Friday, March 14, 2025

Botswana blocks trucks at Kazungula border following reports of Ebola in DRC


Above, trucks from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) heading to South Africa mostly carrying copper are stranded at Kazungula border post in Southern Proviince as authorities from Botswana site are not allowing due to enter their country fears of Ebola in DRC.  Some drivers are now planning to back to Livingstone and try to use the Victoria Falls border post on the Zimbabwe route to South Africa
Above, trucks from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) heading to South Africa mostly carrying copper are stranded at Kazungula border post in Southern Proviince as authorities from Botswana site are not allowing due to enter their country fears of Ebola in DRC. Some drivers are now planning to back to Livingstone and try to use the Victoria Falls border post on the Zimbabwe route to South Africa

Truck drivers from Zambia that have a Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) stamp are not allowed to pass through Botswana route due to the reported outbreak of Ebola in that country.

ZANIS reports that at the Kazungula border post yesterday, several truck drivers DRC stamps that had attempted to cross into Botswana side were denied entry in that country .

Speaking in an interview, some truck drivers who did not want to disclose their names said there were over 80 trucks at Kazungula border that came from DRC going to South Africa and wondered what measures the Zambian government and that of Botswana would do to address the situation.

And when contacted for a comment, Kazungula District Commissioner Pascalina Musokotwane charged that she was aware of the happenings in Botswana.

Mrs. Musokotwane charged that the Zambian government has taken some measures to control the Ebola disease in the country adding that it was unfortunate that such a thing was happening on the other side.

Meanwhile, a Livingstone businessperson Alex Willo has supported the move that the Botswana government has taken not to allow trucks pass anyhow in their country following the outbreak of Ebola disease in the neighboring DRC.

Mr. Willo said in an interview today that it is wise for every country to protect their people and respect the laws of their land especially when it comes to outbreaks of diseases such as Ebola.

Meanwhile, Kazungula heads of government departments and other stakeholders met this morning at Kazungula district council chamber to discuss how best to sensitize the people at the border town on the dangers of Ebola disease.

Some health workers have been tasked to work closely at the border post and make sure that all truck drivers are screened for Ebola disease in the area while the council has been tasked to come up with fliers with sensitization messages for distribution to rest of the community members in the area.

A team of government workers and other stakeholders accompanied by District Commissioner Pascalina Musokotwane visited the border area shortly after the meeting to sensitize the maketeers, money changers and restaurant owners on the preventive and precaution measures to avoid possible outbreaks.

Above, trucks from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) heading to South Africa mostly carrying copper are stranded at Kazungula border post in Southern Proviince as authorities from Botswana site are not allowing due to enter their country fears of Ebola in DRC.  Some drivers are now planning to back to Livingstone and try to use the Victoria Falls border post on the Zimbabwe route to South Africa
Above, trucks from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) heading to South Africa mostly carrying copper are stranded at Kazungula border post in Southern Proviince as authorities from Botswana site are not allowing due to enter their country fears of Ebola in DRC. Some drivers are now planning to back to Livingstone and try to usethe Victoria Falls border post on the Zimbabwe route to South Africa
Above, trucks from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) heading to South Africa mostly carrying copper are stranded at Kazungula border post in Southern Proviince as authorities from Botswana site are not allowing due to enter their country fears of Ebola in DRC.  Some drivers are now planning to back to Livingstone and try to use the Victoria Falls border post on the Zimbabwe route to South Africa
Above, trucks from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) heading to South Africa mostly carrying copper are stranded at Kazungula border post in Southern Proviince as authorities from Botswana site are not allowing due to enter their country fears of Ebola in DRC. Some drivers are now planning to back to Livingstone and try to use the Victoria Falls border post on the Zimbabwe route to South Africa
Above, trucks from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) heading to South Africa mostly carrying copper are stranded at Kazungula border post in Southern Proviince as authorities from Botswana site are not allowing due to enter their country fears of Ebola in DRC.  Some drivers are now planning to back to Livingstone and try to use the Victoria Falls border post on the Zimbabwe route to South Africa
Above, trucks from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) heading to South Africa mostly carrying copper are stranded at Kazungula border post in Southern Proviince as authorities from Botswana site are not allowing due to enter their country fears of Ebola in DRC. Some drivers are now planning to back to Livingstone and try to use the Victoria Falls border post on the Zimbabwe route to South Africa Above, trucks from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) heading to South Africa mostly carrying copper are stranded at Kazungula border post in Southern Proviince as authorities from Botswana site are not allowing due to enter their country fears of Ebola in DRC.  Some drivers are now planning to back to Livingstone and try to use the Victoria Falls border post on the Zimbabwe route to South Africa

Above, trucks from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) heading to South Africa mostly carrying copper are stranded at Kazungula border post in Southern Proviince as authorities from Botswana site are not allowing due to enter their country fears of Ebola in DRC. Some drivers are now planning to back to Livingstone and try to use the Victoria Falls border post on the Zimbabwe route to South Africa


  1. And when contacted for a comment, Kazungula District Commissioner Pascalina Musokotwane charged that she was aware of the happenings in Botswana.

    Mrs. Musokotwane charged that the Zambian government has taken some measures to control the Ebola disease in the country adding that it was unfortunate that such a thing was happening on the other side. What measures have been taken on the Zambia side, Botswana is taking precautions and protecting it’s people.

    • Ask your UPND who condemned governement when they banned citezens fron ebola infected from flying into zambia.Your vice president and you supported him on this forum

  2. Please please we are less in population in botswana we don’t need ebola here in our country……those trucks and everyone from those countries should’nt be allowed to get in our country until the problem is 100% solved please.

  3. she said she was aware that Botswana will close the border because of Ebola for the people from Congo before the closed it. which makes me give her a distinction in insanity. we are the first ones who where supposed to make this move before Botswana.
    its true to say common sense is not common to some dumb leaders,moreover Congo is the origin of Ebola for your own information. it is now on our forehead.

  4. Once this disease hit botswana is going to be a catastrophy.batswana like hugging,touching,kissing,and sex..we are just going to die.

  5. Send trained air-force medical personel and armed airforce teams to man the border.This is a force against national security, awe pa Zambia mwe Ati distributing fliers.

  6. The solution to this should be a SADC wide initiative and not just individual countries. It defies reason that Zambia is not screening the drivers at the port of entries such as Kasumbalesa and and Mokambo but does so at the exit point in Kazungula. Chances are that even if the drivers are allowed through Kasumbalesa or the through Zimbabwe for the ones that opt for the Victoria falls route that they will encounter the same problem when they attempt to enter South Africa from Botswana or Zimbabwe. The most logical approach is for the authorities within SADC to meet really soon and agree on a common approach… ideally very stringent screen measures at the points of entry rather than just blocking or travel, else our economies may be unduly crippled

  7. If you think you can block trucks from other countries, think again. Zambia is a land locked country and depends on its neighboring countries for almost all of her supplies. Very soon we will here of Tanzania having the out break. Those of us who trade know that these routes are so dependable for our country than any other and hence you can not completely do away with them. The Govt need only to put up strict screening measures to control the scourge. There are also individual Zambians who go to these places for various businesses, so you mean they should be denied until things are put in place? wake up!

    • ba @ limpo, you are correct but not updated. what consequences shouldn’t faced first?
      ebola or border closure. its like u have chosen ebola!!!

  8. Botswana is doing the right thing by blocking those trucks. We should be blocking them from the point of entry to prevent the spread of deadly ebola otherwise we are at risk.

  9. SADCC the regional grouping should come up with emergency measures to the citizenary are safe,put the drivers in jik or something but dont keep them there indefinitely,they are humans and are doing a business.

  10. This is a sad development indeed. Ban trucks, but allow people or ban both? If you ban the drivers, how will their families survive without them, as almost all the drivers are non-congolese – they are Zambians, Zimbabweans, SAs, who need to get home, even if it means leaving the trucks at any border. At the same time, trucks per se do not spread ibola, but it is spread by people, in this case the drivers – although it could be argued that the trucks used by infected drivers would infect the next driver; so who or what should be banned?

  11. Sovereinity! If your country has no population control measures then let loose things for Ebola to control/trim your population. I personally tod my own brotha in marriage not to pass thru my home coz he was coming from Congo in appreciation & responsibly protecting my family. I didn’t/don’t care how he wil take it/me for. Sovereinity of my family is paramount! Trade & Landlocked status shud/must/can not put Zambians/Botswanas at stake. Botswana’s population is stil young and must b protected at all costs. Other problems harvested already and enough is enough. Imagine if the world remained with only 3,000,000 chickens! Wouldn’t UN dclare it an endangered spicie? How about M’tswanas? Go to Gabs compare it to Lska in population? As Zambians, there is literally not anything that…

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