Friday, March 7, 2025

Riots mar jubilee celebrations in Pemba district


The country’s 50th Independence anniversary celebrations were marred by rioting pupils at Jembo Secondary School in Pemba district , today.

Thirty eight (38) pupils from Jembo Secondary School in Pemba district have been detained at Pemba police station for riotous behavior.

ZANIS reports that Southern province police Commissioner Mary Chikwanda has confirmed the development in an interview in Pemba district, today.

And Pemba District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Mary Sifuniso who confirmed the incident to ZANIS in a separate interview however said the situation had normalized by broadcast time.

Ms Sifuniso disclosed that the incident happened on Wednesday around after a power outage adding that the boys went into girls’ dormitories and broke windows and later burnt the grass fence at the Head teacher’s residence.

She said although the cause of the riot had not yet been established, it was allegedly caused by pupils from a named school wrote their exams at Jembo secondary after complaints that breakfast was served late.

Meanwhile, Ms Sifuniso has said Pemba examinations in the district are peaceful and incident free with no ‘leakages’ recorded so far.

She said from the monitoring visits her office had conducted during the grades seven(7) and twelve(12) exams, there had not been any single incident reported concerning examination malpractice.

Ms. Sifuniso said her office only recorded two separate incidents of girls who had maternity issues that affected their exams.

She said in the first incident, a grade twelve (12) candidate at Jembo secondary school gave birth to twins in Monze Hospital in the middle of the examinations and missed a paper but that she was able to continue with her examinations a day after delivering the twins while her mother was taking care of the babies at the dormitory.

She said the second incident involved a grade seven (7) pupil of Chilundu primary school within Pemba who wrote her exams with a one month old baby.

“While she was writing, the baby was being taken care of by her friend,” she said.


  1. These kids are still having sex without condoms!!! Anyway, all that has to happen in HH’s province. This is typical of the Tongas. Am sure it will even be the first province to be hit with Ebola when it arrives in Zambia. There is a lot of carelessness in that province, hence this explains their backwardness.

    • @Jojo, but walitupa you just mixed up things as if got drunk of Chibuku:
      – Condoms, did you even fit in any of those sizes? Or you don’t know there are sizes.
      – Tongas rioting? That is new. It used to be a CB and Luapula affair.
      – Is Ebola trasmitted through burning headmasters’ fences?
      I think most id!ots land in Canada. I read a lot from there
      EXCEPT: from “NINE CHALE” he is cool.

    • Such tribal remarks are very dangerous to the peace of our nation. Tongas are also people just like us Bembas and there’s nothing special about us.
      I hope you are Lozi, then your comment will be justfied as a joke because these two are tribal cousins.

    • Ati grow up boys… tsk tsk… which planet are you on! Do you really think its ONLY BOYS that write comments here?

  2. On another thread, @wise has rhetorically asked why we attack each other on the media. I observe the analogy with dogs barking at each other between a wire fence… Lets grow up and learn to stick to the subject at hand. Even in sad scenarios we just look for each others’ jugulars. Strewth!

  3. @Dejavu; @Bwalya, where are these teenage pregnancies taking place? Is it Northern or Southern? Which party is the mastermind of violence? It is UPND and it is the initiator of the most violent form of politics in the country called Mapatizya formula. Which tribe marries the most number of women? It’s Tongas, thus called Tonga bulls. Therefore, this shows that the province is very horny hence these kids being sexually active at the expense of school. If the political party which is so violent is deeply rooted in the South, what will make these pupils from being violent too? They will certainly follow the teachings of their political masters. I dont have to be Lozi or Bemba to speak the truth. All these activities reported in the article have much to do with a tribal characteristic.

    • you are actually defending that stup!d post you made you twat? What research have you done to come up with your id!otic statistics? You, my friend, are a bonafide a$$hole and the sooner you accept this fact the better you will sleep tonight. You’re a d!ck in case you missed my earlier assessment of you.

    • @JoJo
      Teenage prignancies are everywhere and we can’t pin point one tribe. Even in my province of origin (Northern), pupils are still droping out of school becuase of pregnancies.
      Concerning political violence, every well meaning and objective blogger here will agree with me that the UPND may be violent, but not as much as the PF. The PF has been violent from the time they lost elections to RB till date and is the most violent party in Zambia, despite having formed govt. Now I leave it to you to tell whether the PF founder is from southern province.

  4. @Dudelove, where is your love in your hostile comment? I was expecting you to come up with counter facts not insults and innuendos. Please be nice and a sweet gentleman. where are yours statistics to make an argument? Show love as your name says, otherwise everything about you is in the opposite. Be blessed.
    Lovingly Jojo.

    • Don’t give me that blessed sh!t after you called a whole tribe nay province ‘backwards’, or were you saying that lovingly as well??

  5. @Dudelove, why so much anger? Be nice yah. Is it a lie that Tongas are backwards? This is common knowledge, everyone knows that including yourself. Let the truth be told. Ok, am withdrawing the blessings from you. No worries ok.

  6. Why are you people so emotional? Be constructive in your counter arguments like blogger @Bwalya. Insults wont drive any point here. All those calling my genitals, the fact is that they too have them unless there is a disability. Be cool and sober guys. We all have genitals, so need of reminding me. @Chekov, you mean you dont have genitals? Let us know maybe I can help you.

  7. Some people don’t think, you comment are as bad as the students themselves. I can see the difference between the student and your attitude. Please think before you write you comment. I compare your attitude to a primary school kid. Expecially Jojo!

  8. @Mich, dont insult primary school kids. They ‘re innocent, holy & humble than most of the grown ups. Am happier to be compared to these little Angels that are so sinless. Jesus came for these kids that you ‘re insinuating to be stupid, dull & clueless. Does it mean you were so stupid and dull when you were a kid? How was your reasoning when you were in primary? I’ll embrace these kids like Jesus did. It’s this reason that am annoyed HH & his UPND has turned these kids in Southern Province as the article says sexually active. Am their voice. I need to save kids from the ultra-political influence of HH and his UPND. The same also goes for the violent nature seen in the rioters behavior of the students that have apparently been influenced by the ultra-political violence…

  9. @JOJO, you want to be the voice of the school going children? With due respect, why cant you be the voice of those who ask for ‘bwafwilisho’ day out day in the streets. Grow up in your big head

  10. @jojo; I’m just wondering what parameters you use in determining the backwardness of one part of Zambia compared to the rest. I went to school at Canisius Secondary school & from my experiences there, I’ve never experienced such generosity, kindness & hospitality elsewhere (in the world) as found among the Tongas. I’ll always salute them. They hate dishonesty with a passion.

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