The Movement for Multiparty Democracy MMD in Lusaka district have petitioned the provincial executive committee to immediately convene a meeting so as to discuss the current challenges in the former ruling party.
Speaking when he presented the petition acting MMD Lusaka district chairman Moses Kalonde said as members of the party, it was incumbent upon them to ensure that the party is saved from total extinction as well as selfish individuals.
He described the party under the current leadership of Dr Nevers Mumba as being in intensive care unit which needed salvaging saying:”posterity will judge us harshly if we fail todo that,”
“We will be failing in our duties if we don’t mention that the MMD in its current form under the failed leadership of Dr Nevers Mumba is in the intensive care unit hence must be salvaged from going into total extinction as posterity will judge us harshly for failure todo so,” Mr Kalonde said.
He said it is regrettable that fortunes of the former ruling party continue to diminish while members watched.
“Its of great and immense pain to see the fortunes of the MMD perish while we watch by,” he lamented.
He said the current happenings in the party has necessitated the call for an extraordinary convention as provided for in the party constitution.
He added that the call the extraordinary convention is meant to elect new leaders “who will be in conformity with the current political dynamics, selfless, dedicated and committed to the party as well as provide a service to Zambia.”
Mr Kalonde was representing party members from Lusaka district and acting party national secretary Chembe Nyangu received the petition on behalf of the party national executive committee at the party secretariate in lusaka today.
MMD is not in INTENSIVE CARE but on Cleansing
when corrupt labelled people like Dora and Mulusa are pushed out of the party, all will be well.
I agree,MMD is being cleansed from the pipo who caused it to lose in 2011.Only the blood money paid stupid I.d.i.o.t.s may doubt that.
You should start worrying how you will pay back the millions that have bee given to you to petitioned your party.
Shame on you !!
Yes we need to meet. Invite Ba Miyanda, Kavindele and Nason Musoni to help guide the Pastor.
You see Nason Musoni should have stayed in MMD, he could have been the Presido now.
Shame Shame – these MMD likes of Dora, Chituwo, Kaingu are out of touch with reality. Am also shocked that even Mulusa has lost reality. MMD is not attractive at the moment and will continue losing members to others. Even if one of them was at the top. Losing seats is normal after losing power and financial muscle. Collect your senses, sit down and make strategies for survival instead of wasting energy on non issues. The issues that have affected MMD is the propaganda on Corruption which the PF and Post repeatedly used. The nullification of seats by the courts for Dora, Mulusa added salt to the inquiry that the party was corrupt. Dora is highly associated with corruption in the Zambian politics – and should be the last person to be linked to MMD leadership if MMD will.
MMD should not be allowed to die, people who are fighting were either brought by Levi or Banda. Only people like KAKA or VJ can help revive MMD.
Mumba needs support of all members. He is very easy to sell to the Zambia people than the people calling for a meaningless convention. WAWA is spot on.
It’s amazing that the people in the MMD(especially the misguided leaders like Dora) are allowing themselves to be used by the PF. It is clear that the PF is behind this confusion so that attention can be shifted from the constitution making process and just their failure to govern this nation
There’s no question that MMD is in ICU mainly because of the directionless leadership of its CEO Dr. Nevers Mumba. If he were a good leader, the party would have been operating smoothly. Should they decide to retain him, MMD is headed straight to its grave.
The MMD has well established structures that should have helped Dr. Mumba to manage it effectively, particularly in the wake of PF’s meanderings and wonderings. But MMD is falling on its own without anyone pushing against it.
Much of what is there are internal wrangles which an experienced CEO should have been able to contain and resolve amicably; without much of the outside world getting to know anything about it. The cat is now outside the cage and the party’s dirty linen is up for laundry in public.
Here are Nevers Mumba’s trade marks: (1) he is an “I’, “I”, “I” man. In his world it’s “he”, “him” and “himself”, nobody else matters. (2) he is a machete man. He has not yet developed the leadership skill to be able to resolve issues peacefully. This was clearly demonstrated in the case involving Major Kachingwe. He has dogs around him that bite people.
Considering that he was an outsider in MMD, even when he was taking over the reins of power; he needed to have been a more skillful leader to have been able to pull it through. As it now turns out, the man is a liability not only to himself, but to the part as well. Relinquishing power honorably would a smart move for him to take right now. Unfortunately, Nevers being Mumba, he is not going to let go without a…
Its unfortunate because the same people misled RB on pretence that it was going to win without outside support. Resolve these things because it will be you to suffer. The party leader must also listen to others because if people run away from him, it may affect many.
continued: Relinquishing power honorably would be a smart move for him to take right now. Unfortunately, Nevers being Mumba, he is not going to let go without a furious fight. Good luck Mr. machete man.
Comparing MMD’s performance to UPND’s performance is like comparing apples to oranges. UPND has never been in power and Zambians cannot assess their failures
UPND may prove to be the Party of the moment because of that reason
MMD is doing well so far compared to UNIP in terms of survival and may need quite a long time to be reorganized so that Zambians may start gaining confidence. It will take people on integrity to rebuild the party old wine cannot be poured into new wine skins. This will be a long term process and thinking that MMD can come into power in 2016 is a misguided perception unless a miracle happens . No need for all this power struggle it isjust bring divisions.
sorry meant It will take people of integrity and it is just bringing divisions
The Bible says that light and darkness cannot mix. People should open their eyes and access the characteristics of the people propagating change in MMD. Most of these so called reformers have failed family morals who are there through their selfish ends to take advantage of problems of the party to stir an uprising so that they can be in leadership. These are the people who have been openly or behind the scenes have been opposing or making the work of Nevers Mumba difficult from the day he was duly elected as president of the MMD because of their selfish end. None of these so called concerned NEC members have been loyal to their elected president. They claim that their president has failed, the big question is what have they done to help their president resolve problems of the party?
Benjamin Franklin once said: “Those good at making excuses are good for nothing else.” Leadership is leadership, irrespective of one’s religious orientation. Don’t assume that those leaders who are doing well are not facing opposition in their organizations.
Indeed even Moses himself had faced stiff opposition from all angles, including from his sister Miriam and his brother Aaron. If there is any leader who has endured the worst kind of hostility in contemporary history, it is Barrack Obama. But I can assure you that as of today, even his worst enemies are beginning to admire him.
The idea that when a leader fails, then we start blaming his follower is obnoxious. A leader is one who assumes responsibility and makes himself accountable for everything.
I can’t believe I’m the first to comment on this thread. I want to thank the spirit of my late mother for standing by me to achieve this great feat. I also want to thank my siblings for their support on this endeavor. I also send my sincere appreciation to Airtel for making their network functional at the time I commented on this thread. And the biggest praise goes to almighty God for his protection and guidiance.
To the lusaka family I say shalom. It is never an easy thing to be FTC. Keep trying hard. You will surely get there.
*drops mic* where is bana kalaba nalufya amaso
This usefui I.d.I.o.o.t Moses,what do you do to a person in the ICU?Do you live him there to die or the doctors do everything in their power for him/her to survive.Unless the Doctor is a wictch/wizard or sadist.These immoral characters,the likes of Dora,Kaingu,Chituwo and their blind paid followers can live that person to die because they’re heartless/sadists/immoral/corrupt without any new ideas.