MMD President Dr. Nevers Mumba says there is no doubt that the former ruling party is bouncing back to power in 2016 because the people have realized that the MMD has vast experience in governance matters.
And Dr. Mumba has described the warm reception he received by Eastern Province party officials as humbling.
Dr. Mumba has advised party members to ensure that they stand on love for one another and to be truthful all the time as lies and hatred will destroy the party.
Dr. Mumba says for the party to get back to its past glory, its members needs to work with one another as well as for one another.
Dr. Mumba says giving the MMD a chance to reclaim power within the shortest period of time is the only hope for Zambians because the people know what the MMD can do for them.
On the pessimists saying the former ruling party is finished, Dr. Mumba has urged members to ignore such people as leadership is not given by man but God.
He says as long as the party remains intact, MMD stands a better chance of scooping the 2016 elections compared to other political parties as it is the biggest party in the country with a presence in all provinces which other parties including the ruling PF cannot boast of.
He says when the MMD was voted out of office in 2011, it left a country with sound economic policies and stable currency as well as an agriculture policy that was putting not only food on the tables of poor people but some extra money for school fees as well.
Illusionist Nevers Mumba speaking. The man would spent half his period at states house in air see all the kingdoms of the world.
I wish it was that easy for MMD to bounce back into power
MMD had many opportunities to develop the country but instead messed up big time and people have not easily forgotten that
UPND would have been an effective party but they have a rotten head at the helm. if they can realise this and take corrective steps, their party will get out of its current political limbo and grow.
MMD was in power and we know their development agenda. I have no idea if UPND has anything to offer to the country.
Can anyone in UPND make public your development plans if you have any?
Ba ZP(Zabwino Palibe),I know you may not be spiritual,but remember the story in the Bible:Peter had laboured(fishing) the whole night,but he caught nothing.Jesus appeared and orderd Peter to cast his net in the same water(did not change the water or river),and Peter caught a lot of fish.Similary you don’t have to change MMD,but with the same MMD you can win(catch a lot of votes).With God,nothing is impossible.Dr Mumba’s strength is his Faith in God and not pipos opinions.Watch the space-Zambia Shall Be Saved from immoral politics.
ZP, people like you, are entitled to their own opinions whether out of malice,,misinformation,biasness,personal hatred or indeed being partizan in favour of another candidate.The outcome of the 2016 general elections will put an end to all opinions.Let everyman be aliar and God be true.Zambia needs a SHEPARD LEADERSHIP with Wisdom, a Heart and Compansion for the pipo.It’s good to be an Economist,Accountant or any academic qualification,but all being said and done,God has a FINAL SAY.Leadership comes from God.Man can plan,but it’s God who brings it to pass.
@moonde. The devil took nevers mumba at the pinacke of the city and showed him the whole country. And devil the tempted mumba to leave the pulpit and become a president. Nevers mumba fell in satan’s trap. Nevers mumba your spiritual man once called Masumba : A PLAY BOY. Nevers is surposed to be a spiritual guide, with words seasoned with grace benefitting the hearers.
Nevers mumba in Mufumbwe challenged sick Sata to go for joggin from woodlands to state house. How can a spiritual man be so spitefull. The man man abondoned his own church in Namibia. This man once said he does not believe in democracy because democracy means : demons go crazy. Any way as an easterner i would give him a compassionate vote just for consolatiion. Consolation Mbuya!!
Ba ZP(Zabwino Palibe),your spiritual understanding is ZERO.The devil has created nothing to give out.The Bible says:”For the Lord is our Judge(Judiciary);The Lord is our Lawmaker(Parliament);The Lord is our King(Executive/Cabinet);He will save us-Isaiah 33:22.You need Godly pipo in Parliament,Judicially and Executive(if you want God to save Zambia from immoral politics).The devil has blinded you to always put immoral pipo in authority.The Victory Bible Church is still there in Namibia.Dr Mumba had even a V ictory Conference there in October last year,installing a New Pastor.Your hatred for a man of God will kill you.
Ba Zabwino Palibe(ZP),I think you need a brief Bible Study:Take a bit of time and read the following Scriptures:Isaiah45:2-3;Psalms34:17-19;Jeremiah29:11-14;2Samuel7:8.The last Scripture is talking about David(both Shephered and Prophet) called by God from looking after sheep and made him Ruler or President over Israel. God can call a Pastor(Shephered) from looking or pastoring few Congretional pipo to pastor a Nation( more pipo).God loves His people-hence He desires to give them a Leader after HIS OWN HEART.Who knows,maybe Nevers is such a Leader.Watch the space.Your hatred (and partizan opinion) for the man won’t work.
You have to understand that the people who destroyed MMD are no longer in the Party.When MMD WAS BEING BRANDED CORRUPT by Fred M’membe,the majority of NEC members currently in the party were not there.My appeal to Dr Kaingu,Dr Chituwo,Lucky Mulusa,Dora Siliya and Kafumukache is let time heal the misunderstandings which should not be blamed on anybody.Nevers Mumba will recon test his position in MMD in 2015.For the moment,let everybody pull the Party in one direction.
Dont cheat people . There no vctory to talk about in Namibia. The was once vibrant in windhiok. Not any more. The last i attended there was pastor Katabe. We were less than 15 including children on a full sunday service.
Zabwino Palibe(ZP),I told you, the hatred you have for Dr Mumba will kill you.There was a Victory Conference at Church in Namibia, October last year at the Official Installation of a Zambian Pastor married to a Namibian lady.I know the Local Zambian Victory Bible Church Pastors from Kitwe,Lusaka and Kasama who went there to be part of the celebration-his name should be Pastor Stephen,he onces attended a Church at All Nations Church here in Lusaka.Wina azalila-God is at work in Zambia.No more politics without morality and integrity.That’s why MMD is being cleansed slowly-Darkness and Light don’t mix.
New MMD please set up a capability to make donations online maybe a PayPal account. People are willing to support Dr Mumba. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in terms of voter registration and mobilization.
Ba Zabwino Palibe(ZP)-Pastor Katebe has never pastored in Namibia.He resigned from Victory Ministries a long time ago in the 1990s.He started his own Church(Royal Family Church) at Lusaka Play House.The 1st Pastor in Namibia was Rev.Denson Chipasha.He is now the Ministry Administrator.Please ZP,don’t be driven by that demonic hatred,it will kill you.
I don’t want PF after 2016! But, the options are not there. HH do something, you are not selling yourself man!
@moonde you have zeal without knowledge. That is what kill people. I mean cultic zeal. i was in namibia working in the ninetiees thats when i heard of the dissapointment people had about Nevas mumba. I visited the churh mainly to meet zambians. Where were you by then ? You are a new blind follower of nevers mumba. You dont know him.
Zambians haven’t forgotten yet how MMD misgoverned the country. The memory of how they were betrayed by the party they so whole-heartedly supported is still fresh in their minds. I think they will vote for a new kid on the block, HH and his UPND this time around. We all know MMD, UNIP and now PF are failed projects. Please voters don’t waste your lives on these false entities who promise paradise but only deliver bread crumbs.
Yes MMD under Sata mismanaged but MMD under Mumba, will be a different MMD altogether. Mumba for President 2016
Is it only me or what! Why is it that most people from Muchinga are inflicted by dementia! I mean, MMD is a dying horse and any one with vision can see this fact, so for Mumba to think that these MMD “wild cantankerous kicks” are an indication of rejuvenation as opposed to death, then he like Sata needs his head examined for dementia! “Za kula mwa toho hali ikezisi linjoko ze”
I saw this man as a man of the cloth, a man of God whose integrity was very much needed at a time when I was trying to steer the country
out of a deep seated culture of corruption and incompetence.
Accordingly I recommended that he be appointed to the position of Vice President of the Republic Of Zambia, a very important and sensitive position in any Country.
I was then shocked when within weeks of his appointment he stated issuing random statements on matters or subjects that had never been discussed or approved by cabinet.
This made a number of people who were initially sceptic of his appointment to come back to me and say, we told you that this man is not qualified to hold any government position.
I assured them that he was just new to the role and he will bed in nicely – he just needed time to learn the way of Government and in the same vein I called Mumba by the side and
advised him that he should be especially considerate when issuing statements and that he should not discuss matters in public that have not been agreed upon by cabinet.
To my surprise the man stated throwing tantalums at my advice and insisting that he was a wise man of God who should not be treated as a child because he was capable of saying the right things.
I said to him – it was not about saying the right things but things that were consistent with the entire government’s position as that is the way democratic governments worked.
Anyway – I hoped that he will come along and see the error of his ways.
It therefore came as a shock to me when I was presented with a video tape showing him making statements in DRC that were totally out of line with government position and worse still that he had earlier denied making such statements when I first requested of his explanation on the rumours regarding the statements he was making in DRC.
I was faced with the no option but to conclude that we were dealing with an unruly character who used the pulpit to hide his crooked ways – I realised this man was dangerous not just to me and my reputation as the head of state but also to the interest of the nation as a whole.
Patrick ,
I had warned you but you never wanted to listen. These people who claim to be pastors are are all liars. It is these same clique of pastors who misled me in “cleansing” state house. They forced me “exorcise” the big man’s evil spirits that were never there. They misled me about declaring Zambia a Christian nation yet themselves are crooks. They lied to me if I go to another crooked pastor in Nigeria, I will be healed and yet that is when I got even more sick after paying some dollars to the so called man of GOD in Nigeria.
I am glad you realise your mistake .
Mukapwa kwati ni UNIP
UPND canot be trusted with the chief plunderer of zambian campanies in leadership thieves don’t stop stealing it is in their blood
Things is, MMD have learnt a lesson why UNIP went to sleep. Just look at how they handled the Kaingu-$Dora cartel. Wishing them away à la UNIP into insignificance will be at PF/UPND’s own peril.
sure it appears its true many of us zambians have short memories rememberl how nevers castigated chiluba when he still had his church zambia shall be saved and was zambia saved how he behaved when he became the vp of zambia in mmd under lpm one cannot worsete time in imaging him being the president of this country sure no wander we are said to be pipo of short memories only to regret afterwards and in any case who plundered the economy during mmd iam sure one of them is alive
MMD is only in the press, if you go on the ground, the branch ,ward and constituencies membership is very lean or non existent. As a party organiser of 30 years, I know what I am talking about. The MMD leardership at higher level dont have the capacity to inspire members at grass roots. How do you bounce back when your own members don’t trust you. Our members have been poached by NAREP, FDD, and UPND whose structures are still intact, even the ones that purport to be officials are just pretending. For Mr Lungu the Lusaka District Chairman is UPND, Mr Mwanza Kanyama chairman is a Narep supporter. I can go on and on.
Ba True Blue, you are already in the past. MMD is surely up there. Na Sata alebatina sana.
MMD and MUMBA are ready to lead from day one.the pile of problems awaits the next
president. that’s why we need a president that is ready on day one. No HH, No job on
training at state house
Psalm 74:22 – 23 Arise Oh God! plead thine own cause; remember how the foolish man reproacheth thee daily. Forget not the voice of thine enemies. The tumult of those that rise up against thee increaseth continually.
Ba Kalumba,I have said it several times-the political battles Dr Mumba is fighting are more spiritual than physical.That’s why the self proclaimed political analysts on Dr Mumba and MMD are just tribal and many of them from the UPND and the Peoples’ Fault(PF).It’s not over until God says it’s over.I like Dr Mumba,because he has too much faith in his God that no human being can scare him.Even when he started EBOZ/VICTORY MINISTRIES,many pipo said a lot of negative things,but his God saw him through.Now many of these Conferences,crusades even the Wording Ministries International being done and used were pioneered by Dr Mumba-True to his Name ,Ba Mumba bali SEKWILA,now others can come in.Even now Ba Fr Bwalya can come into politics beacause ba Mumba bali sekwila.Ba Mumba was called all…
Has Nevers got a nerve or is he merely naïve?
True to his name, this preacher turned politician is just nervous! I will be the first one to congratulate him, should he prove to be a worthwhile contender for plot one. Wishing him all the best.
This MMD UPND thing should stop. Zambia needs a strong MMD and strong UPND to challenge the ruling party.
Navers, Do not stop and listen to people with discouragements. Continue with rural and urban visitations. We have already started trusting you and the leadership behind you. The wrong that was done by the past MMD and that, being done by PF are but good lessons for betterment of your tomorrow’s MMD government management. Bring buck those economic principles. Tukulolela ciza uli?
There is only one problem with pastor Mumba. No one trusts him anymore. The catholics are a strong force in this country and when they support a candidate it is likely that the candidate can win. But with the pastor here, cannot mobilse the pentecostal vote behind him. They have little regard for him. Fellow bishops such as Namakando, Nhwakah, Chiluba know this guy so well. I bet they cannot waste their vote on him. 80% of victory ministries members when they go in the voting booth cannot put an X on Mumba. It is all about integrity!
it bothers me that the only defence when it comes to Nevers Mumba is that he is a man of God, are other presidents not men of God? Please talk about his proposed policies and his plan , if he has one to make MMD win rather than blame Mps that oppose him(which is normal in a democracy) and always say he is a man of God. we all are men of God.after all, Zambia is a Christian nation. Lastly, we bloggers should argue with facts and not the propaganda the media feeds us, have any of you noticed that Dr Mumba has not shown us any evidence that the so called rebel mps r being sponsored? is opposing not part of a democracy?
Dreaming big i see no MMD here on the copperbelt.
hh waba itole don’t talk about copperbelt you are based in usa i know you well.
An encouragement to Dr Mumba and new MMD take every negative criticism with a grain of salt, turn it to positives. Be very competitive you have to close in where there are gaps, you can’t afford to lose 2016 elections not even by 5,000. Take an audit of the current membership, target the new registration and mobilization to a minimum of 50% of the total registration of what will be on the 2016 register. Appeal to all sectors of the population, encourage Dr Mumba to enroll in an Economic degree even if he doesn’t complete it by 2016 it can be completed after 2016 , it is a step in the right direction due to the economic situation in the country. Zambia needs a President that can challenge the economic advisors rationally and logically based upon economic principles.
For Party Mobilization Target Lusaka, Copperbelt and Central after Eastern, then move on to Southern, Western and North Western and finally Luapula, Muchinga and Northern Province. You need to be very competitive both in the MMD internal elections scheduled for 2015 and 2016 and the General elections in 2016. Interact with great minds worldwide Economically and Politically with a proven track records including great parties that lost elections and came to power.
Please set up a capability to make donations online maybe a PayPal account. People are willing to support Dr Mumba. Learn from Obama’s grassroot financial campaigns .
Declaring the blood of Jesus over Dr Mumba, family, New MMD and Zambia. No weapon formed shall prosper.
mmd is dead and buried