Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Finnish envoy concerned with Zambia’s high budget deficit


ZAMBIA National Farmers Union (ZNFU) executive director Ndambo Ndambo (left) and Finnish Ambassador to Zambia Pertti Anttinen during the signing ceremony of a Four million Euros bilateral agreement to finance the Core Support Programme (CSP) in Lusaka
File:ZAMBIA National Farmers Union (ZNFU) executive director Ndambo Ndambo (left) and Finnish Ambassador to Zambia Pertti Anttinen during the signing ceremony of a Four million Euros bilateral agreement to finance the Core Support Programme (CSP) in Lusaka

Finnish Ambassador to Zambia, Perti Antiinen, has observed that Zambia’s main economic challenge is the fiscal policy management as can be seen from the budget deficit which he believes is too high.

Mr. Antiinen told QFM Business News in an interview that the country’s external debt is increasing which should raise concern.He said fiscal discipline and execution of the national budget happen to be one of the big challenges for the country.

The Finnish envoy believes it is imperative that the authorities keep focus on the fundamental fiscal discipline and addressing the budget deficit.

Mr. Antiinen added that it is important to make a solid and conducive working environment for businesses operating in the country in order to attract direct foreign investment.

He said the recent depreciation of the Kwacha against the major foreign currencies should also be a source of concern to the country considering the affect on the economy.



  1. What Budget deficit naimwe? I am happy that this money is been spent mostly on my Bemba relatives who now have jobs in most areas of our government. We thank President Sata for his foresight and generosity. Mwabombeni mukwai!

  2. This a statement from one whose Country is properly managed, & the evidence is there for all to see, as there is visible evidence of Zambias current Decay.
    P.F, blind followers cannot Moan that his comments are due to “Sour Grapes”

  3. As much as the situation is not good in Zambia, or Sambia as the Finns would say, it is not good here too in Suomi or Finland. Finland is not having much natural resources but i am sure they are getting out of the situation. Sorry to say but our current gov´t will not get the nation outta this crap situation they blame on mmd.

  4. The Honourable Minister of Finance, Comrade Chikwanda, wants us to believe otherwise. That nothing is amiss. And that no one should even talk and be concerned about the ever dwindling fortunes of Zambia’s economy. Under MMD, Zambia did make a turn for the better. PF have managed to reset the clock back to the UNIP era. They are doing so in broad day light, while every Zambian is watching. And they tell us that, we should not even talk about. That everything is well and o.k.! Zambians are a wonder indeed.

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