Tuesday, February 4, 2025

I always been a Pastor and have never stopped serving God-Nevers Mumba


Dr Mumba and his delegation entering the palace
Dr Mumba and his delegation entering the palace

MMD President Nevers Mumba says Zambia will be saved from immoral politics very soon.

Reacting to Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba’s remarks that he is a cheat, Dr. Mumba says it is God who will judge him and not any human being.

Dr. Mumba has told Qfm News in an interview that he has always been a Pastor and has never stopped serving God as Mr. Kabimba is implying.

He laments that Mr. Kabimba is attacking his personality and his Christian life because of politics, which he says is wrong and unacceptable.

Dr Mumba has reemphasized that he is still a strong a Preacher with 53 churches dotted around Zambia and outside the country.

And Dr. Mumba has noted the need for politicians to respect each instead of engaging in immoral politics that will not yield any positive results.

He says he will stand firm and continue speaking to Zambians on the need to promote peace and unity in the country.



    • actually you have brought immorality in politics. politics is not about your belly its a call to service. as far as i am concerned you the so called pastor mumba is that you are so broke and you are busy milking the financial carcass of the Dead MMD. politics of the belly is what amounts to immorality

    • Please do not respond to this mediocre squint eyed fellow. This appointment is the nearest he will get to being a Minister. His gone after this.

  2. Dr Mumba,what you should know is that,you’re a terror to the kingdom of darkness.Kabimba and the like,wished you were not MMD President.Now you’ve come to displace every darkness in these toxic Zambian politics.Your stake Dr Mumba is very high,look what happens when you make a statement,all hell/demons break lose.In Rom.13:3-Godly rulers are a terror to evil.So these wicked characters are uncomfortable with your presence in politics.As per your other name:SEKWILA,indeed you’ve come to clean-up/weed-out our toxic politics.And introduce Politics of Morality and Integrity.God Bless you Doc.

    • @Bo Sipopa-i agree with you,by saying that the stake for Dr mumba is very high.I recall the politics of Sata even now, politics of insults and name calling.look at the way he rediculed the late Levy,Kunda.but still pipo voted for him and they called him a good and effective politician.If Dr Mumba,you do the Sata Politics,you’ll see,all hell will break lose attracting venom from all corners.People,expect more from you.Kabimba can do anything,and it shall be ok,you do the same thing.you’ll see the reaction even from Kabimba himself.

    • The political fight of Dr Mumba is more spiritual than meets the eye.The UPND talk as a regional party has been there for several years now.Even Munkombwe,Kabimba,Sata have repeatedly said that.But when the same alleged comment is attributed to Dr Mumba,all hell breaks lose.This goes to show that Dr Mumba’s political fight is not just physical,but spiritual.

    • @Pompwe-As Pompwe(thief) says,you can see that the UPND Ing’ombe Ilede/Iyona Cult is just against a Bemba to be President.All this commotion is just a smoke screen.The issue is Dr Mumba is Bemba.It’s only God who has a Final say of who becomes the next Zambian President.No matter the demonic hate for the Bemba Tribe.It won’t work.They that know their God,they will be strong and they will do exploits-Daniel 11:32.Dr Mumba,stay strong,the devil is a liar.

  3. For the first time I agree with Winter Kabimba. Remember Zambia such be saved Nevers Mumba? You dumped your people in kitwe you chap – pf just off him a job you see how quickly he will dump that MMD.

  4. Oh, please! Not again!
    Can someone tell this lazy, clinical dull, egomaniac, serial liar, thieving conman Nevers Mumba to just shut up! Some conmen choose when to open their mouths and when. The problem with Mumba is that in his clinically-dead IQ watery brain, he thinks people like hearing his voice. Nangu chiwelewele chilakwata amaano limo-limo, nomba teaba ba President Hairless Lushonkonono Mumba. Lyonse basangwafye mufiloto! Uyu muntu pa last akabafye jerabo. Mark my words. Mukomfwako one day., elyo tepatali.

  5. It’s interesting how the devil and his agents get so agitated each time Nevers Mumba talks! Just goes to show he is on the right track. Soldier on servant of God. Remember what they called Jesus. It’s is the same spirit still alive and attacking servants of God.

  6. Nevas Mumba, you cannot serve two masters at the same time. You have chosen the world, rather than the Word. Your popularity when your ministry grew got to your head just as it did Lucifer; you were chosen to save souls and you are turning away from it, My brother; go back to the pulpit, preach the Worg of God and your reward will be far greater than the worldly power you seek now.

  7. Hats off to Dr Nevers Mumba, the man of God for not engaging in the shameful politics of insults and name calling. When will we Zambians, politicians and citizens alike, leave the cheap, dull and useless politics of insults and dwell on real issues. Insulting and name calling is a sign of a very low IQ and a bankruptcy of analytical and evaluative skills.

  8. From the archives:Frank Mutubila once asked Mr Mumba “If you were to be given a position in government would you accept?” His answer was a big No saying accepting the position would mean demotion.few years later he was offered a job as a vice president.Did he see this offer to be a demotion?No

  9. I believe to vote for Dr. Mumba will make sense in this country. Anyone who has ears to hear let him/her hear.
    To vote for God fearing man its better. He can go into his bedroom in the night and the Holy Spirit will tell him the wrongs and the sinful acts done in the day and he can repent of such. Any cults and satanists have no conscious at all.
    God please help Zambia

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