Tuesday, March 25, 2025

SACCORD backs sacking of useless PF government Ministers


The Southern African Center for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) has added its voice in expressing disappointment with President Michael Sata’s revelation that he has useless Ministers in his government.

SACCORD holds the position that there are still hard working and educated potential Ministers that President Sata can still appoint if it has been found that the current members of his government are not doing their jobs correctly.

Executive Director Boniface Cheembe says his organization also believes that the revelation by the President that Ministers in his government are allegedly useless further explains the difficulties that the Patriotic Front (PF) government is having in terms of policy implementation.

Mr. Cheembe has told Qfm news if the country is to ensure that policy implementation works well for the needs of the people of Zambia, there is need for the Head of State to relook at the Ministers he deemed useless and replace them with ones that will do the job correctly.

The SACCORD Executive Director says his organization believes that if the President has a Cabinet that is working well in the interest of the people’s needs and of the vision he has in mind to develop the country, it will be then that the PF government will be doing the people of Zambia the service they deserve.


  1. Making a mountain out of a molehill!
    But we know that our presidents language can leave much to be desired and we know that since time immemorial, why then do we make a great deal out of it?! Can we disagree with him on a much different calibre and bring up arguements based on facts without really basing and sticking to his words for we dont know in which state and line he uses them!
    Otherwise, Chellah need to edit the big mans words for when all is said and done, people will only remember such sentiments!

    • HEMCS said it out of frustration. he has tried to give his ministers opportunities to prove themselves but have failed him

      Tried shuffling and reshuffling but its not working. I know that these ministers are trying to do something, such that some of them are even afraid of their shadows

      Next he will definitely crack the weep

    • Fish rots from the head. You can’t have useless ministers and you are doing nothing about it as predsident only unless you are useless too. What Sata is actually saying is that we have a useless leadership in governement, him inclusive as he can’t do anything about it but just talks. That is why we need a people driven constitution that limits the powers of the president so that in such a situation, the useless ministers together with the useless president are sent home parking immediately.

  2. The bible talks about taming your mouth, which me President needs to
    Learn, he is president and he needs to act like one, his mouth alone can
    Lead us to great poverty, nobody wants to be nears someone who abuses
    His surbodinates, and if he views those hard working people as useless that
    Prophecy is bound to become true, they will be even more useless

  3. Please SACCORD stop sugar courting, the president said all his ministers and PF MPs are useless, which means under the current constitution setup, he only has to choose from a pool of useless MPs to make them ministers. This is observed in the way he just moves them around day in day out. He knows even if he was to fire the current crop he will still turn to his useless MPs to choose from, what a predicament he is in for sure. This sounds like it is beyond Dochi Kubeba syndrome hence he has had no choice but to tell as it is.

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