Wednesday, March 12, 2025

UNZA and Zimbabwe University launch post graduate doctorate programmes


University of Zambia Vice Chancellor, Professor Stephen Simukanga, makes a speech at the first graduation ceremony of diploma teachers of Chipata College of Education in Chipata
University of Zambia Vice Chancellor, Professor Stephen Simukanga

The University of Zambia (UNZA) in collaboration with the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) has launched post graduate programmes for Masters Degrees and Doctorate in Philosophy through the Institute of Distance Education.

UNZA Vice Chancellor Stephen Simukanga disclosed that the key programmes include Master of Science in Peace, Leadership and Conflict Resolution, Master of Business Administration and Doctorate of Philosophy. Professor Simukanga said the partnership is anchored within the open and distance education framework for the two universities to promote research and consultancy.

He said the development is in line with the university’s vision of providing relevant higher education through teaching, research and community service. The Professor said the university was delighted to join hands with its sister university ZOU, for the benefit of the people in their respective countries. He stated the role to be played by UNZA in the partnership includes recruitment of prospective students and tutors, provision of learner support and administration of examinations while ZOU is providing curricula modules examiners.

Professor Simukanga said this in a speech read for him by his deputy Professor Enala Tembo. And ZOU Acting Vice Chancellor Alfred Ncube expressed happiness that the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that was signed four years ago with a view of offering post graduate programmes to the Zambian community has finally come into fruition. Dr Ncube said ZOU was looking forward to expanding programmes for the benefit of the people.


  1. This fantastic but I would ate to see many Doctors as my PhD would be less sacred

    Saying that, what qualification does HH have?

    I don’t think he should be allowed to stand for President
    (not an error in grammar)

  2. Its’s not just about introducing post graduate programmes for Masters Degrees and Doctorate but the QUALITY silly cows!

    The University of Zambia (UNZA) and the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) are about giving lousy degrees!

    • You have a very bad language.
      The lecturers at Zambia open University are the same ones who teach at UNZA and if one can pass at Open university so can they at UNZA.

  3. Huh,Lord!
    Here is an opportunity for Mr. Sata to get one of these lousy degrees from one of these shenanigan African universities!

  4. Of course, these are useless courses, fikwakwa that the PhD mushota is doing. Plz study really hard cores courses such as Pharmacy and Medicine. Such degrees do not come by easily you have to earn for them , u don’t just get them, I hope u know the difference.

  5. The big searching question is: WHY HAS UNZA OPTED TO COLLABORATE WITH the ZIMBABWE OPEN UNIVEERSITY south of the Zambezi River, when this country has established a sound Zambia Open University (with credible academics) which is located in Lusaka West?

    Prof. Simukanga must get back to his study room so as to learn the concept of a University. It is sad that Zambian academics have failed to explain the meaning on the concept of a University to PF Govt. Hence the shocking pronouncements of we hear of creating universities at Palabana, Chalimbana, Chinsali, Mongu, Mansa when this Govt has failed to raise minimum standards of administering Unza, CBU and Mulungushi.

    Establishing a university to be run by Masters degree holders is TRAGIC for this country.

  6. Useless degrees. Why not pharmacy, chemical engineering or medicine. The cream of the crop is what we need. Almost everyone studies accounts or business courses and that is very useless,don’t spend your money on those course, it is a waste of money. The least maybe that they can do is upgrade Nursing Degrees or put in advanced computer science instead of crap. We do need very few people with business degrees but need many who will help manufacture and create products and not those who just manage them. Philosophy in science, peace and conflict resolution..what in the world is that? total bs

  7. MBA focuses on what is happening in this global world. All those courses you think are the best programmes cannot much with MBA. MBA holders managers. They manage chemical engineers and other engineers. Actuall engineers just memorises the old stuff. They are not forward looking. The drivers of the economies are economists, business managers and ACCOUNTANTS (VERY KEY). So you should stop cheating yourself on pharmacists and doctors that take so many years just to be paid K1,000 when an accountant will get around K50,000 per month.

  8. All programms are important, depending on what you want to achieve in life. I have an MBA and should not think those with different qualifications are useless. The hand can not claim to be more important than a leg.If you want to do medical courses, do it, but how much money are you going to have in your account. You remain a very poor man for the rest of your life.

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