Friday, September 6, 2024

Tarrifs hike will reduce power outages-Miles Sampa


Commerce, Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Miles Sampa
Commerce, Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Miles Sampa

Commerce, Trade and Industry Deputy Minister, Miles Sampa has said that while the increase in ZESCO electricity tariffs will result in the high cost of production, it will also help reduce the power outages affecting the manufacturing industry.

Speaking during the official opening of the 28th Zambia Association of Manufactures (ZAM) Annual General Meeting in Lusaka this morning, Mr. Sampa noted that one of the challenges the manufacturing industry has been facing is power cuts.

Mr.Sampa said that the problem of intermittent power supply affecting manufacturers will be addressed once new hiked tariffs come into effect next month.

He noted that the manufacturing industry is one important sector in terms of job creation and fostering economic development.

Speaking earlier, ZAM President Bright Chunga, said a report done by the International Council of Mining and Metals (ICMM) on the social-economic benefits of mining in Zambia has indicated that annual recurrent expenditure by mining companies in Zambia on manufacturers including low technology products currently being manufactured in Zambia has increased to over one point eight billion dollars (US$ 1.8 million).

Dr. Chunga said that the mining sector provides a platform for manufacturers to foster the growth and development of the manufacturing sector and ensure manufacturing contributes meaningfully to GDP growth, export earnings and job creation.

Dr. Chunga has also observed that the space occupied by locally manufactured products on the shelves of international chain stores remains small and probably decreasing.

He says local manufacturers need more space and more products on the shelves of chain stores.


    • Have you noticed how the PF “Chumbu Munshololwas” gang up to defend their warped decisions. I remember how they defended the removal of subsidies – telling us that one the subsidies are removed, schools, roads, hospitals will be built left right and centre; that load-shedding will stop etc.

      When they got the first bond, load-shedding is a thing of the past, infrastructure etc will be aplenty.

      We also heard about the Toll Gates (good idea by the way) – roads will be state of the art.

      Today we are still hearing the same story – load shedding will be a thing of the past …

      blah blah blah

  1. Just recently you claimed that the Euro Bond money allocated to Chitundu & Co will mitigate what you are now claiming.What do you take as for? Thats a tavern remedy while you fat cats are enjoying duty free things!

  2. Yes Mr. Sampa, it is all in the equilibrium. Power cuts will go down, not because there has been any improvement in the power supply, but because the price has go up hence the poor will not afford it lowering the demand. Chitundu will then divert the excess power to the Mines to increase production for more profit to the owners of the mines whom you won’t tax and they in turn will laugh at us on video all the way to the bank.

    • It is incredible how nobody has a complete understanding of the Zambian economy. How true that the tariff hike will result in many people being disconnected for non-affordability of an essential service and how this will lead to resort to increased use of wood-fuel and how this will lead to increased deforestation and desertification ad nauseum!!! In leadership you need Churchill’s “sense of proportions”!

  3. Nubian princess an appendix is a point where you put things that are not vital but maybe necessary to anyone, so what do you mean. Anyway tarrif hikes and electricity started in mmd. I just hope they are doing this ane sell zesco later. Since mmd loading has not been reduced all political perties are the same. Will be voting on education, names etc coz promises are not working

    • boza. in MMD we had load shedding but not to these levels. PF also campaigned on the premise that they will end load shedding

    • @room, an appendix is also an organ at the end of your big intestine. Please refresh yourself with some basic high school anatomy lessons then you will understand my comment.

  4. Energy hike will lead to increase in the already high cost of doing business….how is that going to help the manufacturing sector. ..unless they enjoy energy discounts like the foreign mining infestors…. what’s wrong these empty tins we call ministers?

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