Saturday, March 29, 2025

Govt called to legalise squatter compounds


Residents of Misisi, Ngwenya and Kuku compounds of Lusaka are appealing to government to legalize their settlements to enable them have access to basic social needs such as water, health services, schools and proper roads.

The settlements, which have no schools, health services, clean drinking water and proper road networks, are home to a lot of people yet Government insist they are illegal settlements therefore not mandated to provide these services to them.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS, Charles Kafumbo, a resident of Kuku compound, said the compounds have been in existence since independence and that it is saddening that 50 years after independence, the settlements are still illegal.

Mr Kafumbo who is also vice president for Zambia Direct Democracy Movement (ADDM) party said, politicians always go looking for votes in these settlements but forget to appreciate the people’s vote by going back there to improve their livelihood by making the settlements legal so that the area can finally be developed.

And when contacted for a comment on the situation in these settlements, Acting Public Relations Officer for Lusaka City Council, Mulunda Habeenzu, said the compounds are informal settlements and can only be legalized through the Housing and Improvement Area Act approved by the Minister of Local Government and Housing.

Mr Habeenzu said some of the problems the residents are facing can be sorted out without involving the government, an example being Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company being in charge of providing water to the residents of Lusaka city.

He said the areas will be recognized as legal once they are recognized as improvement areas.



    • Indeed. These government officials are obligated to bring clean water and sanitation to the compounds, and can work with the people to make it a safer place to live. The people of the compounds have been neglected and oppressed by government, and it is their responsibility to give them a basic standard of living. Government cannot expect people to develop and be stable when clean water and removal of waste are lacking.

    • They can stay if they are upgraded. Eighty (80%) per cent of Lusaka residents now live in squatter compounds. They need to be re-planned; re-aligned to have passable roads, water and sewerage, electricity and well-demarcated boundaries.

  1. Mr. Habeenzu, who is supposed to start the ball rolling? Is it not the local authority? Get the concerned councellor to make a move on this!

  2. The leader we have in these offices all just their to worm chairs. truly since independence, what is wrong with the leaders of this country. just wait am coming into leadership for true change.

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