Monday, January 6, 2025
Home Opening of Parliament Speech

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    • Well there you have it

      The man is amazing, I am told because of this monumental day, he has been invited to the USA my sources says to meet Obama
      This has never happened in the history of this country

      What are horses doing in Zambia?,
      A black man and a hoarse?

      I have never seen this in movies

      It is like a whiteman with an Eagle bike


    • Lusaka times,,, where did you find you this speech?? you were NOT there,,, give me proof that Sata managed to read this speech from start to finish!!

    • Data didn,t read that speech. He mentioned Mr. speaker, just twice. And that was the saddest session ever in history of Zambia. No jokes at all, no energy, just sorrows.

    • The man, the phenomenon, his excellency Mr. Michael Sata. We will work with you and your government to bring Zambia into the great nation it was destined to be.

      Condemning every government that comes into power while sitting on your as.s without lifting a finger to help Zambia makes you a douch.e bag.

    • My fellow country men and women.I rise on a serious point of order.Any sobre person so for himself how president strugled to speak .His speach was not audible enough ,including his jokes.Most MPS were tense and looked worried ,while his wife and the body Gurd kept intejecting him.Since i was born it is the first time to a president fell to complete reading his speach.This is not about hatred,tribalism or regionalism but a national isue .The truth is let Sata rest if you truely love him he is very tired and sick.Its up to you who are close or else will be heading to for another important state funeral very soon.

    • @ Gen

      ” …working and moving the country forward…”

      You mean working hard in destroying every single principle of democracy, good governance and accountability and moving the Country towards one party family autocracy, inbred genetic corruption and dark future of police state?

    • Dull PF cadres, especially ka chisokone iwe displaying extreme dullness, Sata did not read the whole of that speech you twat! Did you even watch the opening of parliament iwe kapoli?

    • @Mushota, please stop flattering yourself. Obama has no time for that clown. It’s the UN general assembly. Even the “western” ostracized Mugabe attends. And by the way those saying Sata looks healthy need their eyes checked. And I can now understand why we are second only to Haiti as the most undernourished country in the world. If this is healthy then how do the undernourished look like.

    • The point is that many people here can’t tell the difference between government development and development that investors and businesses have brought, which has been used to blinker those that are blind already. Look at all the government departments, hospitals and education systems that have collapsed or are near collapse. Where peolle haven’t been paid for months and there is actually no funds for development within ministries or for services. Jeesh!!!

    • Mushota…..

      I thought you were well informed from the way you carry on. In Lesotho, horses are in villages owned and used by ordinary villagers. They use them for herding cattle and transport, just as it was and still is in some parts of the USA. The horse, for your own information, is God’s creation, not a white man’s invention as was the car, train etc.

      So yes, why not use them in Zambia. They are a majestic animal.

    • For someone’s that’s recovering am happy that he managed to come in person and open parliament. Got no problem voting for the PF again and again since the Cartel is dead.

  1. There you have it, delivered by the Cobra himself. Yeah I know right…you couldn’t believe that he was alive, but now he has proved you wrong. So what your next next excuse? Claim that he is sick because you think you heard it in his voice ? Trust me the human mind is receptive to whatever you tell it to perceive. You unconsciously told yourself that you wanted to see how sick he is and bingle you could feel it. It is quite sad that some of you didn`t even take time to internalize what he was saying because you were busy playing doctor. So typical of fickle minds. This is a good speech. This man is the best thing that has ever happened South of the equator. Long live Sata !!

    • He failed even the dimple task of reading this written speech and only managed to read a fifth of it. The nan is clearly unfit for office.

    • @Saulosi, did you really watch or just reading the presidential speech reproduced in full. The man is weak and sick. He did not even finish the speech and several times talked of irrelevant things. Anyone who is sane in mind and watched that can see that the big man is being troubles. He is still sick, frail and voice has lost all the energy. When walking into parliament the man almost lost his step and was helped up. Unfortunately ZNBC controller quickly moved the camera off that area and showed other scene.

      Kindly ask those that watched and you won’t say the things you saying. I am in Zambia and watched the whole procession in full on ZNBC and my friend I feel sorry for the man. He is being troubled he needs to take a break.

    • @saulosi, LT just gave you paper from Chellah FB, because you waited for eternity. The actual “talking” was sorrowful. Did you see the dressing?

    • @Saulosi,
      It is unbelievable how you try to twist the obvious that everyone can seen with their naked eyes and try to convince all that you love Sata more than any.
      Just take a look at today’s picture from the ZWD and tell me if Sata was struggling to walk or not and look at his body. The man is frail and merely trying to prove otherwise.

    • @Saulos my bro. Does it mean Sata can’t be sick in your understanding. How I wish someone can post a clip on YouTube where we can point you to. The challenge is I have it but have second thoughts of posting but am sure zambian watchdog will do it. The man is not the same man you knew. No energy Bwana. Totally fatigued and needing more bed rest. Ask your relatives to send you a clip if they did watch ZNBC. Reading what LT has posted does not do justice to explain what we saw.

    • @ Saimbwende

      You are right. He is “…Very fine actually…” if you consider that he did not undergo any medical treatment for non-existing sickens in the past three months and, according to Saulosi, has spent all this time in meetings with World leaders, convincing investors to fund another bond issue and between sun-bathing on the shores of Dead Sea.

    • LOL – sounded shorter….. guess you had to listen very carefully to hear all that?

      It says right at the top of the page: “The Full Prepared Speech”. Uh-huh, and when was the last time MCS ever stuck to the script…… even on a good day?

  2. My advice to the zambian people is that let us divorce our partisan and personal interests from this process which we should all ensure is a credible legacy to many generations to come.

    “My advice to the zambian people is that let us divorce our partisan and personal interests from this process which we should all ensure is a credible legacy to many generations to come.”


  3. Now let’s hear from the haters – was it Photoshop opening parliament? Or an actor in a rubber mask? Or maybe they will stay quiet… Viva MCS, MCS for 2016!

  4. Why is the political elite treating Zambians to this circus? Sure was it a crime to vote for this man called Sata? He treats everyone as his grand child. At the people think all is well? My foot!

  5. i did listen in to part of the speech on radio phoenix lunchtime news. lets call a spade a spade, he sounded incoherent and his voice was very weak.

    as a patriotic Zambian i think the old man needs to put himself first and just forsake all others and rest.

    that voice was not the MCS i have known in the 33 years that i have lived on this earth.

  6. Its bad reading……He is ‘cursed’ never to b a President of ths county again.
    Let him retire why making him Suffer just for a penny in someone’s (Relatives) pocket who can work for themselves……!!!
    On the other hand we thank him and wish him God’s Mercies…….!!!

  7. Absolutely wonderful, and I like the way HEMCS put the likes of Kambwili and Scott in their place. Also a key note is the part on customary land..Scott you traitor you run around advertising our land as if it is yours to sell, go and sell your bloody Scotland which does’nt want to leave the UK as you yourself were wishing it would when you went to the Commonwealth games. Our land is ours we don’t want useless foreigners to steal it, most of these countries whose nationals the likes of Scott and other double agents are encouraging to buy land as investors, in their own countries they have several restrictions that prevent foreigners from owning land why should we sell our birthright, this is why I dislike Scott because I see through him. Anyways great to see HEMCS open parley.

  8. In the entire speech, the word “Constitution” only appears twice. The so called Grand Coalition must be extremely disappointed.

    • @Mushota it is not true that he collapsed. He almost lost his balance but was held by those near him. He looked weak though. Unfortunately the picture on TV was quickly moved off and showed other things after that incidence. Am sure the watchdog have just again made it up to prove a point. Otherwise they must show us a picture of him down.

      Nonetheless he did look very frail to me and his voice had no energy in it at all. He lacked focus on the speech and spoke many dry jokes that were incoherent to the point miles Sampa was caught on camera covering his face at the discomfort of hearing he uncle speak on things that were not in line with the Sata we knew.

      The wife kept on guiding him and you could see something was clearly wrong with our beloved MCS. May God grant him full…

    • What do you mean by looking weak?

      This is disturbing, it is folly to judge a book by its cover

      My sources tell me he is very well and just decided to shade a bit of weight


    • @Mushota am sure when you are sick the voice is not the same. If you provided your mobile number or email I can email you a clip of the ceremony to see for yourself problem is am sure you would not want your number exposed on this forum.

      Let’s face it and accept that our president is not that fully fit. He is only human and not infallible from sickness. Remember Steve jobs in his last days….. That’s what am talking about. We all saw that Steve jobs had some illness but thank God our friend from the western world do not hide such things so there was nothing to debate on.

      The man’s voice is gone. It’s not the cobra that we all knew. He needs to be spared of all this parading and drama just to prove he is fit. The way he almost fell when walking toward the entrance of parley?…

  9. I tried to skim the speech before reading and all I see is “Mr Speaker” “Mr Speaker” “Mr Speaker” “Mr Speaker” “Mr Speaker” …..lost interest frankly

    • Good reading culture is not just reading for the sake of it, but reading new things all the time. The reason I skimmed the speech was to avoid reading things I have heard before which wont add value. If I am wrong prove it then I might read it.

    • @Stirflow: Frankly? Those are bullet points, not a speech. It is not what I would call a speech in the true sense of the word. Vilifier has a point. “Mr Speaker” “Mr Speaker” “Mr Speaker” “Mr Speaker” “Mr Speaker” is all there is to it, I am afraid. Much as I may agree with you regarding “the poor reading culture that exists in our country,” the write-out of that speech is horrible and disgusting.

  10. Jealous down, PF has done more in 3 years than MMD did (if they ever did anything) in TWENTY YEARS! UPND is facing an uphill battle in their endeavour to unseat PF in 2016.

    HH needs to revisit his strategy and draw up a convincing manifesto. Shouting on the podium isn’t going to work.

    • Jokes aside, the man is finished…… NOT FIT for National duties. This is Old age ABUSE!!! Let us pray for his eyes to be opened.

    • @kavundula well said..UPND are a long way off, realistically speaking they were the main opposition after the 2001 general elections but their failure to ditch tribalism and the appointment of a known freemason (and alleged satanist) a serial thief and embezzler of state funds from the sell of national assets in the form of one HH has more than sealed their fate of being a third tier party, UPND a party that is destined to be on the sidelines, full of insults and bitterness while the nation moves on with development. Such a tribal pack of hyenas led by the hungriest hyena of them all HH are destined for one fate and that is oblivion at their own greedy hands. Fact!

    • @2020vision: You sound as though you have a jaw-bone in your own mouth. A person like you who sounds so repulsive against tribalism in UPND should equally sound repulsive against tribalism in PF. As far as tribalism is concerned, the two (PF and UPND) are twins and PF being the bigger the two. You can’t abhor one and embrace the other.

  11. The nation is in a crisis for sure! When are we going to accept that the President is sick? Wanshi basuba umukula to keep up appearances? How can the whole governament be hiding the President from the media; what is wrong with the President’s photos, speeches, etc being seen/heard world over; since there are Zambians all over tha world? If they are rumouring, prove them wrong by giving them the opportunity to cover him from all angles – maybe one will cover him from the angles captured by the State media! Open the Presidential book up, and people will stop speculating.

    • This has nothing to do about HH wining 2016.If HH is so an popular why are you dead scared about him.Its seems you are not sleeping and you think by saying HH will not win will sway his followers.No no my dear Zambians have made upm their minds ,its HH the liberator of the so called minority.Sata is gone and so is PF.


    • Nonsense.According to the PF he is fit and working hard.Secondly assuming they have not been telling us the truth what is more important is the interests of the more than 14 million citizens who deserve a healthy leader and not this liar who appears intent on lying his way to the grave.I will remain believing he is well and working hard.We are not supposed to be debating his health but the s peach which

  13. This is the worst kind of docility on the part of Zedians!. The Man did not read the whole speech. Worse off, he sounded very sick! All in all, the man is finished! And we have some Pf zealots and goons celebrating here! What a country! Sata must step down on medical grounds. Today made all doubting Thomas es to be sure. Ba Sata is very Sick!

    • You feel sorry for who? The nation on autopilot or the lying president who has continued insisting that he is OK? All those responsible for this fuss must pay beginning with Sott.

  14. I listened to the whole speech and this for me, LT, is a wow moment because most of the staff here was not actually read. this reminds me of Dr. Kaingu’s question to parliament whether to debate the verbal speech of the president or the written speech handed to the Speaker, a copy of which he tore because it was different from the verbal speech.
    By the way those who listened to Parliament radio were treated to some music during those moments of silence, those moments when they would sit by the edge of their seats, crossing their figures, hoping the presido does…………. Like that line when he said “when I first came to this house 74 years ago”…………… lol


    • @Wise-UP: It is amazing that anyone with a brain can dance to a speech of that sort! It is trash. Have we become a Republic of brainless turkeys?


  16. Ba LT am surprised that you have reproduced the speech as typed and not as read in parley today. Kindly reproduce word for word the speech as delivered by MCS in parliament and include how many minutes he was posing in between some sentences. Also include the words of First Lady at each point she was guiding the president. Start with when the man walked in the house and started greeting the people by hand till speaker parted his shoulder to proceed to sit. Include the first statement he made asking “where is my speech”. Also if possible post a sample link of his voice delivering the speech. Yes the speech sounds good when read as prepared by technocrats but the delivery was very poor. Lacked the energy and ended after only a quarter of it was read. Let’s be serious for once.

    • Everyone that watched the full ceremony from entrance of the president to his incomplete delivery of the speech must know we have a problem in the country. The man is incapacitated to perform. Remember these speeches are written by technocrats and therefore will always come out with good stuff. The point that we must all look at is whether the man that delivered the speech was indeed fit for presidency of the republic of zambia. I can assure you today it was confirmed the man is sick and we are troubling him to even appear at such events. He needs to take a break and give up the seat for more able bodied people within PF provided they win the elections. As a country it’s sad that we can allow such to happen to us. Being led by someone clearly incapacitated to perform duties in full.

  17. Mr President this was a good speech with a lot to reflect on. We shall wait to see the budget and see if it will be talking to your great speech as well. In the mean time please ask MoF to increase the release of funds to ministries for supporting budgeted for activities.

  18. Mr Speaker,……..Mr Speaker,………Mr Speaker,…………. Mr Speaker,……… Zambia has developed.
    I lay this comprehensive mid-term document on the table.
    Ati, we have a presidential speech to the nation. PF cadres,
    what a joke.

  19. The spirit is willing and strong but the body including voice of HE MCS is weak and frail! The written speech is different from what Mr. Sata delivered to the house and I saw a tense Dr. Guy Scott in the audience. This is not the time to celebrate but for serious reflection on the future of our country. Napwisha

    • @Luis Suarez, I totally agree with you. We need to reflect as a country how far this attitude will get zambia to. I am worried that people on this forum are commenting without even seeing what transpired. Only in Zambia can this be allowed to happen. Today was clear testimony for many to see the president is not well. I have spoken to more serious PF officials than the cadres on this forum that have come to terms with reality that the man is not well. We need to accept this and only then can we move forward and no what is next. To me I saw a man that was saying his last bye bye in Parliament more than coming to deliver a speech. Imagine him saying “i was in parliament 74years ago when he came under a pillow at UTH” what do sensible people say of that… Clear dementia. Not fit for work

  20. I watched the whole session. Things are not ok. The president is not the king cobra we knew. He failed to finish the speech but only managed only about 20 to 30 minutes in parliament. The speech is all over online media including LT. We thank God that the president’s health has improved but he is not well to endure the usual hectic long hours of work. By shouting “imfumu baibwela” you are not helping the man. Seriousely he need rest. Ofcourse these are not good words to those who are directly connected to him who fear fir their livelihoods.

  21. God bless HE Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata. He is indeed a President and a half clear for all to see that he means well this country and its people. PF is here to stay for a long long time more so if they continue with path of this unprecedented economic growth. Am sure someone within the opposition has fainted today.
    To cabinet Ministers, please let us all go flat out to deliver to our people North, South, Central, East and West and shame the devils.

    Long live Your Excellence Mr. MCS.

    • I hope what you say here is what all Pa ma Fi members think.Go ahead encourage him to even go to New York tmoro.Go ahead zed kill him since your financial future is linked to Sata.

  22. Can this written speech being edited as it is misleading.When did Mutanda Chavuma and Chingola Solwezi road become part of the Link Zambia project?

    Mutanda-Chavuma road was done under MMD and Chingola -Solwezi road only patching is going on.

    I have not seen the Science and Mathematics college which was mentioned last year to be constructed in Kabompo District.
    Dont kubeba continues.

  23. God wl shock all the prophets of doom. initially it was he is dead… now what next? He cant read… This man is going nowhere until he finishes his assignement. the rest hv to bear yhe pain of ubufungufungu

    • @ Kudos

      “…Excellent Your Excellency, forward with the nation…” into the darkness of totalitarian regime void of any fundamental rights.

      Go ahead, follow the rest of skeleton. Nation will survive and prosper without inbred genetic corruption.

  24. Where is Wanzelu with his hilarious stories about zombies, Photoshop and actors in rubber masks? Come on we miss you, invent another story for us

    • Wanzelu is in a state of shock because he had no idea Sata looked this sick. Ba Clutchplate nji pusheko, bushe mwali ba normal? Coz I see nothing to celebrate. The president failed to read a speech and his voice was frail and he is generally sick, so tell me, why are you even summoning Wanzelu when all he will do is list what I have listed? I think you people enjoy being called dull mwe, pantu takwaba.

    • Clutchplate Banda, tell me you are joking!! If you watched Sata’s speech not this written one posted here, you wouldn’t be so stubborn to say what you are saying.

  25. I watched the speech in its entirety with tears in my eyes… my president, the Michael Sata Zambia knew and knows died months ago! I couldn’t bear watching him laboring to read, mumbling some words amidst passing incoherent jokes. Parliament was silent, dead silent even the opposition (men and women with human hearts) were shocked to listen to their president, our president, my president that as a result of illness a frail new Sata has been exposed. Every humane person that watched the speech know that his excellency, Michael Sata has a short life ahead of him. Our President is ill.

  26. Some one should be debating the content of the speech and not the person, no wonder he did not finish it because he knew some were just interested in something else, though i agree the voice might hv not sounded ok at some point it was quite outstanding, I could see some tremble out of fear that the cobra may just spit vemon and every one was fearfully quiet until he had to lower it again. But what is important is what is in the speech for now, is it true that PF HAS SCORED all those successes or not. well To limit his political activities though, being a work-holic he may be straining himself too much. VIVA PF, WELL DONE AND LONG LIVE HEMCS may GOD bless mother Zambia , Iam proud of the works..

  27. The speech is disappointing… it contains nothing on contentious issues, particularly the new Constitution. I expected more.

    It sounds more like a party campaign speech or a sells pitch… rather than a national presidential speech.

    • @Maverick
      your nom de plume(assumed name of a writer, instead of their real name) is true of you!

      The speech did address the constitution very clearly. Perhaps you can’t read. Ask your friends to read this to you:

      ‘Mr. Speaker,
      Government remains committed to promoting democracy and good governance. These are fundamental to creating, securing and maintaining a just zambia. Government embarked on a review of our legal and justice system, beginning with the constitution. Let me report that government has received the draft constitution and is in the process of guiding the nation on the next course of action.

      My advice to the zambian people is that let us divorce our partisan and personal interests from this process which we should all ensure is a credible legacy to many…

    • @ Patriot Abroad

      “… Government remains committed to promoting democracy and good governance. These are fundamental to creating, securing and maintaining a just Zambia. Government embarked on a review of our legal and justice system, beginning with the constitution. Let me report that government has received the draft constitution and is in the process of guiding the nation on the next course of action…”

      Where is this Zambia he is talking about? Commitment to promote democracy by appointment of autocrats? Embarking on a review of our legal and justice system by appointing members of his own family contrary to the wishes of the Parliament and in blunt disregard to the current Constitution? Acknowledging after nine months of denial that there is draft of the Constitution after…

  28. it’s not the time to start predicting his execellence Mr Micheal Sata’s health,it’s our time to pray for him as a nation for quick recovery.God is the owner of our live’s who are we to predict his life? anyway ba Sata is the father of nation(zambia) if things are not okey with him then even as we are affected in one way or the other.

  29. You thought he died he’s is alive and very much alive you and your useless tuntemba called political parties will vanish,but the King and his party will live. SHAME-YOU-HATERS-

  30. PF under HE Mr.Michael Chilufya Sata has been in office for three years now.Does this period of service qualify the President to receive a Retirement package? If so why not retire on medical grounds to rest and enjoy a stress free life? I findit unfair for us as a nation to continue subjecting our President to such stress taking everything into account.

    • PK, just wait for 2016 bwana. You lost elections in 2011 and you will lose again. What is your problem about HEMCS? talk about your underfive you idi.ot.

    • Am afraid, Diva, that you’re the id!iot coz somehow you are bent on seeing your president die rather than have the possibility of someone else taking over. Extremely dissapointing but what is to be expected from a thick-skulled stup!d individual like yourself? Hmm?

  31. You foolish Zambians: the man is hopeless and sick and trully a joker….
    He did NOT finish the speech
    He was tottally uncoordinated in his speech.
    Why are we pretending that things are okay?
    He has done his part now it’s time to go! He did not even say anything about the economy or jobs or development …. That was rubbish!

  32. A country of morons and no standards…u hav a frail cmdr in chief who she be in a sick bed and yet u standby ululating….at times like this I feel disgusted to have compatriots who think like can the country move forward with patients at the helm?

  33. 19/09/2014 The Litmus Test
    Its sad just reading the comments from bloggers who genuinely care for this frail old man’s health that he is incapable to lead or let alone be in work….when I say people who care I dont mean that woman standing next to him who happens to a medical doctor and supposingly a wife but would do anything to cling on to her title of first lady.
    Zambians for once wake up from your docility. ..that is not a face of a man who has been working for 3 months but someone who has been on terminally ill on sick bed.

    • @Jay Jay

      What nationality are you? You constantly refer to your fellow citizens as empty tins and docile.

      You are not an indigenous Zambian otherwise you would understand the trait of respect for others, as that is Zambian by culture.


    This is the Sata of old that we knew. Energetic and full of life. Today we saw a man that has really changed. Voice was weak…. Mind you the above link was just last year September.

    We await someone to update today’s on YouTube and we shall post again.

  35. MCS is clearly not as fit as we have been led to believe, but you have to give it to him. The man is determined to prove his critics wrong. Now let him go and rest while we debate the speech and budget to follow.

  36. Iye mayo i saw a ghost to day . that was not sata i have known for years . The family is busy enjoining the fruits of the Nation without looking at the Health of there relative . Ee ukulya kwalafishe ulukufu . God is watching .mukashala nechisushi chakwa ponya . Zambians let us be serious wth what we see and do . in reality we have no president only sick joker.

  37. At least even some ardent and fanatical but considerate cadres are in agreement with us who really care about our beloved nation that Mr. Sata is a shell of his former self and very unfit. Any one left insisting he is ‘fit and healthy’ is a potential murderer and should be watched 24/7. Is that walking dead man people saw at parliament grounds fit to govern a nation? Hell No!! Lets learn to face reality. I saw some one who could collapse and depart this world without any further notice at all and this is said with no malice. There’s a multitude of incredibly capable Zambians who could perform better than Sata. Sata is sick and needs rest, why are so many people including his beloved family living in denial?

    • Look, try some logic for once.

      Even if MCS stepped down, you are looking at a strong PF, (that is if they don’t fight among themselves).

      They will go on to win the next by or general election. Their programme is good. PF though has a lot of loss cannons among them who can derail the party. They really need to sort leadership pecking order and not see the role as an open cheque book.

      At this stage there is very little to worry about. Only natural things can happen, if MCS is weak nature will take its course. So what really is all this nonsense online about??

  38. I, personally am fully satisfied that we are on target to a better equitable Zambia. The current gov’t has a good trait; they listen to the people and work on a people centred mandate.

    It is clear that far much more has been achieved than in the last decades. Our gov’t is following through from programmes identified in previous gov’t and those new ones on Children centred initiatives and education.

    Both President Sata and his dear wife our First Lady Christina Kaseba are good and loyal servants of Zambia.

    A good Zambian is nonpartisan and free from tribal allegiances. We have work ahead of us to bring development and equality to all. Let us all join hands behind our great and Magnificent president to ensure we win a better Zambia for all.

    GOD BLESS President Sata…

  39. Next by election please so that we continue walloping the opposition in their backyards! I’diots such as Wnzelu said Sata is dead. They are ashamed now. Can I confess? Opposition especially UPND wins on internet but on the ground, PF is the master. 4 out 6

  40. @Mei Matungu

    You are frequently verbose in your blogs, but honestly, you often post crap.

    It is clear that the speech which is posted online is perfectly coherent in what the gov’t is and hopes to do within their period in power. If you can’t even be bothered to read what has been posted, what then are you responding to? You sound like a woman who loves her own logic, but truly you make very little sense. You sound or rather write like a senile or menopausal woman, full of misplaced anger due to personal cogency difficulties caused by hormone deficiency.

    • @Patriot Abroad: Which posting are you exactly referring to? You will do well to respond under the respective posting of concern. I try to do that with yours. You say: “It is clear that the speech which is posted online is perfectly coherent in what the gov’t is and hopes to do within their period in power.” Did I have any qualms with that or not? If so where? I don’t want to believe that you are day-dreaming.

      You also speak of: “woman who loves her own logic, a senile or menopausal woman..” It’s clear you have a bizarre hatred for women, not knowing what crimes women have committed against your highness? But I am not a woman myself. Your anger, therefore, is the one that is misplaced. You can afford to be more factual, and not beating about the bush.

    • @patriot abroad, this mei matungu or whatever its calling itself is the very same disgraced clown we all know as wanzelu don’t make a mistake of entertaining it.

    • @2020vision: You must be a split mind, bipolar, schizophrenia? That you can call a fellow human being “an it” speaks well of your mind.

    • @Mei Matungu

      You have posted so many comments today, most of which amount to the same. You posted clearly in support of 28 at 28.1. My comment relates to your negativity in general. If you read previous comments of mine, you would have known I have advocated for women to take up leadership.

      People like you are talking our gov’t down with subversive nonsense. You criticise without proper analysis, nor backed by any in depth reading. Our Zambia cannot be brought down by such. Support your country.

    • @Patriot Abroad: Are you incensed because my many comments were negative or because it was me who was commenting? Without exception, the negative comments you are referring to, were all DERIVED from primary commenters. Had you been objective enough in your analysis, you could have taken issue with the primary commenters, those who actually listened to the speech or saw him on TV etc. These were either eye, ear witnesses and the authority, if you please. I was simply reacting to what the primary commenters were posting.

      I should be glad to hear your side of the story, if at all you are in disagreement with those primary commenters. At 18.3 I was responding, to the secondary and not the primary commenter. But even there, I sided with the primary commenter.

    • @Patriot Abroad: I have stayed on LT believing it is an intellectual forum. You make it sound like a play-ground for emotions. But shouldn’t we use our heads here, instead of spending precious time insulting each other?

    • @Patriot Abroad: You say that in your previous postings, you have: “have advocated for women to take up leadership.” Ironically, you are the same individual who is insulting women in your posting above. When I read your posting above, I thanked God I was not a woman. But was it really fair for you to insult women like that, considering that even your mother and possibly wife, if at all you are married, are women too?

    • @Patriot Abroad: Further, do you really feel justified to refer to all my postings on LT as “crap?” Or are you just a victim of a scanty and poorly developed vocabulary?

  41. @patriot, when sata dies, Pf also DIES. Get that in yo thick skull. By the way I dont see what sata has really done except expanding his family forest. Maybe u r one of the morons. Forseck!

    • @Jamakud

      No I am not. It is really silly to say PF is Sata!! Just try to support our country. We have able politicians in all parties, who can come to power through the democratic process. Your rants are just subversive nonsense. You never supply evidence just allegation after allegation.

  42. Zambians don’t be primitive and uncivilized .who doesn’t know that the president is sick. we all know that he is sick but the good thing is he tried his level best in his current state to officially open parliament.Its only that you haters you wanted him to fail……..sorry for you guys mind you its only God who knows our time i can assure that you can die to night leaving our president alive.stop thinking like mosquitos guys you are humans.atase!!!

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