Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Zambia’s 50th year Jubilee recognition list: Who qualifies and Why?


The Freedom Statue in Lusaka
The Freedom Statue in Lusaka

Zambia’s Governor of the Bank of Zambia, Mr Michael Gondwe, has without fanfare unveiled a list of four eminent Zambians to be “recognised” during this year’s 50th Jubilee celebration (namely former Presidents Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa and incumbent President Sata).

In the absence of an explanation of how he arrived at his list, we can assume that this is a short list of “independence heroes”. Clearly opinions are and will be divided as to who should be recognised, if at all; emotional attachments to the independence struggle will result in opponents being condemned for disrespecting the Founding Fathers of Zambia.

[pullquote]now it is time for Jubilee, so to keep quiet in order to be politically correct is to betray our independence aspirations and objectives.[/pullquote]

But although all Zambians should be proud of the Liberation Struggle, there is a time for everything; now it is time for Jubilee, so to keep quiet in order to be politically correct is to betray our independence aspirations and objectives. On our part we vehemently oppose this ill-advised, unproductive, costly and divisive project for it is not in the spirit of Jubilee.

If the idea of the Commemoration Coins is to create effigies for purposes of giving Zambians free objects for publicly venting out their anger by stepping on them or expressing distaste by using the coins for pelting which ever head of the four they detest most, then Mr Gondwe has earned himself full marks!

This 50th Jubilee must be a time for reparations. At a time such as this we should NOT be commemorating a select few but we should be shouting with great joy about this redemptive season, a season that has some biblical history as well as other life experiences such as Man cheating Man. It is a time when the plight of the poor should be the focus instead of merrymaking. Why must we recognise those who have already been recognised?

[pullquote]All the four have already been recognised by granting them a hefty tax-free pension for life, which increases pro rata at 80 percent as the incumbent President’s salary increases[/pullquote]

All the four have already been recognised by granting them a hefty tax-free pension for life, which increases pro rata at 80 percent as the incumbent President’s salary increases; they are entitled to a mansion on some prime land built by tax payers’ money; they have other perks including servants paid for by the state as well as an annual holiday ticket for the family to wherever. What further recognition do you want to give them? Why not begin this Jubilee celebration by paying Mr Alexander Grey Zulu his dues forthwith, without subjecting him to court harassment. Thereafter dig out the Independence Trail for other names that have NOT been recognised but are in various archives, official and/or private. How can you forget those who were really in the trenches with Dr Kaunda?

More importantly the Governor should tell us how the commemoration coins of the four heads of pensioned presidents will put more money in poor Zambians’ pockets. How will these coins improve our health system and stop the perennial trekking to foreign hospitals by the privileged few? How will these heads restore the ravaged agriculture and marketing set up?

This Jubilee must not end up as a populist political gimmick. This Jubilee must also be about reflecting seriously on what we have learnt from past errors of judgement and plain mediocrity. If we are to celebrate a befitting 50th Jubilee let us start afresh by correcting past errors of judgement and avoiding contentious and arbitrary decisions. Some of the proposed heads will just revive emotional memories.

Instead of “recognising” former presidents the Government must take serious steps for healing and restoring those who are still disadvantaged, dispossessed and down-trodden.

It is not a joke to be poor in the land of plenty. Let Government take steps to ameliorate families that are in abject poverty and give them a serious fresh start.

Governor Gondwe’s scheme will only take money out of poor people’s pockets and fast-track the taking out of even more through such ingenious business ventures.

Finally we must praise God this Jubilee for creating our tribes.

Let us use our tribes for positive contributions and strengthening of our nation and country. Regrettably the PF leadership, whether consciously or not, have planted a dangerous and abysmal society of special Zambians based on ethnicity.

This is a fact and those in authority had better listen and not react defensively. It is not too late to change direction in spite of the political goofs done thus far. This Jubilee should be the turning point for the commencement of the reversal of this secret and selfish policy of setting one tribe against the rest. The spectre of violence and tribalism must be exorcised from our nation this 50th Jubilee Year.

The Governor must stop this idol worship forthwith. Let him remember what happened to Saddam Hussein’s and Chairman Mao’s statues! But if the Governor (is it really him?) still insists on a Jubilee list,

he should instead put the 73 tribes on the Commemoration Coin; perhaps a symbolic Jubilee logo of say a tree with 73 branches, spanning out over Zambia, fluttering in the sweet fresh Zambian breeze, calling on each one of us from every corner of Zambia, even the Diaspora, singing WE ARE ONE.

Speaking for myself, I wish I could be the one to draw such a tree; there is no harm in trying – because Zambia is my heritage too!

Godfrey Miyanda,
BRrigadier General,


  1. I like the idea of a tree with 73 branches.That would unite all Zambians in celebration.But putting those heads of state on the coin will surely give us objects to vent our anger especially the Sata coin

    • I hope people don’t come here and start saying President Sata, His Majesty, the biggest icon present on Zambia soil, the most Influential man in Zambia politics for the last 40 years, and the ‘ONE’ has to join the Independence celebration.

      He is entitles to nominate who he wants so he concentrates on other major things at state house.

      I hope we all respect his decision


    • Instead of busy shouting aleisa aleisa and busy claiming a false popularity on FB UPND can take a serious reflection on their real position and see what they not doing right and re-model themselves…While you guys are busy liking watchdog statuses and asking silly questions like were is Ba Sata, people out there are seeing roads and schools and hospitals come up and every single civil servant is paid well. Time for reality check UPND. People have started seeing the jokers you are.

    • I see Mr Rupiah Banda has been left out. I personally feel he should have been included for conceding power peacefully. We have already seen how Sata is clinging on with his brain fried on chemotherapy and benzodiazepines. So now only KK will show up for the celebrations, the rest will be in absentia. At least Chiluba and Mwanawasa are excused!

    • @Generals, I recently visited Zambia and the Zambia I saw was worse than the Zambia I left 11 years ago. The roads I saw where the same ones I left that are being retarred. The roads mumakomboni don’t even qualify to be called roads.. My brothers, sisters,nieces and nephews tell me there are at least 90 pupils in their classes. People are hungry and those who have jobs are living in debt. I managed to visit Lusaka, Ndola and kitwe and I just hang my head in sorrow. The towns are dirty, disorganized, pot holed roads with salaula being the decorative ornament! And I understood why Lusaka was voted the worst city to live in in the world.
      I personally didn’t see any new oil refineries or factories to speak of. Only shoddy malls.

    • @Mushota — Independence Day Celebrations are for patriots, so naturally we don’t expect HEMCS to attend.


    • Maikalange

      There is no greater names in zambian politics at present than Mr Sata and Dr Kaunda
      as a metter of fact I will go as much as saying that, the 5 greatest zambians interms of influence are:

      1. Kaunda

      2. Sata

      3. Kalusha Bwalya

      4. Mwaanga

      5. Chiluba


    • WHAT ABOUT MY PRESIDENT RUPIA BANDA? Surely he deserves some kind of recognition in this Project 50 years Independence, but not 50 years of economic freedom. RECOGNIZE ALL PRESIDENTS OF ZAMBIA, THEY HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO PEACE, GROWTH AND UNITY. MICHEAL GONDWE should know that RB handed over power peacefully

    • You have an interesting list, and some names I agree with, others not so much. Personally, I think the list could include many more people, not just politicians. Zambia does not belong to politicians and it is not politicians who make this country go round.

      For us to dig ourselves out of poverty (even after 50 years!) we need to stop idolizing and worshiping politicians, who by the way are our servants, elected to do our bidding, and fired when they fail.


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    • I can understand why RB has been left out of the list. It s because he is still alive. Majority of those in the list are dead except for KK.

      The list has , the late Sata, late Mwanawasa, and the late Chiluba,

    • General Miyanda has some good points but he is also a very bitter man. Notice how he dances around Kaunda. He still holds a grudge after KK threw him in prison. For those who know him, he does not forgive easily even with his redemption. He is perhaps one of the most dangerous politicians in the country. On the point of honoring the four politicians, it is really far fetched to honor Michael Sata who has served less than three years, most of it in an inactive posture. Although he is the incumbent, the fact that the occasion coincides with his reign does not make him an independence martyr. It is unfair and an insult to our freedom fighters.


  2. i am the all mighty people. i am successful at borrowing money from my friends and not paying them back. i specialize in back stabbing people and they call me evans mfula at evaduco from kitwe but now hiding in lusaka

  3. In USA,presidents are honored years after they have left the presidency.sata and RB shouldn’t have appeared on these coins.The idea of tree with 73 branches would have been the best,but African policies is all about appeasing the appointing authority as a job protection.

    • Please Banda alone, he is not one of the four. Only Gondwe and Satan know why. You even put sick people and avoid BOMA for all Zambians?

  4. PF has scooped a sum of 18 out of the 25 local government by-elections held countrywide and you want to come and shout that Haleisa Haleisa ? Nonsense.

    • @Achimwene,
      Get to Malawi and leave us alone. We shall sort out these f**ls when time comes. All the money for roads has partly been used for these fake elections. Dance before the funeral comes!

  5. KK should NOT be honored in any way. The chap stole the limelight/honour and true leadership from true Zambian freedom fighters like; Alice Lenshina, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, Mukuka Nkoloso, Simon Katilungu etc, just to mention a few.

    The guy took advantage of his ‘new’ Zambian Nationality from Nkota-kota in Marabi (Malawi) and threatened every true freedom fighter with Prison. The entire OP at the time including strategic ministries were manned and headed by the likes of Wesley Nyirendas, Bandas etc from Nyasaland….

    Come on Zambians, know your history. Only honour those that are real freedon fighters and not these chancers. The damage KK did to mother Zambia, you guys will never know. If you cannot honor the brave men and women I have mentioned above then by all means, honor…

    • yeah zambians should know their history and that includes you mbokeme. your knowledge of our countrys history is flawed. ati OP manned by people from nyasaland, feel so sorry and marvel at your level of ignorance!!!!

  6. RB was never elected. He was a caretaker presido. Even KK stood aganist a flog. So it is KK, FTJ, M & MSKC. A tree with 73 branches is waste of charcoal. We dont need symbols or sculpture to unite Zambia. We need economic upliftment all Zambia.

    • a very sad excuse of a pan africanist who cant even do a little research about his own country to realise that RB was elected. The current zambian constitution does not allow anyone to act or be president of the country for more than 90 days without an election.

  7. The only people who qualify are: Kapwepwe & Nkumbula. These r the Unifying factors of Zambian Democracy.
    These r the Heroes who fought nail and tooth….!!

  8. Shouldn’t Enka ,Nostradamus and engineer Australia also be recognized for keeping this reckless PF govt on its toes thru our opposition to its stupid policies? We also send home tons of forex to build Zambia.

  9. How petty can these people be, a TRAITOR of our freedom fighters -SATA, who has been in power for less than 3 yrs is on the list. While a honorable man, who equally ruled Zambia for 3yrs – RB, has been left out??

  10. Its a useless idea. Gondwe appeasing his employer SATAN.
    With this kind of selfish approach to National matters- zambia shall remain in perpetual poverty.

  11. One Zambia, One Nation.

    I can’t help but notice that RB is not on this list of four. I can understand Kaunda, the Father of Freedom — seeing that these are Independence Day celebrations … but I don’t understand the rest, esp that only RB was left out.

    Where are the other freedom fighters, the Simon Kapwepwes, etc.

    This list seems politically motivated and does not propel Zambia forward.
    This is a shame.


    • How about this list to mention but a few: Munukayumbwa “Munu” Sipalo, Arthur Wina, Chona Mainza Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, Ruben Kamanga, Changufu Lewis, Kenneth Kaunda, Julia Chikamoneka, Sikota Wina etc. Ever heard of Munu Sipalo as one of the greatest freedom fighters? Come Zambians this is the real stuff. Pick it up.

  12. This is wholesome. I was equally very disappointed by the Governor. It is not progressive to start putting heads of presidents on our currency. It simply shows that Gondwe is failing is his duties and hence wants to appease the appointing authorities by putting them on our currency. If Sata is worth his salt and is a credible leader, he must refuse to be foolishly appeased in this manner. But knowing his lack of wisdom and emotional intelligence, he will welcome this idea with both hands. Shame on Gondwe, shame on Sata and shame on all those behind the scenes who are behind this retrogressive and stu.pid scheme. We don’t need this nonsense in Zambia where people are so hungry and angry. Food prices are rising everyday and this is what we must deal with for now.

  13. There are several freedom fighters that need recognition, posthumously or living. Many have not been recognised but did a lot during struggle for independence. Many have been honoured several times but no mention at all. Lets honour these people in any form. Eg: Lewis Changufu, Abel Mulanshoka, Justine Chimba, Masaiti, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, Arthur Wina, Munukayumbwa Sipalo.

  14. The people should have chosen. An explanation why Rupia Banda was left off the list, would be good; expect it’s to do with that investigation into the Nigerian Oil Deal, abuse of power and fraud. KK by default will be prominent.

  15. Data was a traitor as he worked white rule. What will they honor him for ? We all know Sata was spying on africans. Gondwe is just protecting his job. Sata should not even be in the top 100.

  16. I think that there is toomuch emphasis on politicians. There are many people who have contributed to our national development and cultural identity. We have politicians, yes, and we have footballers, musicians, boxers, civil servants, actors…etc. we could commemorate a politician and some other people from other disciplines. We cant talk of Zambian music without rference to people like Paul Ngozi, Chris Chali, Ackim Simukonda and PK Chishala, for example. In my view the heavyweight of all these is Ngozi, but others can decide who they feel would best represent some memorable achievement and contribution. In more recent times you have people like Daddy Zemus who changed the game and opened the door for young people, or a new generation, to make a proper living out of music.

    • Then in sports you have people like Lottie mwale, Chisanda Mutti, “Shuffle Charm Chiteule” and recently our own prominent female, Esther Phiri in boxing. In football we have people like Godfrey Chitalu, Alex Chola, Kachofa and many many more, including Kalu. In wrestling we have people like John Mwale and Charles Madondo.In swimming we have some white Zambians who have been representing us for years. We can surely pick one? General Miyanda is talking about a tree with 73 branches. Those are concepts that go beyond individuals, and there is no shortage of such. Even if we choose to commemorate individuals, it would be good to have a wide spectrum of people who have done things from which the youth cab get motivated, accomplishments through talent, business skill, academic achievement..

    • .. people like Professor Lameck Goma, or even people like Justice Florence Mumba who have pioneered as firsts on many levels, a great inspiration to the girl child. Wecan also for example find someone who has once lived as a street kid and has made it either through education, politics or business, something motivational and not just commemorative. This is not to say purely commemorative stuff is bnot good. Indeed that is okay too, but we should look a bit broader as well, methinks.

  17. Then there is for example actors like Greg Lungu, Dan Kanengoki (Mr Sauzande), Chanda Mwale (Maximo), Omond Musonda (Kiswapako), Augustine Lungu…etc. These people also contributed to national identity and unity and were fixtures and fittings in our daily lives while they did what they did. Just a thought. Even people like Kadansa were part of a movement that not only entertained but also added value to debate and lunch hours in Lusaka.

  18. Politicians are always liked by some and hated by others. For an occasion like the jubilee, we surely should have found common ground for all Zambians like the Chipolopolo boys, other national outstanding achievers and basically things that make us unique as a nation. I’d have expected the Governor to have put a bit of intellectual thought into this to come up with something inspirational to make ALL Zambians proud and free. As it is now, the governor seems to be less of a thoughtful person than the General.

    • @DONOVAN at 23: what an apt opening sentence! My further contribution is that since Golden Jubilee comes in 50 years naming persons may be cumbersome and problematic. Seems to me the “Jubilee Tree or logo” is neutral but contains every name you can think of in its branches today and unintentionally includes those not yet born, leaving out no one! Just a non-contentious thought. Good morning – Brig Gen Godfrey Miyanda///

  19. @Sick Saulosi at1.11:
    1. You are rumour-mongering no wonder you are off the topic; why not let those who know me speak for themselves with facts so I can forgive them if they mention what they did to me?
    2. I believe bitterness is unhealthy and may cause BP and ulcers, which ailments I am free off.
    3. When the true MMD history is written it will show that Godfrey Miyanda intervened and prevented KK from instant eviction from State House as some of your bitter heroes wanted him out forthwith but he stayed a little longer. What bitter person does that! Your jibe is offside and has no leg to stand on.
    4. I pray for you to be healed of your spirit of prejudice and rumour-mongering so that you become Healthy Saulosi! Good morning. Brig Gen Godfrey Miyanda///

    • Mwauka bwanji a Kanele? Personally I see nothing wrong in recognizing the 4 elected presidents of Zambia since independence. Come another event or milestone, another recognition can be bestowed on other deserving citizens, like you General, for your determination of leading a 2-man party for all these years.

  20. This is just a list of Zambian presidents, if it were for heroes, I cant see any reason why Sata could be among them! This really is a sign that our educated have impaired judgement in decision making.

  21. if the whole honoring is about the independence Jubilee, then original freedom fighters must have been considered. why only politicians, with all the atrocities caused on Zambians?

    iye mayo.. politicians can be selfish and greedy..

  22. Just what’s wrong with this ‘general’ of the funny party with its village concept? Now it’s a tree with 73 branches! There’ s a party in the UK for queer/ eccentric characters, maybe that party can have a chapter in Zambia?

    • @Chitutuma at 27: what is the title of your discussion? I think you are lost. Also I get the impression that you are ashamed of your village. A village is built on land, not in the air. Under the village is hidden the wealth of the nation; no people no nation.
      On today’s topic, are you against a suggestion to take serious steps to unify the nation, all the ethnic groups? If you are PF, am not, you should embrace the sentiments for redirecting our focus this 50th Jubilee.
      Now let us hear your contra reasoned views or suggestions. Brig Gen Godfrey Miyanda///

  23. @lupupa at 28: I am humbled. The trouble is that some bloggers always debate using their partisan spectacles. For national issues we must be Zambian first. rather than personal. I am concerned about the divisions in the nation which have been brought on by inconsiderate political messages and deliberate decisions that look at short term benefits. Brig Gen Miyanda///

  24. @PF Leader at 24.1: What is your contribution about the need for unity or attending to those whose real Jubilee it is, the poor and Dow-trodden?
    By the way, a milestone is posted every mile, it is common place. A Golden Jubilee comes after 50 years. Remember the 1964 promise of an egg a day for all Zambians?

    Though irrelevant I should educate you that under Zambian law two people will not be allowed to exist as a political party. Now debate the topic. Remember the quip “ndabelenga nokumfwa ndomfwa”! Miyanda///

    • General, the bit about your 2-man party is meant as a ridicule for a party that has no direction and has not made any dent on the political landscape in this country.

      The jubilee celebration has nothing to do with uniting tribes, it is meant to commemorate a particular event. For your information, every year is just as important as the other, so really nothing so special about this particular celebration. Heroes can be recognized anytime the government sees fit. period!

  25. It is now vividly clear that Lusaka Times is party of the Fascist party UPND which is bent on distortion and confusion to mislead masses. Fortunately, people are seeing reality and are judging accordingly. Your hatred for the ruling party is written everywhere in your bias criticism and uncalled for attacks on an innocent President HEMCS. One thing is clear though; you can’t fight the truth. And the truth is PF is working and we are seeing. This Golden Jubilee I will celebrate my head off coz Zambia has entered a new era of focused leadership.

  26. Hello General, excuse me but I prefer calling you Godfridah Miyanda, in line with your feminine touch in your political reasoning. My question is; are you Zambian or Congolese? I ask this question because while you are debating Zambia’s Golden Jubilee, their is a Congolese flag against your name. Please answer.

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