Friday, September 6, 2024

Ignore Kabimba He Is Just A Walking Stick For Sata -HH Tells The Nation.


Hakainde Hichilema addressing the media
Hakainde Hichilema addressing the media

United Party for National Development leader Hakainde Hichilema has called on Zambians to ignore Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba as he is just a walking stick for republican president Micheal Sata and not a factor in the country.

Speaking when he addressed a press briefing at the party secretariate Mr. Hichilema said Mr. Kabimba should be ignored as he is just a side kick for Mr Sata whom he is using do his dirty work.

He said Mr. Kabimba has been misleading the nation on the issue of the constitution making process on which he has continued to issue conflicting statements but that Zambians should ignore him as his statements mean nothing and that the person to listen to on the constitution is the republican president.

“Ignore Kabimba he is just a walking stick who Mr Sata uses. You know a walking stick ka, he uses Kabimba like a stick when walking so that when he finds a snake he uses it to chess away the snake and when he finds some thing bad he uses it.

“Kabimba is not a factor because he does not even have a constituency so his job is to praise Mr. Sata so that he can protect his job. Even if we had a by-election in his village today Kabimba will lose and UPND will win so ignore what ever he says,” Mr he Hichilema said.

He further accused Mr Kabimba of lying about the whereabouts of the draft constitution.

“Kabimba told us that he did not know where the constitution was, his Permanent secretary said the same, he also told us through parliament that he was waiting for an appointment with the president and if the opposition stopped yapping about it he would deliver the document and now he has told that facade of an indaba that his ministry had the document. Can you say that he is being honest?” wondered Mr Hichilema.

And on yesterdays labour day celebrations Mr Hichilema said his call to the workers not to take part in the celebrations has been vindicated.

He said just like earlier said the PF was a directionless government which has brought more suffering to the people to the people in the country.

He said the president should have used the opportunity on labour day not only to inspire the workers in the country but to reinstate the nurses who were fired unconditionally instead of the drama that he performed yesterday.

He further said president Sata had no moral right to tell private companies to pay their employees more when his government which is the largest employer in the country is not doing the same and is busy implementing the wage freeze.

And Mr Hichilema has wished media practitioners across the country the best as they celebrate world press freedom day tomorrow.

He acknowledged the hash conditions that the profession is faced with in the country saying;” I know that you Journalists are an endangered spice.”

He called on political cadres especially from the ruling PF to desist from attacking reporters as they are not generators of information but just report on what they are told and what is happening in the country.

The opposition party also received defectors from MMD, PF, UNIP and APCP.


  1. Mr. HH is right, why cannot President reinstate the nurses and pay them well, especially if he can release all prisoners from jail? What are his priority, save lives or expose lives? Most of our parents and uncles/aunts do not have the luxuries to travel to UK, India or South Africa to get medical attention. Labour day without President and government appreciating and setting the trend/tone is meaningless. Private sector will emulate what government is doing.

    • Not sure why Kabimba thinks we or our relatives from Luapula nor our brothers and sisters from Northern Province can vote for him. Not sure why he thinks he can president. Most Zambian’s are docile but not to such an extent Bwana.

      Joke of the year.

    • This is why this boy is called a pedestrian politician. you cant ignore Kabimba in any national discourse as you will be doing so at your own peril.

      Hate him or not, Kabimba is extremely influential and even more powerful politically than the Veep.

      its such warped thinking that makes it necessary for the UPND rank and file to start looking for a better and pragmatic leader before all is lost by retaining a political nondescript at the helm

      if kabimba is just a walking stick, then HH must be a cow’s tail for sure

    • HE Michael Sata is a genii he has beaten the opposition on e again.He is spot on what do you say when workers are not well paid no employment opportunities that could have been hypocrisy of the highest degree.He communicated well to the private sector to reflect on what they are paying their hard working employees.HH has no morals to talk about labour day as he had oped his mounth to discourage workers to turn up for the event.Our President is very wise.He has the heart for our country please HH stop yapping and tell us what your party stands for we need development and nothing else.

    • Well done – One can run but cant hide certainly not for long.

      The urine bag has only but limited capacity to hold the body’s liquid reject. Always a better plan to limit your visibility time in the public eye before it bursts. We know these plans but they won’t last for long.

    • Gen – Your’s can WIN as LT’s JOKE OF THE WEEK!!!!!!!!.

      In your mind he won by a landslide in his home village. Since he convinced his homestead to vote for him, he has used the same persuasion on the Zambian populace. Kikikikikikikiki.

    • NostradamnA$$ has not been posting, is he busy with bamu kayama? Not that I miss him.
      Coming to Kabimba ignore him at your own peril.

    • @ OldRugs

      You are within your inviolable rights to bury your head in the sand.

      The fact is no sensible politician can ignore Kabimba’s influence on how the country runs today

    • you know what? Even if HH was wrong ín his statement by some strange reason,, the world will take HH`s statement as true and accurate,,,,, BECAUSE ka kabimba is the most annoying and irritating person living on the soil of Zambia

    • Ati opposition! Why can’t this HH chap become real opposition. Commenting on any trivia stuff wont tell the nation UPND’s economic plans for Zambia. I hate the idea of simply not having opposition in our country.

    • Talk of President Sata as a politician? May be ask the colourful Winas who actually know him very well (apologies to the Winas)! President Sata means well for this country. You may not like his style but just sit and reflect and in your reflection do not just concentrate on what you hear on CNN, BBC, SKY NEWS, etc but o what is happening in Iraq, Libya, South Sudan, Somalia and for nasty reasons in Nigeria. Zambians please, do not chew and swallow your peace and say everything is all right. Almost everyone hates you for having not experienced war. HH, to me is becoming mature politically. He now approaches issues with ZAMBIA at heart – congrats to him. Money can buy you anything and I mean anything. My appeal to HH is: Secretly find time and go and meet your brother Mr. Sata and discuss.

    • @ OLDRugsOUT & The rest of you

      That is why the majority of you never made it to university and some of you even failed grade-9, you had to repeat 20 times until you bribed somebody to push you to grade-10. Has Kabimba said anything about campaigning for his presidency? Why do you focus on an irrelevant topic and leaving aside the actual point which HH was making? Was HH talking about Kabimba being president? Kabimba has every right to campaign for President Sata and PF, just like you are entitled to your own shocking level of ignorance. If you don’t like him, don’t tune in to stories about him. He is every bit as Zambian as any of us…get a life and deal with your own failures! Kabimba helped PF win the 2011 elections and you ignore him at your own peril. You don’t even vote…

  2. Fred Membe and Winter know that Sata in holding onto life by a thread. THESE TWO ARE VULTURES. They dont love him rather, they have their own interest a heart. Who can membe full. Who does nt know fred membe.

    • It really doesn’t matter whether Sata is hanging by the thread to Life or not. The Elected MP’s in the PF were riding on Sata. Taking the Sata factor out most of these MP’s can’t be Elected, those nominated and appointed like Kabimba will go like a Wind.

      The folks from Luapula and Northern can’t vote for Kabimba. It’s DOOM’s day on the Copperbelt and Lusaka provinces, a non started in Southern and Western, will leave it there.


  4. To all those who love reggae music,Don Carlos is coming to zambia to perform on 9th may at woodlands stadium from 6pm to 6am.don’t miss this one lifetime event.rastafari!

    • ya o.k will be coming to Zambia to see this dude at least Ganja is making alot of sense to day.I wish it can continue being useful….

  5. HE Michael Sata is a genius he has beaten the opposition once again.He is spot on what do you say when workers are not well paid no employment opportunities that could have been hypocrisy of the highest degree.He communicated well to the private sector to reflect on what they are paying their hard working employees.HH has no morals to talk about labour day as he had oped his mounth to discourage workers to turn up for the event.Our President is very wise.He has the heart for our country please HH stop yapping and tell us what your party stands for we need development and nothing else.

  6. Interesting when HH says that Wynter has no constituency. And which constituency has Mr Hichilema held himself? At least kabimba has served as minister and as secretary general led his party into government. How about underfive, what has he achieved apart from reducing a once vibrant party that was almost taking power under mazoka to a regional Bantustan party. Mazoka managed to get 28 percent of the votes and over 40 MPs. What has Mr Hichilema achieved in the last three elections apart from reducing the party from 25% in 2006, 19% in 2008 and 18% in 2011, all the while not managing to gain more than 30 seats in parliament. I hope Mr Kabimba will respond to this underfive and put him in his place

    • Kabimba nominated MP appointed secretary general no election how is that an achievement? No constituency and you say he is a factor my foot. His popularity is not tested yet.

    • Aggressive Muntanga – Kabimba has always ridden on somebody else as the chap is simply unelectable. Even within the PF, Kabimba is stil there just because of Sata. God forbid, should Sata not be in the PF, Kabimba will be chased worse than a Dog as no one wants the guy in any inner circle.

      Surprised that some people really think his got a faint level of influence in the PF Party, no way.

  7. I like HH!

    One person with vast competency in corporate governance able to recoup the country’s flagging corporate image is Hakainde Hichilema (HH).

    HH is arguably one of the most adept corporate managers in Zambian history. His capabilities are demonstrated through his industrious corporate career, and controls a business empire worth over billions.

    His success story in corporate leadership as Director and Chairperson of boards of companies is an adored corporate voyage in Africa.

    Viva HH!


    • But Madam – Zambia is a nation, not a “corporate”. You and your HH do not seem to understand that it is not just a big farm

  8. hahahahahahahahahaha……………… kambiba sata’s walking stick. HH has really cracked my ribs.

  9. This is where hungry Hyena misses the points, I steady of speaking for the ordinary people working under stressful environments in the private sector he come up with nauisance. Hungry hyena likes talking without analysing the situation possibly his diarrhoea of the mouth is part of his ego eccentric, he lies before 6 and looks for lies before he open up his mouth. Kabimba is better than hyena by far he understands how to run a political party as well as the govt. kabimba is a very excellent SG with a massive followers. Wage freeze is not new UK since the the Tory and liberal have been running the country there has been wage freeze for public workers despite living standard going up/ inflation. Politics of clueless, hate, confrontational, menvy and directionless is hungry hyena’ s way.

  10. We (Electorate) make or break leaders. Sata has created a situation in which those who are faint hearted can still immortalize him and still believe that the man has what it takes to develop a nation. The reality is that the man we all knew as man of “action” is nothing but just an ordinary Zambian who happened to have won the elections fueled by our own greedy of wanting 8% growth instead of the 7% we got under MMD. The truth of the matter is MMD stabilized the economy and brought down the inflation to what many said was the reawakening of the economy. But today the PF are blindly swimming in the economy stabilized by the party (MMD) they want to kill that is devilish at worst.

    • The previous govts arrogance, greed and corruption got us into this. This was a corrupt govt, sad though these other people are getting worse. Those in the know how dirty our governance system has got. No morals at all, its all sangwapo.

  11. Kabibwa walking stick or convenant ?which ever way, its the worst for the country and we will not accept cadres for presidency again…

    • He is the base, he does not need a stick, but requires other people to give him the advise, authenticity and need to maintain democratic values. To be honest, it is Zambia who needs HH than he does, If I was him I would allow you to wallow in your poverty and let you be ruled by inferior thinking belonging to the yesterdays. This is a man who has achieved at an international level in business and some little….. someone because the internet is open to anyone can post foolishness. I know people who have failed to get their degree in the UK for over 14 years but call HH an *****, God we have people with nerve and stupidness in Zambia.

  12. Illiterate article. But you see the press is not free in Zambia, they are only reporting verbal diarrhoea from HH every day

  13. “No morals to ask private companies to pay more money” says hichilema. On which side are you? Workers side or private sector? And you are looking for votes from the same worker? No wonder you re called under 5.

  14. Obsession?

    A very sick Sata is suddenly providing walking support for a young and able bodied Kabimba!

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