Saturday, March 29, 2025

Police arrest 27 PF cadres for land grabbing



The number of arrested suspected PF cadres who were grabbing and illegally allocating land in Lusaka West Kalundu area has increased to 27 from 20, Lusaka Police Commissioner Lemmy Kajoba has said.

Kajoba said Police have managed to arrest another seven suspected PF cadres over the weekend bringing the total number of arrested cadres linked to illegal land allocation to 27.

“We picked up other cadres over the weekend and the number has now increased to 27 and others have already appeared in court,” Kajoba said.

Kajoba said some of the arrested cadres would today and tomorrow appear in court for their illegal actions.

“Among the group, others are expected to appear in court today and tomorrow but this does not mean they will be released because they have to help Police with investigation of others involved in illegal land allocations,” he said.

Kajoba said Kalundu areas in Lusaka West were suspected PF cadres were allocating land to themselves and selling is under the eagle’s eye of the Zambia police.

“I would like to confirm to you that the exercise has extended even to other parts of the country which has been experiencing illegal land allocations by suspected cadres,” Kajoba said.

Kajoba said the exercise has also extended to chongwe district were cadres had been illegally allocating land to themselves in the recent past.

The commissioner further said, the police were still investigating the cause of the death of cadre who was reportedly shot dead after clashing with police in Kalundu on Sunday lastweek.

And owner of the land in Lusaka west Siisii Lisulo said he was still living in fear because of numerous threats from suspected PF cadres.

“The police have not come back to check on us since last week when the deputy minister of home affairs Steven Kampyongo visited my farm ,” he said.

Lisulo said the cadres could come any day as threatened and feared that they would come with Paraffin to burn his house on the farm. Lisulo however said the area had been calm from the time the minster visited his farm.

“Even if it has become calm, you never know when the cadres can come back, we are still living in fear,” he said.


  1. that’s what we expect from this Govt,congratulations it takes seriousness to bring disipline.Abash lawlessness in fact most of these cadres belong to a named opposition party that was so used to such bad manners.

    • This has only happened because the police themselves have been affected negatively and PF leadership is also scared for their safety. That is not how you rule, only act when threatened. PF is trading on dangerous grounds, they need to step up on governance and rule of law.

  2. Congrats IG. Let those hoodlums masquerading as PF cadres dance pelete. They should be handed maximum sentences without an option of a fine.

  3. This Z.P. is NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE, & should be disbanded a.s.a.p.!!
    These are ROBOT’S, who only react to orders from whoever is currently in power, rather than carry out their job the way they were trained.
    Why waste taxpayers cash, & years of training these Z.P. Clowns, if they cannot use their brains to carry out their work, as one does not need to be a Rocket Scientist to know when a crime’s been committed, & what action to take.
    Unfortunately unless Zambia gets a new civilised,- rather than this current “Schizophrenic Constitution”, this Rubbish will continue, as most politicians are SO CORRUPT, hence their need to hold on to this draconian constitution, to protect their crimes of raiding Zambia’s coffers & brutalising anyone who stands in their way!!

    • Do u think we have a police service in Zambia? It had to take Kabimba to tell these fuls to wake up and serve the pipo. They are like robots indeed. without Kabimba’s statement would be sleeping to date.

    • @4.2 Lubuto, I agree with you 100%. If it was not for Kabimba the police would still be looking the other way. There is something which makes Zambia Police impotent when dealing with cases involving unruly ruling party cadres. It was the same during the MMD era. There must be something wrong with the training at Lilayi. Or have they taken a leaf from their Zimbabwean counterparts who see nothing wrong in the criminal activities of ZANU-PF cadres? Some associations!

    • Absolutely, and in sentencing the judge should say: “congratulations, you’ve managed to grab less than one square meter of land in a cell shared with 40 others – enjoy your 99 year lease!”

  4. This never used to happen under MMD.Gospel truth.I know what what people went through in the hands of MMD caders.

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