Monday, March 24, 2025

Government responds to HH’s accusations


Minister for Community Development, Mother and Child Health Dr. Joseph Katema
Dr. Joseph Katema

GOVERNMENT has no intention of declaring a state of emergency, Chief Government spokesperson Joseph Katema has said.

Mr Katema who is also Information and Broadcasting Services minister said there is no crisis in the country to warrant such a move.

“Government would therefore, like to allay the fears which may have been unnecessarily brought about by unwarranted and wild allegations by selfish individuals like Mr. Hakainde Hichilema of the UPND,” Mr Katema said.

The minister was reacting to an assertion by the UPND leader that Government plans to declare a state of emergency in order to clamp down on the opposition.

Mr Katema said the nation should not listen to such pronouncements but instead dismiss them as unpatriotic and selfish political tantrums.

He said Government reiterates its commitment to democracy, good governance and the rule of law as fundamental tenets for sustainable development, peace and unity.

The Information minister said Zambia will not allow any individual or grouping to ferment chaos and create a crisis where there is none.

“Zambians are a peace loving people. They cherish their peace and stability which they have grown and nurtured over the past 50 years. Our preoccupation is development. That is the politics which we pursue as a nation. Zambians are not naive.

“They will see through, as they have always done, any politician who wants to ferment anarchy so as to make the nation ungovernable as to warrant the declaration of the State of Emergency. And Zambians will say no to such a politician,” he added.

Speaking during a media briefing at the UPND secretariat yesterday, Mr Hichilema said President Michael Sata wanted to interpret the Public Order Act in a manner that suits his Government and later use it to declare a state of emergency.

He charged that the President would then use the state of emergency to postpone the 2016 general elections.

Mr Hichilema also wondered why the judge Lovemore Chikopa led tribunal was taking to long to start its sittings when others appointed later than the Malawian judge have even submitted their findings.

He said the Chikopa-led tribunal had been quiet for too long adding that it was costly to continue having unnecessary tribunals which were gobbling money that could have been spent on procuring Anti Retro viral drugs among various things.

Mr Hichilema also accused the police of being unprofessional following the cancellation of his Eastern province campaign trial.


  1. Dr/Mr Katema, you forgot to comment on your boss Sata’s worst mistake of harboring useless Chikopa, who has been rejected by “peace” loving Zambians.
    Zambians have said NO to such a politician like Sata.

    • “any politician who wants to ferment anarchy so as to make the nation ungovernable as to warrant the declaration of the State of Emergency. And Zambians will say no to such a politician,” he added.

      Sounds to me like he is talking about Michael Chilufya SATA!

  2. that HH the selfish, bantustan and dreaming dinosaur.

    expecting sensible things from him would be asking for too much

    • Bantustan is derogatory term for ‘bantu’ speaking people used by aparthedists. It is really sad that you could be so self demeaning. I may understand if you misunderstood this racist phrase.

    • This Gen must be a frustrated chap who is busy cleaning old people’s bottoms here in the UK AND asking for sensible comments from such a person is really asking for too much.

  3. “He said Government reiterates its commitment to democracy, good governance and the rule of law as fundamental tenets for sustainable development, peace and unity.”

    I wish that it was true. Unfortunately, facts on the ground speak differently.

    Commitment to democracy, good governance and rule of law are been abused 24/7.

    Sustainable development based on reckless borrowings, corruption, nepotism and tribalism cannot be sustainable.

    As to the peace and unity, please, what unity, what peace when the population is terrorized by extra-judicial killings by the police and machete carrying cadres of the ruling party.

    Hon. Joseph Katema, please stop insulting human intelligence. Remember the old say: You can fool some people some of the time,…………………………..

  4. PF are wizards. Why do they believe so much in spreading terror and violence? You must renounce violence now or be forced to retire in 2016. To hell with old politics of stone throwing. Get civilized.

    Why do you use the police to detain people who want to conduct peaceful gathering or demonstrate peacefully against an issue of grave concern? When are you going to grow-up and stop using force to intimidate people?

  5. HH is spot on..thats the !!these pf spokespersons are the same ..vulgar it becoz they hail from he forests..kkekekeke

  6. Careful! HH is a desperate young man!
    He can create grounds for a State of Emergency such as lawlessness in the land, not playing to the rules like everyone else etc like he did in Chipata….
    He can deliberately cause chaos in the nation with his cadres.
    HH, are your planning a coup?

  7. LT, again shoddy reporting. The caption refers to Dr. Katema, the story talks about Mr. Katema, which is which? I know the man as a rightfully titled Doctor, though wrongfully appointed. But again, your readers might not be a clever as I am, they just wonder what is wrong with the EDITOR. Shame on you LT!

    • You are right. They should have said Doctor Katema since he doesn’t have a Phd. It’s also senseless to refer to someone by their profession. Why don’t we say Engineer Phiri, Garbage collector Mwansa, Garden boy Mutale, Accountant Sichinga? I don’t understand the obsession that medical doctors have for their professional titles. just say he is Mr Katema and a medical doctor by profession

  8. @Dude

    I agree with @Dude.

    The young man keeps talking from Lusaka day in & day out, all the time.
    When is he coming to Mchinga, Luapula, Lusaka, CB, Northern Provinces etc
    to open branches there?

    • When Government commitment to democracy, good governance and the rule of law is enforced to guaranty safety of ALL its Citizens, then it will be possible to travel across the Country without fear and intimidation from police and machete mobs.

    • I seriously wonder where you guys are from.

      1. When HHe tries to move to those regions PF employs the Police Force (PF) or Panga Family (PF) cadres to violate HHim. Remember in Northen Prov and recently in Eastern Prv.

      2. CB? HHe goes there frequently and HHis party is very vibrant

      Donchi worry.

  9. I have never heard PF reacting in a sensible and diplomatic manner as a parent and government in leadership responding to its critics with good words. This makes us wonder on what good governance they talk about. It was KK who used to insult (“Stupid fool”) when reacting to some national critisisms, he would say “Charles Mando x2 stupid fool that is not a good question stupid fool”, Chiluba responded diplomatically, Mwanawasa responded with facts and RB could respond while smiling. It surprises even the outsider. If the minister in good standing could insult what more the cadres?

  10. ” He said Government reiterates its commitment to democracy, good governance and the rule of law……” LOL Which Govt? PF Govt?. This is a very funny joke.

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