The opposition Movement for Multi-party Democracy says the two vice presidents, Dr Brian Chituwo and Michael Kaingu, had meetings with Post Newspapers Editor Fred M’membe and PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba in an attempt to destabilize the former ruling party.
Director of Communications in the party president’s office Muhabi Lungu has also revealed that he has been approached by the Patriotic Front several times to defect to the ruling party.
Featuring on online based Cross Fire Blog Radio, Lungu said the party had irrefutable evidence that two of the leading officials in the revolt against president Nevers Mumba had been feted at State House several times.
Lungu said party vice presidents Kaingu and Chituwo had confessed to having held clandestine meetings with Kabimba but had not divulged the details of the meetings.
“We discovered that our two vice presidents (Kaingu and Chituwo) had been having meetings with Fred M’membe. Of course meeting Fred M’membe is not the problem but he has made it clear that he does not want the MMD to survive and he wants it obliterated,” Lungu said.
“As a result Fred M’membe arranged for a meeting for our two vice presidents to meet Wynter Kabimba and they did not tell the president that they were going to meet Wynter Kabimba and what the agenda was going to be. When it was broken by the people from the Watchdog they wanted to hide the story. And I am the one who tried to get them so this whole thing looks suspicious.”
He added: “We approached Dr Kaingu and he agreed that they had a meeting with Wynter Kabimba. When the UPND discovered about the meetings, the UPND refused to give details with the two vice presidents present saying we know your members as MMD have been meeting Wynter Kabimba and other people at State House.
“When the president called them to find out what the meeting was about they became defensive and it is part of the reason we have this situation.”
He said the PF had not relented in their quest to weaken the MMD and was approaching its members with promises of rewards.
“We know that State House sent a vehicle trying to pick up Scorpion Kadobi and also trying to compromise Bowman Lusambo with promises of greater wealth telling them that now that you have been suspended we could do this for you,” he said.
“We know that two vocal members in this fight have been to State House several times and the information we have is that they have been given money.”
He said there were elements that were resisting the restoration of the MMD because some members were still obsessed with their former privileged status.
“We lost an election and he (Nevers Mumba) has been trying to build a new image of the political party and some of the old habits have been fighting him.
“I think that it is really unfair for them to blame him for the failures of the MMD, celebrate with him when we win an election and blame him when we lose an election,” he said.
“Dr Mumba had started that process by holding a retreat earlier on in his presidency and the people who are resistant are the people who feel they are important, they were ministers and Dr Mumba is a foreigner he has just come. They have constantly resisted him.”
He said, “So you can see that the first resistance was from Major Kachingwe who tried to use an illegal method to get rid of the president. He was collectively expelled by the individual NEC and the next one was Namugala and the president has had consistent pressure to re-organize the party.”
Lungu said, “Then there is my sister Dora Siliya who was perceived by most people in Zambia that she was the most corrupt. I am not saying she is guilty. The perception is that she together with others like Peter Daka are the ones who brought down Rupiah Banda. She was aware of this and made an attempt to reduce her visibility. She took offence when I took over the role of defending the party and a vacuum was created.”
He said the PF had approached him several times to offer him positions.
“I have been approached by the PF several times, I have been approached several times by the UPND offering great things,” he said.
Lungu said the next MMD convention was due by April 2016 and asked members that were agitated to wait for that term.
The MMD has been engulfed by a potential revolt led by the two vice presidents and Siliya who are believed to have been heavily funded to undertake the destabilization of the former ruling party.
[Zambia Reports]
Yes, any disorganisation of MMD benefits other parties, plain reality, plain truth. There is no differences in policies and manifestors af parties. They are all in the middle of capitalism and socialism. All followers of any Zambian pilitical party have no orientation apart from being general and thats why they easily swing. We have swingers in party members everywhere. They follow where there is bread and butter, never mind principles. And that is the problem. Use principles like what GBM did to resign they hate it. It happens in all parties. Come with money like HH then you see them swing into that direction. MMD, this is reality. FDD has shrunk due to perception that there is no money there. The greatest looser is MMD this time. Members have seen that money there has dried up.
Is Michael Kaingu, Iris Kaingu’s father? If he is, I do not have a slightest doubt where she got her manners from.
There both BITCHES.
The greatest loser will be the Zambian people if MMD disintergrates. PF and Fred Mmembe are panicking because it’s clear to all that they have messed up Zambia’s economy.The only chance they have is to annihilate the main political parties. At least Zambians now know who the selfish unprincipled leaders are and come 2016 the youth will not vote for them.Our elders have really taken Zambin youth for a ride. It’s time for the youth to rise up. Lets have a cabinet with people in their 20’s,30’s,40’s and 50’s. This is the group that will take Zambia forward.
This makes sad reading indeed. Surely the two MMD vice-presidents wants to sell their party to the devils (M’membe, kabimba and sata) for wealth and money. Now I know that Mr. Nevers Mumba is not the problem. The problem is with some selfish individual in the MMD who want to fight Mumba and pull him down. No wonder MMD has been losing bye-elections and going down.
@ex-moma, I agree with you. The greatest loser will be the Zambian people and democracy. We need the MMD on the Zambian political scene to offer checks and abalances to the pathetic panga family (pf) party.
1.2 Ex-moma ((my love) do you know how old the today 20s yr-old are? How can they be ministers for real? Go to Sata’s Facebook and count how many can make a “good” minister. Sata has a lot of “useless” 30 and 40 yr-olds as deputy ministers, the only I hear of is Miles Sampa.
@nostradamus your ‘pet’ names for me are interesting. From Transgender to my love! However any 20 year olds ( or 30-100 year olds) patronizing Sata’s facebook page are losers and should be kept very far from any leadership position. No I’m referring to progressive young people.People who have changed the world have been young people. We don’t have to look at Steve Jobs,Bill Gates etc…our our Kenneth Kaunda was a young when he become president and his cabinet was full of young people.It’s evident that our freedom fighters have gone past their sell by dates.No offence but it’s time for the young ones to rule.
Dr Mumba be strong not Kutina. We need two strong parties post PF (project failure). the two parties should be UPND and MMD. PF is equal to UNIP in every sense, the difference at the two leaders and time of leadership. UNIP and PF converge on one point only and one point only which is destruction of the economy.
Chituwa and Kaingu don’t mess up MMD just join PF. If Nevers is a bad leader (according to your judgement) did you have to go and meet Wynter and Fred, which political party do they belong to? why go to State House? Time will judge you harshly.
Selfish and greedy leaders. I said it 🙁
i prophesy, in the name of KING JESUS, that Nevers mumba shall prevail as long as all his colleagues are using evil methods , they are not doing things straight but with hidden bad agendas. all will faill and Nevers and MMD shall stand. Allelulia, Zambia shall be Saved
Just as there is a minimum capping on the age of a President and that of his Ministers, let’s equally have a maximum capping.
All Cabinet Ministers are OLD RUGS that do not deserve been there, as they simply cant think.
Politics of the belly are the order of the political leaders in Zambia. These men just think about themselves and they can sacrifice the electorates just to satisfy their egos. When will this country have men of integrity who stand for the truth and the people who voted for them. All we have are a bunch of selfish disciplined men behaving like pröstitutes! No wonder we are always lagging behind in terms of development because surely people are just playing mönkey tricks with the electorate!
M’membe dont think you are the only one with tricks. “the hunter thinks, the monkey is not wise, the monkey is wise, but it has its own logic.” We love zambia and your are expendable. remember, the old saying, there are many ways to skin a cat, you have just signed your own skinning!!!! wachilamo, security and intelligence is not just shushushu or G4, they can be passed!!! Never think you are secure or safe enough!!! the needs of the country outweigh your personal needs. whether what has been said or written is true or false about you, but i think enough is enough. You have grown too big for our liking!!!! Look behind you,……………..
Walasa boyi. This M’membe thing thinks he is a small god in Zambia. No one is indispensable.
An old Chinese proverb states that, “Time has never failed to prove itself”.
Anyway for Kaingu this man has no class. You can tell from the behavior of his children. As for Dr. Chituwo, I am so disappointed beyond words. The problem with MMD is that the majority of their leaders are in politics for a livelihood. What a shame!!!
I have never commented on any issue but I can’t pass this one, I can see other politicians doing this but Brian Chituo??? It hard to comprehend this. Mr Chituo you have disappointed a lot of people and I must state that you are a disgrace to the people of Mumbwa. I held you in high esteem but will never look at you the same way.
where did they lean such manners probably from the underworld that’s were the devil promise people fortune in exchange for the life. no principles what soever God will save the faithful and true lets not worry about what the devil PF if you mean well the people will bring back in power, not what you are doing is unacceptable
MUHABI LUNGU nikateeka.KAINGU ,CHITUWO, na DORA fiteekwa.Muhabi has show servant-leadership throughout his political career.There others have always been Political parasites.when Muhabi was fighting for democracy in the 90s DARA was READING NEWS at ZNBS.KAINGU and CHITUWO were scared civil servants.so Muhabi has been a freedom fighter for many years.
I totally agree with you 100%. Remember Muhabi when he was KK’ spokesperson?He dismantled Newton Nguni and Late Lemmy Mushota on a znbc Live tv debate about the constitution.After that Muhabi was arrest on tramped up charges of treason and came out weak from the prison.This guy is vibrant.Those days MMD under Late chiluba was brutal.Ask Fred M’MEMBE how he suffered with his Newspaper.
It is very unfortunate that instead of addressing the issue at hand you decide to bring in Iris and refer to her and her father as bitches, does this line of thought give you satisfaction of any kind? Can you shed some light as to how clean and morally upright you are compared to Iris and her dad?
By the way as far as it is known Iris regretted her irresponsible actions long time ago and has since moved on while moralists like yourself have nothing worthwhile to do but think of Iris and her dad’s sins.
Kaingu and Chituwo should just join PF. They have sold their soul to King Fred.
@OldRugsOut & Blago,
It is unfortunate that instead of contributing to the issue at hand you prefer to maliciously and verbally abuse Iris and her father by calling them bitches and having no class. By the way, if I may ask, how clean and morally upright are the two of you and your families? Be the first to cast your stones at Iris and her dad!
It has been documented that in fact Iris regretted her actions long time ago and has since moved on while moralists like yourselves with nothing better to do are still brooding day and night over Iris. It profits you nothing!
i don’t see anywhere in the statement were he personally admitted that he held those meetings it is either LT or Lungu who is misleading us
Traitors! Does Mulusa know this? And Kafumukache? Are they part of the deal? If Mumba is useless what is PF and Post’s interest? And Kachingwe is looking for 1 billion to hound NM out of MMD (see the Zambia Daily Mail of 1st April 2014). He claims he wants to cleanse the party.
Nevers will never be nervous because God never leaves ever.
Nevers will never be nervous because God never leaves him ever
How do you write an article saying ‘Michael Kaingu admits to holding a secret meeting with Fred M’membe and Wynter Kabimba-Muhabi Lungu’ when the party being talked about have not being qouted. Ifi chimo chine nelyashi lyapano isonde, no proof just here say and twenokane said twenokane… be proffesional guys I know we want traffic to our website but ethics are ethics!
God ‘s will shall prevail and no amount of intimidation shall scare Never Mumba . If God is for us NO EVIL shall prevail and it will come to pass that one day Nevers Mumba will be president . COOL down and God expose their evil desires. its high time we earnestly prayed to God for a president who shall fear him and put the country in order. the country is rich but evil has swallowed our current leaders and forgetting about the ten commandants they promised to us. You are accountable to God let us see if you will go to heaven with money. love one another . you come bare on earth and you return bare to the grave .so your good works should speak for you.
Muhabi, why do you always try to prop up a dying horse? You did it with KK and you got your butt kicked. Now that your butt has healed, you are again propping up another dying horse, your dull friend Nevers. You will always remain a loser, my friend, get a life and do something worthwhile. I surely feel pity for your poor wife, if you have one that is.
What is Muhabi Lungu doing? If he wants to survive in politics let him consult people that have been in it longer. Let him VJ and possibly RB if he can give him an audience but the way he is going he is bound to crush badly. Muhabi is the man who stayed in UNIP far longer when the party was long dead. Misreading the times. Where is UNIP now? Now he appears to be holding on to Nevers when it is clear the man has failed. When he became MMD president, the party had 55 MPs, now the party has 38. Is Muhabi hoping to be vice president of MMD? If that were to happen, that would be the last nail on the MMD because even eastern province would quit on that party. Why? Because Muhabi comes from a small tribe in Eastern province.
Kaingu and Chituwo, Don’t be fooled by anyone.
Ask Mulongoti, Chitala, Mpombo, SS Zulu and many others who have been used and damped by PF.
Even their own GBM and Lubinda.
Just apologise to your members and revamp MMD through rebranding.
The temperature is raising!
Muhabi Lungu is childish , He does not understand politics , if you think MMD shall survive you are cheating your self . you can speak polished English . but people want a leader who does not love money the Nevers loves it