Saturday, March 22, 2025

State enters Nolle prosequi against Ndola Lawyer


Director of Public Prosecutions Mutembo Nchito
Director of Public Prosecutions Mutembo Nchito

The State has discontinued a case in which Ndola lawyer Gershom Mubanga is charged with fraud.

When the matter came up for plea before Ndola Chief Resident Magistrate Paul Chisha yesterday, State prosecutor Francis Ntulile told the court that the State was discontinuing the case.

“We are entering a nolle prosequi against the accused person. We have finally received instructions from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) who has called for a case record,” he said.

Mr Chisha, after perusing through the docket, granted the order for the case to discontinue.

“I have perused the instruction from the DPP. In light of the same, I order that the accused be discharged,” he said.

Mubanga, 64, of 4283 Tanzania Road in Northrise residential area in Ndola, between March 25 and May 19, 2008 was alleged to have fraudulently uttered a certificate of title number 2817 of the Copperbelt lands office.
He was alleged to have fraudulently transferred property belonging to Zambia Legion Registered Trustee, the owners of Belcel Properties in Ndola and Chingola to the Ex-Servicemen League of Zambia, where he was the Copperbelt Province chairperson.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. ACCUSED: Mubanga
    MAGISTRATE: Chisha
    PROSECUTOR : Ntulile
    DPP: Mutembo Nchito

    ONE ZAMBIA ONE………….?????????????????????(TRIBE)?????

    • @Albert Chinyama & Saulosi, I don’t know which Zambia you live in if can’t see the obvious, or are you a PLATE-WASHING expatriate somewhere?

    • @Chinyama, who would you convince that Bemba/Aushi or Ngoni/Nsenga or Tonga/Toka does not constitute tribalism? It’s like theft and robbery my friend – they are one family!!!!

    • Come on @Albert and @Saulosi; I dont see any trible being mentioned by Wanu Ngwee. He is asking and all you could have done is educate him by providing possible tribes that these surnames come from, though difficult to infer. A bit too sensitive. For all I know Nchito may be from Southern Province. He is after all married to a Tonga lady.

  2. Lawyers always protect themselves. There are many cases involving lawyers defrauding their clients, but you will never hear of any single conviction.

    • @The Chosen One; I can give you an example: check the track record of one Kelvin Fube. Brilliant laywer but dubious character. Go check his track record. How he has never been de-barred is any ones guess (guess he will want to cite me for defamation – fortunately he has no charater to protect). Willing to stand up before the courts of law, but not under the current corrupt legal system obtaining in Zambia.

    • @Mfumu
      The allegation by The Chosen One is that “there are many cases involving lawyers defrauding their clients, but you will never hear of any single conviction”. Can he/she cite a number of cases where lawyers are appearing in court for defrauding clients as alleged above? Kelvin Fube has not been to court so the example is misplaced and does not match the allegation.

    • @St.Jude
      Where have I stated that they’re “lawyers are appearing in court”. By “cases” I meant incidences where lawyers have defrauded clients. Roan Air and Mutembo Nchito, Gabon disaster relatives, Lewis Mosho and Shoprite, Sangwa with Mahtani forging a letter purporting to come from BOZ, KBF chap, William Nyirenda and Mopani workers. There are many tainted characters who should not be allowed to practice law.

    • @ chosen
      You forgot sunday nkonde dribling great Kalu over a house and the notorious kelvin Bwalya.The chaps are ruthless!

    • @The Chosen One
      When you talk of “conviction”, you are actually talking about courts of law. What other authority ‘convicts’. By the way there has been a plethora of cases where LAZ has disciplined lawyers, with some being debarred but the public is deliberately not informed. If you really want to know, I can provide you with a list of all those recently disciplined for various offences.

  3. WANU NGWEE, its not everyone’s desire that your brain has a lacuna in relation to reasoning. What is the tribe for here? Dont polute our minds with tribal issues KOLWE!!!!

    • @ICHIKOPO, I like the way you describe yourself – and it’s true you’re one. When your mouth stinks and someone gives you free advice about it you must concede it does & see a dentist!

    • Stop calling HH a tribalist or UPND a tribal party. This is what is fanning tribal talk in Zambia. Looks like some people see nothing wrong in labelling Tongas or Lozis tribal but see everything wrong in calling Bembas tribal. The fact is all these groups of people love their language and folk. Simple and straight forward.

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