Two councillors from the ruling party, the Patritic Fornt (PF) ,  Samuel Munthali and Daniel Chisenga  have withdrawn their candidature in the  race  for the  presidency in the Local Government Association of Zambia(LGAZ).
The race is now between Lusaka Mayor Mulenga Sata and former Livingstone Mayor Aggrey Njekwa from the United Party for National Development(UPND)
Mr Munthali, despite successfully filing in his nomination on Monday evening, withdrew at the last minute when he was called to present his manifesto at Kansanshi hotel in Solwezi today.
“I have decided to withdraw my candidature and I am leaving the race to my cousin Mr Sata. I am urging all my supporters to support him. I don’t want when he goes home and puts injunctions on certain things, so, I am withdrawing from this race,” he said
Mr Chisenga withdraw from the race a day before filling his nomination and did not give an reasons.
Meanwhile, Mr Mulenga Sata during his manifesto presentation assured the delegates of good leadership once elected as president.
“Although there is need for power rotation, the agenda from the association can best be pushed if there is someone from the ruling party and from Lusaka because it is a centre of power and administration,” he said. Mr Sata added that once elected as president, he would promote sustainable autonomous development in councils. He also stressed the need for Government to continue supporting the association.
Mr Njekwa who is confident of wining the elections said he would advocate for better conditions of service for councillors.
He said he would work on improving the welfare of local authorities.
Eighteen candidates successfully filled their nomination for the 10 chapter vice president positions in the association.
Why withdrawing? They are useless.
They have been threatened with dismissal .Democracy does not exist in PF.
And Sata Mulenga says “I am not riding on my fathers brand”. I really do fail to understand what happens to people when they are around high office. Not Just Mulenga Sata but the collective bunch of politicians who seem to develop a condition that fragments reality. Some proclaim that PF is fighting corruption, others will swear that there is no “marriage of convenience” between Sata and Fred M’membe while others will lebel voices of reason on the falling Kwacha as “cartels” wanting to bring Zambia down while claiming PF is doing the best for Zambia. How? Mr Mulenga Sata, What we see is a former dog seller who has propelled to the most “promising” and in demand leader soon after his father ascends to office and we wonder why that is? Do you see it differently?
Let him enjoy whilst he can, but we know that it won’t be long. Very soon Mulenga Sata will be on the receiving end. Court cases everyday and fighting for his freedom, while his father will be somewhere in hell being held accountable for the many misery and suffering he is unleashing on his opponents and the Zambian people at large.
They have done the right thing
The other Chiyengi should withdraw too.
WHy? Well why waste money on a forgone conclusion.
There is no democracy in PF, it is all dictatorship
That is an understatement! This Mulenga chap is not competition material. For PF District Chairman – he had to go unopposed, for Mayor – he had to go unopposed! For LGAZ – as far as PF is concerned, he is unopposed…. So good that Njekwa is from UPND and will put MS’s popularity to test. Of course, the others were threatened
So glad Sata is an old man . This chap will be humbled come 2016. Trust me
Useless mambalas.
Good ! Wise decision right there.
You seem to be the only foo.l on this blog.
Yeah i bet a definition of a fo-ol in your world is somebody who doesn`t share your myopic view.You are a genius !
Saulosi, you sometimes or most of time behave like Sata family, they never support or endorse others. Start by commenting on other people’s ideas, not always people have to follow you “where is Saulosi where is he”, they find you and you attack them back.
And he has won by a margin of 10.Keep on crying.
Good he won because his father removed him from the WILL after insulting his father.
He said he didn’t choose to be born Sata’s son, he wish he had a choice.
Ha ha ha Nostradamus ubufi.
Like Mushota ,Saulosi you always use your skull to think.Just because you a mubemba nkonko does not mean you should just swallow all the vomits.
Thats exactly what will to kabimba when pitched against Mulenga Sata for PF presidency. He will be forced to withdraw or face being fired by Sata.
what a nice country which has gone to the DOGs
Looks like it will be going to the dog seller soon and Kabimba thinks he’s got it in the bag – donchi indeed!
Don’t worry it’s only temporary my friend.
Ichalo ubusuma mwapela bakolwe
No wonder RB got rid of the baboons at state house! Alas they voed one in.
When I read about these elections early in the morning, I knew that by 12hrs there will be only one contestant or two. Remember what happened not long ago in LSK. Don’t ask me who? The brother with a correct surname. This time you can only fool few people and not many. Nothing stays on top forever.
It seems this man will now be sailing through unopposed in any electable position he sets his eyes on. Lusaka mayor, Lusaka PF chairman, and now LGAZ presidency. Bamba zonke mentality.
He is also a councilor in some ward.
Rumour has it that he also wants t o take Over Dr Vongos position.You know Dr Vongos association. !!!!
Way to go guys. Its only logical never to compete as a party but face the u5s. congratulations Mr. Sata in advance for winning the seat
At least he is winning elections unlike those James Banda and them who where buzy steeling our moola
very f00lish mentality. mulifipuba kabili mwalipena!
@Iamfras. Winning elections?
Winning elections my foot!!!!!!!
If ugly HH fails in 2016, it will be 20 years in opposition, we cannot allow another ugly president in Zambia who does not look after his Hair and dress code.
Is that so you can say sure, you UGLY PF monkey?
They are all big fo ols…. Why are Zambians so dull kansi?
UNIP reloaded. As if there is no template, this guy cannot even see what happened when KK tried that dynastic nonsense on us and we roundly rejected it when the time was right! Good luck PF Gandhistan.
IYEEE!CHIFUNDO INE..unopposed again yaba!
Soon Kabimba will cry fool
Kabimba is too dull and arrogant to smell the coffee.He cant see that he is being used to pave the way for Sata’son.
Mulenga should also try for the Zambia Amateur Athletics Association Presidency held by Elias Mpondela as it’s life President
ya,its UNIP reloaded 7times.
What this space Mulenga will stand unopposed at the convention when he stands for PF presidency. He’s coming bit by bit.
Dog seller,pf Lusaka district chairman, mayor of Lusaka and now pursuing another position of president of LGAZ. what a selfish leader? Next,God forbid,he would want to be the republican president,minister of justice, minister of defence,and home affairs all in one. I don’t think Zambian has a shortage of people to take up these positions. Even Mulenga sata should be worried if his sense of humour works well for him. He is simply a bad leader. There is NO doubt he is riding on his father’s back; but perhaps too stupid to see it.
you are right,too stupid
@Baby Police,Mulenga Sata Should now go for Kalusha Bwalya in FAZ and stand as FAZ life president unoppossed especially after that FIFA SCANDAL.
There is another nail in the coffin for PF. They have such propensity to do it to themselves every step of the way. They never learn. The clown is a son of his father, so you can’t expect much from him. The meteorite rise will spell a long fall from grace! Watch this space.
@Saulosi. Eat while your uncle lasts in State House. @Peter. If that is the democracy where you are and that’s what you are being taught; am afraid you are lost. Let elective positions be contested fairly and not names like former Dog sellers; when his father was a lumpen in opposition, we did not know the ‘mangwam’ only to appear from some grave as Mulenga SataNA.
Guys don t feel intimidated, you can be surprised that you win over Mulenga; pls stand: