Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Government to create one million jobs by 2016-Mukanga


TRANSPORT, Works, Supply and Communication Minister Yamfwa Mukanga commissioning the laundry machine for Ronald Ross Hospital rehabilitated by Mopani Copper Mines
TRANSPORT, Works, Supply and Communication Minister Yamfwa
Mukanga commissioning the laundry machine for Ronald Ross Hospital
rehabilitated by Mopani Copper Mines

MINISTER for transport, works, supply and communications Yamfwa Mukanga says government has placed job creation as the top most strategy for ensuring stability of society and overall growth of the country’s economy.

Mr Mukanga said even though the country had gained political independence, Zambia was still faced with challenges to ensure that all its citizens were economically free.

Speaking during the Labour Day celebrations in Livingstone yesterday, Mr Mukanga said government had put in place strategies to achieve the dream of a better Zambia.

“Our national long term vision 2030 highlights employment creation as a priority for Zambia in order to realize its dream of being a middle income country by 2030. Among some of the strategies, government is implementing the industrialization and job creating strategy with a view to create one million formal jobs in 2016,” Mr Mukanga said.

Mr Mukanga also said Zambia had enjoyed high levels of both domestic and foreign investments that resulted into thousands of jobs being created.

He said government had further attached great importance to to the process of reforming the labour laws so that they met the aspirations and protects the rights of workers.

Mr Mukanga further sounded a warning to employers in the tourism industry especially in Livingstone to ensure that they paid better wages and had good conditions of service for their workers even before the country celebrated its 50 years of independence.

And Zambia Congress of Trade Unions ZCTU deputy secretary general Cosmas Mukuka said despite the country ‘s notable achievements in the democratization process in the last 50 years, Zambia was still faced with constitutional challenges and widespread corruption in public and private sectors including lack of transparency in governance.

Mr Mukuka also said despite Zambia enjoying 50n years of political freedom, Zambian workers had remained economic slaves because they can hardly afford basic necessities.

“On the economic front, we continue to struggle as a nation with high poverty levels largely as a result of high unemployment levels. The high and increasing cost of living mostly triggered by the increase in fuel prices largely undermines conditions of service for workers thereby rendering collective agreements worthless,” Mr Mukuka said.

Mr Mukuka urdged government to strengthen labour inspection and enhance the spirit of tripartism to ensure effective social dialogue in all economic sectors.


  1. Another reason for all the naysayers to vote a working government that will create this many jobs and ensure posterity is taken care of?

    Impressed ? Well where had you been beforehand ?
    I hope you now agree they deserve to continue this beyond 2016 and rightfully so


    • a million, two , three or even four million jobs are for the benefit of all young zambians. But kaloba is not good for the future notwithstanding roads etc.

    • Why should Mopani invite Ichipuba Chesu to commission an Industrial Hospital Washing Machine. Since when did our Chipuba become Area MP nor Minister of Health.

      No wonder he’s referred to as Ichipuba. Umumgulu walichila.

  2. Ba PF please please please. Could you for once stop your lies and tell the truth.

    If for almost 3 years you have only managed to create 67,000 jobs, how will you manage to create 933,000 in just a little over 2 years?

    • Not forgetting that we are talking about temporal casual work on construction sites as jobs. This is a concept they got all wrong

  3. stop lieing to us you are not talking to young pipo…my fuel manufacturing project will end youth unemployment i will be buying used plastics from the general public and turning them to fuel sale it at K5/ltr and then bank $4bm now that will be development why isnt zambia listening to me…what is wrong znbc you invite pipo to complain and justify high prices but the solution is here in your country why?
    I ask zambia why..

  4. Mukanga,
    Stop lying during the day, PF created about 66,000 since 2011. How can they create 1 million jobs by 2016? Impossible. Stop lying mwe bantu. We cant see any job creation venture by PF.

    • US economy (biggest in the world and with bank borrowing interest rate of 4.25%) has created in the last 41/2 years 1.8 million jobs.

      If we consider average job creation in Zambia at USD 10.000 (in USA @ 100.000), it will need investment of USD 10 BILLION!!!

      Whom are you kidding this time? Any by elections in a pipeline?

      Be serious Bwana Minister. You can f00l some people some of the time, but this lie is already stale.

  5. The government will create more jobs like they are saying but at the same time employ more ghost workers while many educated Zambians are suffering

  6. the difference between western governments and Zambia is that in Zambia Mukanga wakes up and says government will create a million Jobs in 2016, in America Obama consults with stake-holders and says “government has created so and so number of jobs, with this projection, we anticipate to create so and so jobs”. in short, in Africa it all takes a dream and boom! something is created (all lies)

  7. The private sector should be “creating” jobs. The government doesnt actually sell a product. However, if the government is able to help facilitate job creation through favorable salary laws, tax codes, and improved infrastructure, I am all for it. One million new jobs in 2016 would be a major change and huge boost to this economy. Hopeful!

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