Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Guy Scott declines to comment on Israeli media reports about President Sata


Dr Guy Scott
Dr Guy Scott

Republican Vice President Guy Scott has declined to comment on Israeli media reports that President Michael Sata was admitted to Sheba Medical Center in Israel until Thursday last week when he left hospital.

In an article posted on its website on 30th June headlined: ‘Zambian president had been at Sheba: Is not in critical condition,’ Haaretz quoting Israeli officials also indicated that President Sata may even meet with outgoing Israeli president Shimon Peres later this week.

But when contacted for comment on the Israeli online publication’s claims, Dr. Scott told Qfm News in a telephone interview that the Patriotic Front government does not clarify information published on online media unless such information has been published in the name of the editor and companies.

And asked whether there are any further updates with regards President Sata’s visit to Israel, Dr. Scott said that government will give updates if there any and as things happens.

Dr Scott last week told Parliament that President Sata is in Israel on a private working holiday and it is not known when he will return home.

There has been growing public speculation on the President’s visit to the Jewish State.


    • He did well to refuse answering because whatever he could have had said could not have been believed by Zambian`s in the online community.Apparently their thinking is already predetermined.The could have dismissed them with their ussual “they are just lies.PF are liars.” It is a nation of amazing people.

    • The best spies in the world are Israelis. Take their word for it -Sata was admitted in hospital.They obviously have interest in this 3rd world president whose government lied that he was meeting their out going Shimon Peres,whilst this same government strengthened ties with Hamas not too long ago.Guy Scott should be embarrassed with himself for lying to the nation and uttering tribalist remarks last week against our tonga brothers and sisters.Yes let him keep quiet this time because the evidence is out there.We have seen no footage of Sata for the past 10 days what kind of investors is he woo-ing? He is sick everyone knows that.

    • Scott would do better to shout up because nothing sensible is coming out of his head of late.

    • Can then Guy Scoot comment if Ba Sata is safe, because Israel just launched assault on Gaza? I will suggest that Ba Sata comes back and not get involved in Israel’s local conflict.

    • @Nostradamus
      No need for Scot to comment,,, Sata is enjoyng his working holiday on the sandy beaches of Israel and he not picking up his power,,,,,,,,,, mean while, legal president Kabimba has dissolved bemba cique cabinet,, and replaced it with cartel cabinet with lozi man mmembe as chief overseen,,,,,,,2016 kabimba no change,,,, kabimba will never hand back those instruments of power to Sata

    • And people expect Scott to comment what on the health of HE President Sata, when doing so is a crime as per Kapeya’s law.

    • So in your tiny little PF minds the Vice President not answering is to teach us bloggers a lesson? I would have thought his response would be for the benefit of the whole country. Do you see now how dull you PF people are? Dull and also liars. these are two facts you cannot run away from.

    • Why do we then continue paying this pig his monthly salary, later on allowances. Guy’s let’s get answers from this pig, he is taking us for a ride.

    • Usually if there is local conflict like now Israel start striking Gaza, all international visitor (head of state), returns back to their countries to avoid get involved in national issue. Ba SATA need come back today, in fact he is even trapped in the conflict. Come back boss…

  1. The constitution should be amended not to permit appointment of a ceremonial Vice President like Scott. Otherwise we will have anarchy like we are witnessing today.

  2. Give us the link imwe ba LT from israel to confirm the allegagtion, our president has dissapered likeMH370 Malaysia airline

  3. Our Vice President is behaving abnormally. Never seen this behaviour from a man of his calibre before. However, the fact is yet to un fold to us Zambians very soon and the truth will haunt him forever. The truth is matter, it cannot be destroyed or hidden. This fake white man is yet to be humiliated. Watch this pace!!

    • Scott’s lack of integrity manifested itself when he was minister of agric in the MMD days when he slaughtered his pigs at the farm so as to get compensation when there was nothing wrong with his pigs. Such a croocked man. He is an unreformed man!

    • He cant be believed because he is allergic to truth. So he did well to keep quiet because all lies have finished in the storeroom. Probably the newly imported lies from Isreal will arrive soon in Lusaka because they are just being cleared for Customs duty at the Airport. We are well inform that Newly imported lies are better and very high quality compared to the Chinese ones PF has been using lately. This is why no one in PF wants the Nation to know where Sata is because some unscrupulous small parties may also order some lies from the same source. So Zambia must be ready for even bigger and better lies when the Chief Lier returns. For now stay cool. no more lies until further notice.

  4. So Kabimba has become the ‘President’……!!!! Its amazing. Ths world we live in and My Guy Scott is giving interesting Responses.

    Given and Guy made MMD tumble with Wynter on the outside court. Those were good days in Parley. I MISS THEM.

    Ths time Jack Mwiimbu & Cornelious Mweetwa r putting presure.

    • Cornelius Mweetwa is a silly and violent guy. I was with that guy at UNZA. All he knows is violence. I don’t like him. I remember he almost fought a bus driver for no reason when there was a by-election in Chilanga in 2010. And we call him a leader. All these MPs referred to as honourable are not even honourable at all.

  5. I have never seen such idiocy in a group of people, in a country – its like living in the comminist North Korea. Zambian citizens are paying their taxes for Sata to be traveling around the world (for good or bad reason). But when the second most senior servant of the people(vice president) is politely asked to clarify where Sata is – he gives a flimsy answer. And some people dont have a problem with that??

    • @txt,
      Sata has carelessly spent the nation’s meagre financial resources on himself and what is most annoying is that when the people want to know where he is and what he is doing you get all sorts of contradictory lies. Communist state indeed.

  6. So the Israelis have cottoned on to the “DONCHI” craze doing the rounds in Zambia! They are reporting on our behalf? These Israelis can play PF’s game better. Guy Scott has no idea where the hell his boss is hiding? Where does that leave the ordinary citizens? Man! It’s coming home to roost, the creeping fact we just may be the world’s most unbelievably, I mean indescribably, daft nation.

  7. The president is in the UK and he is coming back on 9th July 2014. If all of you can now chill and wait for his return.

  8. Anyone who knows what happened in Malawi during the death of Bingu wa Mutharika will know very well that how Sata’s impending demise is being handled only has potential to expose Zambia to ridicule. The events of April 6 2012 ended with Bingu’s corpse on a gurney, battered by futile resuscitation attempts, a diaper tied to his lifeless face to stanch the blood flowing from his nose & mouth as his supporters tried to convince a nation that he was still alive. For nearly two days after his death, his cronies kept up the ruse that he was still alive, stalling for time in an attempt to maneuver his brother into the presidency. Bingu’s body, beginning to decompose but still with a tube in his mouth, was even flown to South Africa under the pretense of being ill & needing medical…

  9. ….medical treatment. His personal doctor “opted not to disconnect all the medical equipment to the late President’s body in order to give an impression that the President was still alive.” This is what awaits abena Ukwa Charlie Kaya Katongo Satan in Zambia, shame shame!

  10. Donchi kubeba results in Ubufi.

    I personally feel he should say sonething he owes the people that….otherwise fabricated stories will start circulating online again. It’s a vicious circle.

  11. Zambia has the potential to develop but the calibre of people in government will entail the country’ s advancement impossible. Almost all the people who are voted into government in Zambia are selfish and they are just there for self gain. For instance, what really is the function of the Zambian Parliament and the role of the government ? 50 years since independence, the Zambian Miners are still subjected to slave retirement packages they used to get in colonial days where as foreigners reap heftly from the same Mines within a short space of time. Why can’ t the government and parliament look critically into this issue and make some necessary amends ? Zambian is a rotten country full of useful i.d.i.o.t.s who can’ t see. What a parliament and government ? It’ s only worth in Africa…

  12. The only time politicians tell the truth is when they call each other a liar.So Dr Scott must have declined commenting from that point of view.

  13. Remember what TB Joshua said a leader in southern africa will go out of circulation? We have seen pictures of his worship the mayor in korea just a mayor where are the pictures of the president in Israel

  14. Scott can’t say anything because he does know the real situation himself.We were told ati ali on a working holiday,now he is discharged from a medical center.King Cobra is sick,don’t ba dochi kubeba. Pa Bufi.

  15. Perspective is always important — suppose in your house, your father just “disappears” and when children ask their mother where he is, how would the children respond to the response “your father has gone visiting and will come back whenever he does”. It depends on how mentally developed the children are. An infant/toddler/child can be told anything and he will believe it. A young adult however will need more information.

    If this example is too much for you: suppose Obama/Zuma just “vanished” how would the citizens take that? Esp if the response from officials is “he’ll come when he comes”?

    What Zambians are forgetting is that we are not a monarchy – we are a democracy, we the people own the president – he works for us. This will reflect on his evaluation come 2016…

  16. This will be a Mwanawasa and Rupiah Banda incident. I see Kabimba being The Pf leader and all the Bembas will be against it. They will soon shift camp to Elias Chipimo.

  17. Guy Scott is not a normal person. Every statement that issues does not carry any sense at all. Its a shame that such a retard is vice- president of our country.

  18. to me pf is delivering,why talk about sata? attack his policies,talk about his performance,when you tell the appointment of kabimba is wrong bring laws that justifies your claim.I think i can not do law.

    • Good point — I don’t know Sata the man and have nothing against him. Sata the president, however … let’s just say the figures speak for themselves: inflation, high interest rates, little or no Foreign Direct Investment, horrible exchange rate, high fuel prices, maize prices, high cost of living, ever increasing debt, clear financial indiscipline, lack of direction, lack of communication [to this day, this government has not addressed the nation, except when reshuffling], the list goes on and on and on.

      The only positive I see from this government is that we that people have shown our power to remove government from office.

      Cannot wait for #2016.


  19. Guys how does refusal to comment constitute a news story? In any other country “someone said ‘I refuse to comment'” would not be news, regardless of who said it

  20. President of Zambia , is our national asset and need total support and protection at this difficult moment.

    Both VP and Kabimba , will jointly inform all concerned on the developments in Israel and if indeed we need to worry for any account.

    Rest are constitutional matters which the Speaker of the House must ensure, there is compliance to the national code of conduct in appointment of the Acting President.

    How long do Zambians live in this uncertainty and confusion created by the VP in particular with his silence.

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