he resisted to be taken in court cells in Livingstone
THE case in which a Livingstone resident Henry Lungu is charged with the murder of a Patriotic Front (PF) Monze official Harrison Chanda yesterday failed to take off for a third time in the Livingstone High Court due to non-availability of State witnesses.
Lungu, 26, is alleged to have killed Mr Chanda in March 2013 during the Livingstone parliamentary by-election which was won by PF candidate Lawrence Evans.
And defence lawyer Solomon Muzyamba said that it was unfair for the state to continue failing in bringing witnesses because they were denying his client justice due to a delayed commencement of trial.
Mr Muzyamba said the continued delay in the trial meant that his client would remain in custody, a thing he described as persecution.
“In view of this, I object to the application by the state to adjourn this matter and I pray to the court to give us an alternative,” Mr Muzyamba said.
And in passing ruling, High Court Gaudentia Salasini said she was adjourning the matter to the next High Court Session for the last time because it had dragged for too long.
Judge Salasini advised the prosecution to provide witnesses in the next session otherwise she would make a decision over the matter.
“This is the last adjournment of this case and the case will be referred to the next session,” she said.
We need an update from Justice Minister who claims to be reviewing the Judicial system. Under PF the judiciary and law enforcement is at its worst: – vague supreme court rulings, illegal chief justice, wrong misinterpretations of law by police and home affairs minister, immune PF cadres, falshoods used in parliament to arrest RB. WHAT MORE MESS SHOULD ZAMBIA TOLERATE
Another breaking story from a Failed State!
Killing & terrorising, are the order of the day. Well done P.F, what an achievement!