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Home Continued appointment of party cadres is compromising the efficiency of the civil service-VJ

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  1. VJ stop being a hypocrite. You were a UNIP cadre yourself when you were appointed ambassador to the UN. MMD appointed plenty of cadres into the civil service. In fact they started it. All PS positions were for civil servants until 1991 when you and Chiluba took over and appointed PSs all over the Civil service

    • @Umwina Zed,
      In addition to what you have said this VJ has become vocal because Sata refused to give him a job. If he had been given a job by the PF he would never have said what he is saying now. He is starving.

    • This is one of the best free counsel from a gifted veteran and career Diplomat, he said “international relations has considerably changed hence the need to have a trained and experienced diplomatic service to handle the country’s international relations in a more professional and efficient manner” End quote.

      Those who blatantly miss it are just pinheads. Zambia deserves a professional diplomatic corp and not cadre outfit on its diplomatic front. It is costly to the country in an era of economic diplomacy.

    • @Umwina Zed:
      Your crazy and thieving Bemba mentality has gone into your head and getting worse! Can you NOT see that VJ is talking sense. People like you think with their instead of using your head!
      By the way, we have not forgotten that SataN was the Chief Advocate of Chiluba’s third term bid! We are also live to the fact that SataN was Chiluba’s right “hangman” in 1991 when you claim that MMD politicised the Civil Service. So your Bemba SataN has taken his vice to his chaotic PF Govt! It was SataN who was even National Secretary for MMD and even became a Powerful Minister without portifolio! Why are you trying to blame VJ when your SataN was in the THICK OF IT and was in fact the Architect of MMD Policies!
      Your Bemba mentality stinks as much as you personaly do!

    • u sound so shallow man, am sure ur a PF cadre as well. So just bcoz da mmd did it thn PF has a ryt to do it? And 4sure they ar more cadres in gov position thn thy ws in da mmd.

    • @Chilyata I speak very good Bemba but Iam not Bemba. I learnt the language as I grew up on the Copperbelt. So take your tribal diatribe to someone else as I dont indulge in that shi:t.
      Iam merely pointing out VJ’s hypocrisy so your jaundiced conclusion that Iam Bemba just shows the kind of primitivity you are addicted to:That of indulging in Tribalism wherever you get a chance. That is for your obtuse mind not mine.Your kind are wanted by the International Court of Justice in The Hague because you cause Rwanda.
      If you have followed my postings you will know that I am not PF and as for Diplomat why do you conclude for me? It doesnt follow that if I say the MMD did it then Iam saying the PF should do it. Go do a simple course in Logic while UNZA is still providing free scholarships

  2. When you see alot of cadre appointments in key positions ,just know that all the hope you voted for is gone,and the future of our country is bleak.

  3. I agree with VJ on this one…everything he said is true, Cadres are everywhere, even here in Russia the diplomats are PF cadres..and they don’t know what they are doing. All they know is to use taxpayers’ money and steal..its really a pit!

  4. UNIP and MMD squandered opportunities to develop the country, by now Zambia would be at first world level. Instead they delivered us in the hands of a cruel and malicious PF govt who are only good at fomenting trouble, creating new problems where previously none existed. So while comments by Mr. Mwaanga are welcome but they sound hollow considering the colossal failure by the regimes he served. How is it possible desert economies like Botswana and Namibia outshine Zambia which is endowed with abundant natural and human resources and enjoys relative peace? They are stable, they forge ahead steadily, no turbulence. What’s wrong with us?

  5. A kettle calling the pot black ? Ba VJ you shouldn’t forget that your first appointment as deputy high commissioner in London was as a result of you being a Unip cadre.So you now want to sound knowledgeable and intelligent now that you are no longer in governments ha ? Cut the pretence !!

    • Not all kettles are black as you seem to imply! My be VJ is an “elctric” kettle that can blue, green, silver! May be by your analogue SataN is the Black and Charcoal pot! So why cant VJ the green kettle call SataN, the black pot as “Black”.

      It is strange that even in the 21 Century, you still see things in terms “Black and White.” How about lateral thing, Sir? This Bemba mentality of yours will not take our country anywhere

    • @Chilyata
      It is an idiom iwe.Talk about the wages of missing English language lessons in high school !

    • What has being bemba gat to do with anything ? Shame that almost 50 years after independence people are still tribalists.

    • @Saulosi:
      Everything including your “Idioms” change with time – so you better learn to use appropriate and relevant idiom at any given time! Just because they used to ride donkeys in Jesus’ time does not mean that we should also be riding donkeys when there Bentleys, BMWs, etc.
      If you were a true intellectual, you would have know that idiom of yours is even more of an insult in contemporary times because its RACIAL overtones.
      To educate you a bit, words like Black kettle, Black Spot, Black pot, etc are prejudicial to and are used against “BLACK” people – meaning anything “BLACK” including Black muntu is “BAD” or “EVIL.”
      You seem to be too backward since you DO NOT to know the obvious!! I think it is because of your Bemba and SataN mentaslity.

  6. Zambians should demand to know all Zambia ‘s political parties on foreign aligning Zambia to rogue nation like,north Korea,Cuba,Sudan and uncle Bob.Zambian politicians should market our agriculture and other products for export,hence the need to align the country with nations that are business friendly and who respect human rights.what is UPND,’s foreign policy.

  7. That’s the man! He is in election mode. You see that shirt? It has 20 pockets. It carries 3000 pre marked ballots, in Malawi even.

  8. Monkeys defending monkeys on this blog. Monkeys do not see or elucidate any sense of any progressive opinion, all they care is destroy and loot the maize field. Today they block any one going out in the country side to warn Zambians about the maize fields being looted. Monkeys will be chased by the owners of the field when voting time comes, its zwaa, zwaa, swaa, swaa, phyaaaa, chasee!!!!!!!!!. Peace at last, peace at last, peeeaaceee for bleeding mother Zambia.

  9. This is typical of Bemba chaps.I have observed saulosi and that other chap Gen,that they dont think straight.They forget that SATA was MMD but broke away from MMD after chiluba appointed Mwanawasa as a party president instead of him.The truth of the matter is SATA is UNIP,MMD and PF is just a reflection of UNIP.These bemba chaps think bemba.tribalism is in their brains.

      I wish you would make your point without bringing in Bemba. We, the Bemba are a humble but very strong and confident people who are never scared of anybody and not tribalistic. So far umuBemba nkonko hasn’t up to now governed Zambia. Ba KK, although schooled in higher moral Bemba principles, he still reverted to type, neglected Chinsali, became a tribalist and favored only Easterners. Chiluba, is Luunda, Sata, mu Bisa hence the hatred for Bemba. So lets shunt aside the tribe card and focus on the real problem at hand.

  10. I know what you mean VJ. The appointment of Solomon Mbuzi as ambassador to Russia has not settled well with you. You are burning and chocking with envy because your continued stay outside the political limelight is taking a toll on you. Two and half years after you lost your political glory, you are certainly itchy. Your disparaging remarks that you hurled on Sata and the PF when they were in opposition have turned to haunt you. Unlike your uncle Daniel Munkombwe whose political prowess has made him to continue serving even in the PF government, you have effectively reached a dead end politically. You have been checkmated. Whatever negatives you say about PF have no bearing because you are a spent force.

    I wish you would make your point without bringing in Bemba. We, the Bemba are a humble but very strong and confident people who are never scared of anybody and not tribalistic. So far umuBemba nkonko hasn’t up to now governed Zambia. Ba KK, although schooled in higher moral Bemba principles, he still reverted to type, neglected Chinsali, became a tribalist and favored only Easterners. Chiluba, is Luunda, Sata, mu Bisa hence the hatred for Bemba. So lets shunt aside the tribe card and focus on the real problem at hand.

  12. VJ is the should be the last person to comment these rantings. During his time in government he influenced the appointment of his girlfriend Doreen Mukanza as press attache for the Zambian high commission in Pretoria. The problem with these politicians they either think all Zambians are dull cant see through their closets or they simply think that Zambians easily forget. Your comments do not make you a saint. Go back to your past and reflect before you give counsel to this current government. However, this does not mean that the PF is a better government, it is in fact worse than VJ’s MMD government.

  13. u sound so shallow man, am sure ur a PF cadre as well. So just bcoz da mmd did it thn PF has a ryt to do it? And 4sure they ar more cadres in gov position thn thy ws in da mmd.

  14. So if VJ was appointed to the diplomatic service then as a UNIP carder,does it mean we should continue with that? The man is giving sensible advice. We are in an era of economic diplomacy. You can’t just appoint any chap as a diplomat. You must listen,shaa. Mbuzi Uzi, just arguing for the sake of arguing .

  15. VJ our President needs that wise advice, if he listened too bad he never listens, problems we are going through is a reflection of what VJ just mentioned, we are
    paying a high price with these appointments of appeasement, our economy is tanking
    these cadres are failing to bring any investments except for inkongole, appointing 80 years old man on a can while leaving out all the vibrant young people like those i saw escorting Sata to court

  16. Professionalization of diplomacy can not be achieved overnight. The Zambia Institute of Diplomatic and International Studies (ZIDIS) (!!!) has started bearing fruit but time is needed to build a sustainable system. Second, the creation of new districts is government policy. It is not a personal exercise. In a democracy, some elements will stand out of the mainstream. That is the basis of opposition parties and advocacy groups. Merits of new districts include District Hospital, Secondary School, Police Station, District Council, Information Service, etc. The district is an economic entity for cattle and other farm produces. Last, the presence of party cadres in itself is not wrong. It is a case by case decision, There are many good party cadres everywhere.

  17. VJ is an inspired man, the most logical politician i have known. He stands a fair adviser. He is not petty, in fact it a waste to have him in the background. Please take whatever he says as serious business

  18. These are not party cadres, these are actually relatives Sata is saturating the civil and diplomatic service with. Every where one goes this days, its god damn Muchinga everywhere. When the new president comes in, soon, his or her first task will be to cut down this festering Muchinga jungle and “ocha amalasha”.

  19. Dr. Makasa Kapasa Emanuel Kasonde fimo fimo!
    I do not know whether stupidity in you is a gift from god or you’re simply on drugs. Could also be a case of blind loyalty resultant from tribal bigotry. I mean, if current districts are failing and current hospitals are in disarray, what logic is there in creating new ones? Look at the Chibesakundas, they are everywhere in govt and diplomatic service, all appointed by your god dam Satanyokola as though there are no other capable Zambians. It’s best to keep your vile opinion elsewhere, we kanyo iwe!

  20. What merits “we kanyo iwe!” Current hospitals, Secondary School, Police Station, District Council etc are all in disarray and that’s when you think creating new ones is a good idea! Sometimes I wonder whether you baboons from Muchinga have a gift from god for excess stupidity or you’re simply on drugs!

  21. Gents as much as these old politicians says something sensible just know that it is because they are not in power they are just the same people don’t trust them even if he becomes president today he will do the same so boss sit home and enjoy your retirement if you have any you have been in all governments not that you are clever than all the zambians it is because you are greed, if Sata had to call you today for a job you will even forget to advise him what you are telling us now so just shut up you a wrong person for that.

  22. Insoni ebuntu, VJ it was your time when we used to welcome you while listening to your failures. Give meaningful advise.You are just confused now that you can’t do your thing anymore. By the way, what all those pockests for?

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