Monday, March 24, 2025

Intercape bus passenger’s lab tests results negative



Kafue District Medical Officer Wyson Munga said the laboratory investigations carried out on intercape bus passengers for suspected food poisoning indicated negative results.Dr.Munga revealed that both the stool and blood samples had no toxins and Salmonella or Shigella species, to indicate food poisoning.

In February of this year Health authorities intercepted an international passenger bus from South Africa to Lusaka after diarrhoea broke out among passengers.The Intercape Bus was intercepted by Chirundu district environmental officers after a report from some of the passengers.The Kafue district hospital attended to 18 of the 31 passengers who were complaining of abdominal upsets.

Preliminary investigations had revealed that the passengers were given some food and drinks by the bus crew and some samples were taken to Lusaka Food and Drugs Lab for suspected poisoning.These have however been found to be negative.

Dr. Munga has called on long distance transporters to install hygiene and sanitary facilities on their buses.
He cited urinary, hand washing facilities ,disinfectants among others and other facilities and ensure that they serve their passengers with warm food to prevent breakouts of diarrhoeal and other related diseases.

Dr. Munga has further urged passengers to observe hygiene when buying food along the way.

Meanwhile, Dr Munga has disclosed that 1,492 girls have been vaccinated in the on going HPV second phase vaccinations for grade 4 girls and 10yrs for non school going girls.
The doctor says the exercise was progressing well as the district has done 39% of the target within three days and is anticipating going beyond the target which is vaccinating 3,962 girls by the end of the exercise.


  1. I wouldn’t trust a zambian laboratory let alone Doctor

    Can they send these to be tested in South AFrica please?


    • How can it take over a month just to do stool and blood cultures? No wonder our results are always negative.I wonder how patients in hospitals are treated if it takes a month to get simple lab results.

    • These are what are called false negatives!
      Salmonella and Shigella are not the only things you look for Mr Doctor with small dr!

  2. The problem with these buses is that they buy the food the previous day.I have never been serve a warm meal.Food poisoning should have been there,except tests were done in Lusaka.

  3. Mr Microbiology….what does the word “culture” mean to you? it means to grow just incase you dont long would it take for something to grow,revise your microbiology sir/madam

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