EXPELLED MMD national secretary Richard Kachingwe has formed a movement dubbed “Save MMD from Nevers Mumba” which he says is aimed at hounding party president Nevers Mumba from presidency.
Maj Kachingwe contends that the movement is not meant to fight for positions in MMD but to liberate it. He said that names of members of the movement will soon be announced.
He said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that all democracy-loving Zambians must invest in people calling for the removal of Dr Mumba from MMD leadership.
“Very shortly we are starting a movement ‘Save MMD from Nevers Mumba’. Just now, we are calling upon all people to put our hands together to save MMD from total collapse,” he said.
The former MMD national secretary said if he can find K1 billion he would organise an extra-ordinary convention and usher in new leaders of the party.
Maj Kachingwe said Dr Mumba’s allegation that State House is sponsoring people to cause divisions in the MMD is “cheap politics”.
“Anybody who loves democracy in this country must invest in us who are fighting Nevers Mumba. For me, if anybody had money today to give me – like K1 billion – I can get rid of Mumba in the next one week.
“I only require K20 million for a provincial conference and K800 million for a convention. If anybody had invested in this process by now we would have gotted rid of Nevers Mumba,” Maj Kachingwe said.
Maj Kachingwe said Dr Mumba has been accusing some MMD members of being sponsored by the Patriotic Front (PF) to cause confusion in MMD.
He said that the movement is a pressure group, which will carry out a number of activities and will work with all members of MMD and independent citizens throughout the country.
Efforts to get Dr Mumba failed as he gave his mobile phone to one of his aides, who said Dr Mumba was not available to give an interview.
No amount of money can save the MMD. MMD is finished, move on guys…
MMD is not built around one man like PF is.So whether Kachingwe raises K100Billion or more,MMD will not be destroyed.Dora Siliya and company will come and go as others before them did.For the moment,this self cleansing ahead of 2016 is welcome and should be supported.MMD will rise again after these upheavals.
Abo ba nkale chabe! This time bazaba paya! Ba ibala. Get 1 billion frm yo state house. Ninjala?
ba kachingwe mwabwekeshyapo
Kachingwe is just broke, K1 billion rebased to get rid of one individual, bloody Judas Isca-riot.
What Kachingwe is saying is that he is broke and is looking for anyone with K1billion for his belly. Go to state house bwana and you will probably get something if those guys still believe in you. Truth is MMD is gone. People are now looking at UPND of Hakainde.
I thought military personnel are supposed to be physically fit..but uyu..ninyene ni nga muponone…
MMD will go down together with Pathological Failurers(PF) come 2016.
This man is really broke and he thinks we can listen to him. Imagine he was High Commissioner to Malawi but connived with PF to become national secretary just sell information to them. Mulekeni azaona matako yanjoka. Where is Bowlman please this time send him in exile.
Then its true that the only credible party in Zambia now is UPND which is well disciplined. Imagine Dora being compromised like that. These are the same people who misled our former President. Dora make no mistake to go to PF because that will be the end of your political career though its already finished.
Sister open your eyes. The watch is being repaired and working with UPND whether PF and those cheated MMD want it or not. We are watching you.
why r these crooks lyk this,honestly they can,t have any iota just once more do the right thing for mother zambia.can u rily sit down with the lyks of mmembe and discuss serious issues affecting zambia apart frm molesting zambian just crookedness at it,s climax.zambians wake up,these cooks are scheming to decieve zambian.let us all board the ship of freedom under the able leadership of a businessman turned politician to the land of free democracy.they,re scared of this man becoz they,re used to stealing which ,ll not be entertained in the new regime.let us fight these crooks until we win.
Only a fool can entrust a broke and starving Kachingwe with any amount of money.
K1billion? Simple. Just talk to Fred Mmembe. He can get a loan from government again. Eurobond is more than enough.
Richard Well done, I will come out soon to takeover MMD Presidency and it won be the same. Richard you are like that voice in the wilderness.
Watch this Space.
Aata ka Kachingwe very s.t.u.pit.
Major, buy a farm and start growing some food. You will be contributing positively to the nation. Surely, you are as extravagant as PF, looking for 1billion for nosensical things when people are going without food for days in some parts of the country. Major, nichani kansi? Lets play a part in developing the country-1 bilion to oust somebody?
major yamucita nyala. politics of the stomach. time for is gone let other contribute to the well being of this country. if you have nothing to say please sit and watch Christian broadcast. you have now running out wisdom
Maawe taata, basondoka ba Major!(my God, the Major has gone mad!)
this is the result of dark corner meetings kachingwe has been having with Fred Mmembe and group am he is actually soliciting for 1 Billion from the PF to cause disturbance within the MMD, i wouldn’t be shocked to find that money has already been given and he is confessing and giving assurance to what has already happened.
Kachingwe is the wrong guy to be in the forefront of seeing Mumba out. I hope Kaingu and Chituwo don’t associate with him. He is a sellout. Remember the court case of RB? The troubles in MMD started because of his love of money. Now he wants K1 Billion, for what? When will he ever quit? This man was not fit to be secretary general of MMD. Yes Nevers has problems but they are not insurmountable. He needs to meet with his NEC and sort out the issues. If the majority want him out, it takes a man to hold the bull by its horns. So Nevers reflect and meet your colleagues but do not be defensive. Don’t let people like Muhabi cheat you.
kachingwe should not head any grouping . He is too selfish and he loves money like any thing . you can not trust Kachingwe where money is concerned . he is just like Nevers Mumba Look the way he bet raid RB if mmd is to come back let clean people take over . i like joseph chilambwe he always tells this people facts. KLACHINGWE KEEP QUIET . IN SHORT KACHINGWE AND NEVERS ARE ONE AND THE SAME
Ba kachingwe, who on earth can entrust you with money to oust one man Dr. Mumba? Indeed the bible comes true that enemies will team up and conspire, but they will fall because God will fight for the righteous. Nevers mumba is being fought because of his stand and Zambia needs such men as Nevers. We still believe in you Dr. Mumba, stand firm. They will not succeed in their evil plans. MMD is going through cleansing and it will come out strong and focussed. Let all those calling for Mumbas removal to join other political parties of form their own. It is a democratic right to do so.