the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.How do allow The opposition to campaign in church and you support that unless you are the angel if the enemy, the Devil.The Lord will not hear such prayers with evil motives.Repent lead ship is from above.Tell us what you will do for the majority.STOP CALLING THE BISHOP NAMES HE HAS SPOKEN THE TRUTH
Selective reasoning. Its only OK if the Panga Family (Sampa) use the House of God for their own agenda?
And for your info, its not the opposition – Its the PEOPLE of Zambia.
GOD does not live in a house built with human hands. Please read the Bible and while
you are at it, tell your Bishop to quit if he finds fault with our demands.
The church buildings are ours, we built them.
PF Bishop!
Mambala napoka ‘umutulo’!
Jesus said you have turned my fathers house into a den of thieves,
when you take politicks in church that is the end of spirituality , it becomes another club where people hate one another , politicks belong to the world politicks is a dirt game
Ndlovu is still confused with the beatings he recieved by the pf carders so he is not himself i guess or they have bribed him u knw these so called men of god they are a problem. Now us all we need is a constitution let ndlovu get a life
Much as I don’t support politics in the church, the best one can do is to remain silence. But as for this Bishop, I have always known him to be corrupt. This is the man who was so much behind Chiluba MHRIP. The Bishop and his team benefited so much at the time when Zambians were complaining against Chiluba’s misrule. So I’m not surprised to read this statement from him as the picture can confirm. He can no longer work with MMD because they have no money. He can only work with PF who have something to give him.