Saturday, February 8, 2025

Church should take a leading role in advocating for gender equality


CONGREGANTS with their lit candles during a candle light inter-faith service held at Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ) in Chipata
CONGREGANTS with their lit candles during a candle light inter-faith service held at Reformed Church in Zambia

Council of Churches in Zambia General Secretary Rev Susan Matala has called on the church in the country to take a leading role in advocating for gender equality.

Rev. Matala said the church is an institution which is found everywhere in the country and that most of the members of the community belong to a church hence making it a good platform for advancing gender equality.

She explained that the participation of women at a level were they are taken as equals will help in reducing poverty and enhance development in the country.

“The participation of women at the level were they are equals with men ensures that poverty issues are dealt with; poverty reduction, development not only on the national level but starting from the communities and at the house hold level.

“The church is placed in a situation where they can potentially change prejudices of people because the same people that came to our churches are the same people in communities so they can influence the communities and deal with the negative cultural aspects which dictates that women should be left behind,” she said.

She added that churches are well structured and that they meet with their members on a regular base.

“If the church pick up this role first of all they are well structured and they have this well structured program that ensures that they meet with their members everyday so it means that the platform to engage communities is already there,” She said.


  1. women cannot be equal with men and will never be. believe it or not, it is God who gave them that position”GENESIS 3:16
    Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire [shall be] to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”

    • The bible is an anthology of male chauvinistic ideas.
      Women are superior to men.
      Women being the weaker gender is simply a social construct, that has since been debunked. Because the kind of strength that matters in life is mental strength. And women have more of it than men. Think of it, it women who raise men, and not the other way round. So, whatever it is that men achieve in their relatively shorter life is attributable to the preparation they got from women. Hence the saying, “behind every successful man, there is a woman.”

      For the record, I am a man.

  2. Shame the Rev who reads and studies the bible is advocating for gender has never worked due to different levels of strength

  3. Wait a minute… Gender equality..? When one says gender it means either male or female. So ( MALE can not equal FEMALE) FOOL STOP(.)

  4. What!? The church lead gender equality!? Are you nuts!? They are busy screwing their congregants and you want them to lead what!? Get real for once in your little lives…

  5. This woman doesn’t know what she is saying. It’s a pity that women think they can be like women. That is a spiritual problem that started in the garden of eden. Those roles are clearly defined in the bible. We can not interpret the bible to suit our desires, gender equality is not a biblical issue, that is a social/ political agenda that has no place in the church.

    Also bear in mind that there is no such thing as inter – faith service. Those are delusions of the devil to disguise falsehood with the little truth that is there. We should be careful what we advocate for, some are advocates of the devil coming in the church. God says One Faith, One Baptism, One Lord, but why so many faiths? How can you trust some faiths whose origins you dont know?

  6. Let us not run away from what the sriptures say we call Zambia a christian nation so why are we trying to adopt this foreign culture of gender equality,a man and a woman wil never be equal jst from the time of creation a woman was created to be a man’s helper.Where ar we going even the church can’t preach the truth there is only one head in the house and not two so stop preaching heresy to pipo u ar misleading the children of God that can only happen a same sex marriage.

  7. Why did our Lord Jesus Christ choose only males as his 12 Apostles. These so called council of churches are the ones causing GBV because of their teachings. Pliz wake up and realize that women are not equal to men hence certain things should be left to men alone and women should be submissive to their male partners to avoid GBV and other vises

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