Sunday, March 9, 2025

Former President Banda attends M’Mbelwa’s coronation


Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda with Malawian Vice-President Saulos Chilima and wife Mary
Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda with Malawian
Vice-President Saulos Chilima and wife Mary

Former President Rupiah Banda spent the weekend witnessing the coronation of 29-year-old Malawian traditional chief Mkhosi Jere, first born son of the late M’mbelwa the fourth.

President Banda was in his jovial style interacting with dignitaries and traditional leaders from the region when Paramount Chief M’mbelwa the fifth was installed Saturday during a colourful coronation ceremony at his Edingeni Headquarters in Mzimba district.

Malawi Vice President Saulos Klaus Chilima, former Vice President Khumbo Kachali, United Party President Professor John Chisi and Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and other dignitaries were among the people that thronged Edingeni to witness the colourful ceremony spiced with the Ngoni’s popular Ingoma dances.

The coronation of Inkosi ya Makhosi M’mbelwa also attracted many traditional leaders locally and beyond including Chief Mpezeni of Zambia, a direct kin of the M’mbelwa family who oversees the Ngonis based in Zambia.

Paramount Chief Mpezeni advised M’mbelwa V to join hands with the government of Malawi in fostering development aimed at improving living standards of his subjects.

“My advice to M’mbelwa is that he should work with government of the day because that is what traditional leaders should do for their areas to develop,” Paramount Mpezeni who earlier conducted Chief M’mbelwa’s coronation in a cattle Kraal in keeping with their Ngoni tradition.

The traditional coronation rites in the cattle kraal was conducted after the vice president had officially installed M’mbelwa as the Paramount Chief in line with the Chiefs Act.

Mkhosi Jere came to limelight last year when his father, Paramount Chief M’mbelwa IV died. He holds a Diploma in Business Management and worked for Merchant Bank in Lilongwe before returning home to ascend to the throne of Inkosi ya Makhosi M’mbelwa.

Speaking, on behalf of the Mzimba Heritage Association, Reverend Dr. Overtone Mazunda commended the dignitaries that attended the event.

Former Zambian President Rupiah Bandawith Malawian Vice-President Saulos Chilima
Former Zambian President Rupiah Bandawith Malawian Vice-President Saulos Chilima
Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda with Malawian Vice-President Saulos Chilima and other dignitaries watch as Paramount Chief M’Mbelwa (extreme left) of the Ngoni people of Malawi is installed
Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda with Malawian
Vice-President Saulos Chilima and other dignitaries watch as Paramount
Chief M’Mbelwa (extreme left) of the Ngoni people of Malawi is
Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda with Malawian leader of Malawian opposition Lazarous Chakwera (left), Vice-President Saulos Chilima, and former Malawian vice-president Khumbo Kachali
Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda with Malawian leader of
Malawian opposition Lazarous Chakwera (left), Vice-President Saulos
Chilima, and former Malawian vice-president Khumbo Kachali
Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda with Malawian Vice-President Saulos Chilima and other dignitaries watch as Paramount Chief M’Mbelwa (extreme left) of the Ngoni people of Malawi is installed
Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda with Malawian Vice-President Saulos Chilima and wife Mary
Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda with Malawian
Vice-President Saulos Chilima and wife Mary
Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda with with Malawian Finance Minister Goodwell gondwe
Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda with with Malawian Finance
Minister Goodwell gondwe


  1. In Europe this would never happen why kill animals and use their fur as clothes, AFricans and the only people that would do this to poor animals



  2. Mushota just go and nurse sick Sata who disregard traditional leadership of paramount chief Chiti Mukulu. Shameless liars.

  3. Mushota, you are dullest contributer of all the Zambian blogs! And where does Naomi Cambell (who lives in London in the heart of Europe) get her well known fur coats from? Your hair contributes most I suppose! And where does the Queens horse guards fur comes from? Your underarms? Awe no point of redeeming you! You are a parvenu!

    • Why do People bother responding to “The Most Ignorant Blogger” @ 1.
      This is an L.T. worker, who always stirs up useless controversy, in the process enhancing silly useless debates, so as increase L.T.s popularity, otherwise how else is it His / Her ignorance, has NEVER been censored, when lots of other sensible Bloggers on L.T, get censored, even barred??
      The Panacea to this Ignorant Person is simple, Ignore, never comment -no matter
      how controversial, & hopefully It may melt away!

  4. I love RB like a grandfather. These are the things he should be attending, not thnking of doing a coup de dat on Nevers. Its so shameful.

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