Sunday, January 12, 2025

Politicians should not be masters-Aspiring Kabwata MP


Clement Tembo
Clement Tembo

Aspiring Kabwata Constituency Member of Parliament Clement Tembo has advised politicians to be servants of the people.

Mr Tembo said politicians should adopt a culture of serving the electorate who put them into office.

He said political leaders must be servants of the people and not masters adding that time has come for politicians to stop misrepresenting the electorates by submitting their own agenda instead of that of the electorate.

Mr Tembo was speaking in an interview shortly after attending a Church service at St Pauls UCZ in Kabwata constituency.

The Church service was also attended by First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda, Acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda and several other dignitaries.

“I would like to call on politicians to put the interest of the people first. We have to stop this habit of serving our own interest first and neglecting the people that put us in office. I would also like thank the Church in Zambia for continuing to play a reconciliatory role in the nation,” Mr Tembo said.

He added, “The Church must further help transfer the mantle of leadership from the older to younger generation of leaders. We need a transfer of leadership from old political leaders to the younger generation.”

This is a time of Jubilee, let every Zambian show and practice love, it’s all we need. I attended Church service today to learn more because I believe politicians should listen more than they talk.”

Mr Tembo has already declared his intentions to contest the Kabwata parliamentary seat in 2016.


  1. so this guy used the Church platform for political campaign? He looks so desperate, hence I wonder how he is going to make a good politician. Am not comfortable with his intentions.

  2. The Boy looks handsome & refined. I think he can deliver.
    Hope he is THE SON OF late luminary politician by the name of PAUL TEMBO my once favourite guy.
    MMD killed most of the Brilliant guys during FTJ & Minister without Portifolio’s time !! IT PAINS

    GOD HAS ALREADY MADE ONE GO MAD like Nebuchadnezar who ate grass !! We kno him,sitiza tomola ziina, he is in herbination !
    ‘Zambia is bigger than One person’.

  3. He is not related to Paul Tembo the late paul’s wife and kids are in England and doing very well that chap is just another a.s.s

  4. Lets support YOUTH LEADERSHIP the boy is in the right track he looks 21yrs OLD and definately will be the youngest MEMBER OF Parliament KABWATA ever Had. Is that Your office Sir, Rather TOO SMALL anyway

  5. Truthfully speaking, its minds Like Jojos that take the country back,if a young man stands up to take a stand and want to contribute by making a difference that we all wish to see being deliverd, we stand up to shoot him because we envy him, lets run away from such small minded thoughts instead lets embrace change, the wind of change is here and we cant do anything to change it, lets suport our very own young lad! Tembo Go for it, lets change this country! We need more people like you! Dont be discouraged!!!!!

  6. Tembo should learn to climb the tree from below not from the top. Does he think the PF and other Parties are sleeping ? Tembo should learn that you can learn alot from experience. Let Tembo, talk , talk lets see if his talk will win votes and we shall see in 2016, who is the winner. Kabvulubvulu says so.

    • You dont necessarily have to start from the bottom. Politics like any other discipline requires that certain people with good university degrees can go straight to the top, while the likes of Sata have to start from the bottom and labour their way up. Look what is happening to the guy who started from the bottom. I really dont blame Sata because people did not scrutized his CV. RB was right in trying to propose that one must have a university degree to aspire for the highest office in the land. Sata should not have gone past being a DC somewhere in Muchinga. He is now learning the hard way.

  7. go go Mr. Tembo, its good to see young men rising to the call of duty. Zambia needs fresh blood in leadership, fresh minds and fresh ideas are welcome

  8. kabwata con does not belong to lubinda, he is not immortal . that office is a PUBLIC OFFICE. don’t take things PERSONAL . That office is open to anyone
    Mr banda ciseche you are either blind or selfish.
    Mr Tembo run your race and run it well ………all the best

  9. it’s good to see more young people aspiring to take up office…looking forward to hearing more of what he intends to do for his constituency. We sure need servants of the people!!

  10. the dreamer is you mr lubinda
    the problem is you think you own kabwata you think you are immortal. one thing u need to realiz is you hav lost touch on the ground and you think u stil in control.
    walaimwena 2016 like it or yes change has declared it self and you wil not stand in the way.
    way to go Mr. Tembo

  11. i like to see young lads like Tembo doing his boots.who are we to refuse you your dreams young man?maybe you are Jonah who knows?

  12. amano yafumine mwifwese yaya does not matter the size as the bemba say there are many old men who like wisdom. so let the young man move with his dreams . I stay in kamwala south and will support and vote for him. Lubinda has run out of ideas and his dead wood. since when has he moved into the constituency and address issue affecting us.Viva Tembo

  13. @Sata thanx.
    I thought he was tht man’s Son. FTJ and you(Sata) killed alot of intelligent People…..!!

    Best Wishes to Tembo, Viva Kabwata !!!!

  14. Clement Tembo, you are welcome please you will stand a good chance if you join the new rebranded MMD, you are assured of the seat in kabwata. The hour’s back

  15. Ba Josh, it is not about the age that counts. You can be young and foolish, does it mean you have a clear path to political power? This young man you seem to be supporting has not been proved in any lower position such as a councilor. Am afraid if you assessment of your candidates is based on age. He can be young but empty and worse still corrupt. Am not going to waste my vote on this inexperienced boy who is just yapping like a headless chicken. You can keep your opinion and I shall keep mine. What I can tell you is that there is time for everything. That occasion was meant for prayers not for politicking. Good luck with your favourite losing candidate.

  16. PM @ 6 ,says one needs to be a university graduate and can enter from the top. But I know university graduates who have failed to tick with all the knowledge they have.
    Am suprised that readers are mentioning Lubinda in this debate. Leave Lubinda alone lets stick to the subject matter ” Clement Tembo” . Its his democratic right to try everything under the sun. Education makes one analyse issues but it does not make you a good leader. See what happened to Late Professor Bingu Wamutharika of Malawi. It was Things Fall Apart. Politics is an art in itself. Kabvulubvulu says so by the way am not blind am very awake and very educated. The university graduates have failed to start & establish political party , but Sata with no education as you claim has done it. Bravo !!!

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