Friday, March 7, 2025

Singer Ariel releases new single



Ariel recently released his latest single “woman” . He had this to say about the song .

Woman was inspired by my Mum and other great women I’ve come in contact with and have built me up as an individual.

In Africa, we have a saying that it takes the whole village to raise a child. Ultimately, we are usually raised by our mums and other motherly figures around us with the help of our fathers and other men. Therefore, this song woman is a celebration of our women in a generation

Where we have so many songs demeaning them and telling them what they are not. Lastly, the Bible talks about honouring our parents, I chose

To honour and celebrate mine by showing them how much I treasure every moment I share with them. Watch out for the video to this single.

You can catch me on facebook at Ariel the Artist.

Twitter: ArieltheArtist

 Youtube:ArielZambia, thanks.

Listen to the song here :

 song was produced by Thosa for So Good and Video will be produced by Antonov films (Ukraine) and MT Productions (Zambia).



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