Vice President Guy Scott will act as President of Zambia following the death of President Michael Sata.
Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Edgar Lungu said Dr. Scott will act as President until the country goes for a presidential by-election.Mr. Lungu, who is also Minister of Justice and Minister of Defence, explained that article 38 (2) of the constitution of Zambia provides that in the absence of the President, the Vice President will act in that capacity.
Mr. Lungu said this at a press briefing in Lusaka today.He said Zambia was going through a difficult time and therefore appealed for calm among all citizens as the nation mourns the late President.
And Mr Lungu has called on party members and Zambians in general to remain united and peaceful amid the news of President Michael Sata’s death.
Mr. Lungu said remaining united during the mourning period would mean carrying out the late President Sata’s spirit of unity, love and tolerance.
He said in a statement to ZANIS today that the PF was profoundly saddened by the death of President Sata.
“We are saddened by the death of President Sata because his vision for development and his programmes to fight poverty, diseases and underdevelopment was only beginning to bear fruits,” he said.
Mr. Lungu further said the death of Mr. Sata has robbed Zambia, Africa and the whole world of a gallant, patriotic, dedicated and visionary leader.
President Sata died at King Edwards VII Hospital in London at 20:11 hours.
First Lady Christine Kaseba and President Sata’s son, Mulenga, were by the bedside when Mr. Sata died.
Secretary to the Cabinet Rowland Msiska said funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Good Riddance.
Lessons to Zambians…Please DO NOT go for “medical check-ups!”
So far things seem to be moving well with the 2 powerful guys .. Please let us be in harmony during this trying time. May God almighty look favourably upon this great nation !
@Choma Maanu
You are immoral. Uli amaano mbuli amubwa. This is no time to say such things. I pray the Almighty God strikes you down. Tolaidwe alimwi ulimubwa wamuchila!
I also blame the Politics in Zambia
Why by elections?
Let there be General Elections, if this is true at all.
If general elections where declared in 2008 when Mwanawasa died then we would have at least had
President Sata complete 5 years. The constitution must be torn up and sewed to make sense and
Allow this to happen
There needs to be a change of scene/law.
It doesn’t mean when you allow a younger leader to be president then they shall not die on the throne,
Time for Mulenga sata or Dr Guy Scott to take over if this is true.
I dont know if this is true or not.
But I still do not believe this.
Guy Scott is now acting president? With Mmembe on the side, I see the return of one Wynter Kabimba. Easy meat for the cartel as they are now going to regroup.
I see PF tearing one another as the real fight has just began; Kambwili, Lungu, Kabimba, GBM. Watch this space.
What waste of resources first we need a commission of inquiry to establish why a person who was dispensing his duties and enjoying good health according to katema , kapeya and scott his suddenly died after a medical check up in UK. Did they lowa him?
@Mushota – You’re deranged!
As we mourn the departure of President Sata, we hold the button of rebuilding our country on moral, spiritual and constitutional order guarding against a culture of lies, materialism, insatiable appetite for power at all cost. Dr. Guy Scott was and is part of the mills of deceit and the toll that has finally taken off President Sata. His widow ba Christine Kaseba knew that Ba Sata deserved a rest from the pressure of work as his body failed him for over a long time. Unfortunately she opted to sacrifice him for the material things the office brings. Where are our balangizi and the family’s spiritual leaders for Ba Kaseba to have ignored the reality? Dear wives, mothers, sisters and family members, this is a big lesson. A Campaign of lies denied robbed Sata of our intercessory prayers.
Owheee!, we are back to Northern Rhodesia.
We can as well change the name back to Northern Rhodesia.
Great news for Scott. He never seriously cried fowl when others were being appointed acting president for a few days. Scott has bagged the presidency for ninety days. Yep yep hooray! Now let’s prepare for racist and tribal comments from the Muzungu opusa. Watch out Southerners!
Well corrected, Let Guy Scott act and be given a chance to stand for Presidency. Let us be seen to be at least a liberal and true mature democracy in Africa. We do not subject anyone because of color but his Nationality. Lungu I salute you for accepting, keep up the mature thinking and thank God it was you otherwise if it was Wynter. We would have a big Problem. He is a selfish wizard.
@Choma Maanu
I full support you on this one. Seeking medical help abroad does not help much compared to being treated in the comfort of your country. Had PF invested massively in our local health care may be the president illness would have been diagnosed early for him to start treatment.
Now that PF abrogated its responsibility to improve health care at home, it resorted to meticulously ship the president abroad after a lot of deliberations and fear that people will know that he is sick. Their actions resulted in the president’s illness being diagnosed late for him to start treatment.
Going forward , lessons must be learned that home health care is the best. Look at KK, he tried his best to maintain standards at UTH because he used to get checked every 3 months.
Can someone tell me how much money was spent on corrupting pilots moving SATA around. How money was paid to various hospitals that treated this guy. How much fuel did the Presidentail Challenger use on his medical retreat to isreal? i am sure people were paid to keep quite. Even doctors in UK, Isreal and America could not leak information. It does work like that. Big cash handouts exchanged hands.
This Guy, should not be allowed anywhere near the instruments of power. This guys position as VP has been marred in controversey which has “scared” Sata from ever appointing him to act as President whenever Sata left the country.
Why do Zambians “tincker” with the uncertain or unclear issues. The consititution is ambiquous about wether or not this guy can act as president so play it safe and keep him away. Why should we have confidence in him when Sata never did?
I am so happy I gave up Zambian citizenship long ago. Judging by the comments here, most of you are morons with no vision for your country. RIP King Cobra.
Mmembe is currently holding high level meetings with Kabimba and Guy Scott to reappoint Kabimba as SG behind Lungus back. Unfortunately, it wont happens as the Bemba clique who the sole custodian of the PF party won’t allow it.
We wait to see how this pans out from now on.
PF minions are now shaking in their pants for fear of losing jobs. Some have already started courting the opposition parties for just in case.
I always told you PF minions to ‘gara wakateya’, so that in an event like this one you do not sink with the ship. Be your man like me, so that you do not have to depend on politicians for your survival.
Mwaona mange Munzi wapya ! Tuma nchito PF gave you will all disappear now an will have no computer to spew your ignorance on this forum again.
@Amocha. You sound so stupid. Maybe in South Africa (where you are) doctors hand out people’s medical information to every Tom, Dick, and Harry. However, in the Western world and Europe, medical records are confidential and can only be disclosed to whosoever the patient wishes to. Please get with the bloody times. You need some pretty good exposure. Nevertheless, the money that we should be worried about is the cost of such trips, medical bills, and also the cost of shipping the body back.
All those who were hiding this sickness need to be brought to justice. A commission of enquiary on everything surrounding this death must be set up and all culprits must be punished for their roll in hiding this sickness and puting Zambia at risk of a civil War. HH this is the time to show leadership. You are the only one who can help this country at the moment. You need to strengthen your presence in Eastern Province. You need more than Dr. C. Banda your vice president. RB should not return to politics, please stay underground and enjoy your retirement. A leader will emerge in PF, but I doubt he will be any better than Sata.
You are rotten.
Rest in peace KING COBRA, Thanks for the development in my area.
We jst wondering how he can act now that Charles Mwango is dead. Scott must be very careful not to be used by mmembe and winter. Being a strong supporter of P.F I see HH taking over in feb 2015. I will be happy to see him reduce cabinet, pay all farmers on the same day, introduce mineral tax and cancel the wage freeze. This will make him realize govt is not posting unrealistic suggestion on watchdog. he is going the same R.B way where he will serve only for a year before we bounce back after cleaning the P.F
I do not understand how and why people are failing to get it that Scott is the rightful person, as stated by the constitution, to act as the President. When MCS was alive, he had the right to appoint anyone from his Cabinet to act as President. There is no parentage clause on who should act as president, or appointed to cabinet therefore Scott can act BUT he can not stand and be elected to be president. Please do not listen to Gen. Miyanda and his misguided, divisive and quite frankly, racist opinion. Leaders with his experience should actually be sober and guide the nation through this uncertain period instead of starting fires when we are sitting on tinder.
The only thing the Cabinet can be commended for IS UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTION!!
Vice Presido takes over after the death of Presido!!
Actually, they had NO CHOICE!!
Wellensky bwela so tuteke, we as indigenous Zambians have failed to govern ourselves. It would not happen anywhere else in Africa not even in Namibia where there is a bigger European population. It is not about racism. It is about being ruled by someone with divided loyalties who would not bomb England even if England did us harm.
Way to go. Shows our maturity in that we can respect our laws. Let’s give ourselves a pat on the back as we respect the rule of law!!
The Voice of reason has prevailed. This is what we are known for as Zambians, peace is our DNA. Thanks Edgar for not listening to the cartel
God must be our Brother or Sister…… We (Zambians) are soooooooo supper human!
Congratulations President Scottyyyyyyyy.
Coward Lungu,I doubt if this boy can even be the president of Zambia
This is exactly why LUNGU was appointed to Act. Because Lungu has HAD NO STRATEGY, has NO AMBITION. Sata didnt want chaps like WINTER who have started having PRESS CONFERENCES like Nevers Mumba, in his absense. So, edgar Lungu, being the DONKEY THAT HE IS, was an automatic choice for someone to ACT. his job was to preside over the jubilee celebrations and thereafter discarded.
Nomba mwalamona efyo ka constitution kalabutuka so that Dr.Scott becomes eleigible to stand as president of zambia. Am a pan-africanist, i dont want scott to be president. Not in this time with white supremacy rearing its evil head. Every white man is a racist as long as he was educated and brought up in the white system of education and governance respectively. Dr. King said, Racism is prejudice plus power. I ask you, who rules the world today? who tells nations like zambia how to govern their people?
@zagaze..wasekesha. bushe kwena tawaishiba. imwaka ubwingi waikala mu Indy you don’t know that’s how things go out there?
Am happy with that, i think Miyanda is contradictin himself…
“Article 34 (3) (b) states that “A person SHALL be qualified to be a candidate for election as President if ‘both his parents are Zambian by birth or descent”
This artical the way i am undestanding it is that it can only bar Scot if he was a candidate for election as president. and in this case he is not.
Artical 38 (2) allows him since he is the Vice Presido.
All the best Scot in this trying 90 days.
Refer to Elias Munshya’s article on his blog. Guy Lindsay Scott is Zambian, he qualifies to be President. His parentage is inconsequential in this case. Guy Scott to 2016. Viva Zambia
My President, our father, the chariots of Zambia and the horsemen thereof. You have run your race, you have fought a good fight. We will carry on from whence you have left. Rest in peace.
Here comes a new opportunity to fulfill some 90-day pledges… All the best Dr Scott!
Man, aren’t you eagle-eyed? Yes, the 90 days!!
I like this! The ninety-day theory is back only that it’s real this time. No performance in 90 days you leave!
Where is our for constitution for direction. The position of Guy Scott in PF government has always been ceremonial Vice President. Late prwsident Sata understood it and never ever allowed Guy Scott to act in his absence. To day Sata is gone the law is understood differently. PF party will go down in the history of Zambia as a lawless party that took Zambians for granted – docile Zambians.
Good that Sata is nomore paving way for national redefinitionfor the sake of Zambia.
Guy Scott is qualified to take over permanently, going by the Chiluba v. The People Supreme Court judgment. The lacuna created by the parentage clause had effectively been closed by the said judgment. “There was no Zambia prior to October 24, 1964, and everyone present in Northern Rhodesia at independence became a Zambian”, the court held in part.
Can they vote for him? Absolutely. He was once MP from Northern Province and is currently MP from Lusaka.
BBC Headlines
White leader appointed in Zambia
I am in Glasgow and you are lying
@Mushota – BBC News ‘Guy Scott is to become Zambia’s interim leader, the first white head of state in Africa since apartheid, following the death of President Michael Sata’.
Mushota, where are your fellow tribalists – Luapula Premier, Saulosi, Gen. By the way Saulosi is the chap who is soon returning to work for the Post. His names are Gge Chlla – decipher!
All you fellows did was to insult day in and out. Now you are gone. the next president comes with his own people….ha ha ha
Hope Ba Scott you stay far far away from Mmembe and Kabimba please for the sake of Zambia
Since 2011, Sata did not at any time appoint Scott as acting President due to the nature of our constitution. Ba Lungu you have indeed exhibited your cowardness and failed to protect the constitution of Zambia and protect Sata’s legacy. If Scott can now act as President it means that he can stand as well which is a total misinterpretation of the constitution. I hope the Law Association of Zambia and the many learned Patriots will protect the constitution of the land by categorically state the constitution as with regards to Scott or any other person who does not qualify as President. These are the same dinosaurs that have been in the forefront telling the nation that Sata wasn’t sick. They knew what they wanted, Sata to die and take over. Gen Miyanda, Sakwiba Sikota put an injuction plse
Its the Rule of Laws to support the VP to act until new Elections within 90 days. Anything else will fail in Jesus Name!
Watch Lumpen Kambwili with his utterances.
The best thing is that the hand over of power has so far been done armicably. Kudos ba PF
Personally, I don’t trust Scott especially that he has been treating these multinational company companies with kid gloves on taxes. Somewhere some white capitalist might be sensing a 90-day window of opportunity.
Mugabe must be mad at Zambia.
@ Mushota. I dont normallycomment on others. But I will today. I recall very well that you said in your earlier posts that enacting a consitution was not a priority and that the president was enjoying good health. I am, really? Commo n now?. Now you want to comment on the constitutional matters because it suits your wishes? How low can one sin! And by the way, if I was attending that Polytecnic in Oxford, I would not even mention it even if I was studying for a PhD, if you are actually studying there. There is another University in that City, that I would be proud to mention on my CV. No wonder your thinking is very warped!
Mushota Why go out when there is Mulakupikwa University. Lol I hope the time you graduate your tribal universities would be offering PhD in Development Studies.Lol
Good afternoon from Glasgow.
Pay attention please:
The president has died all of a sudden, no one knew he would die today (that is he is Dead) and there is no suggestions that he was in poor health this has happened after a routine medical check up that went wrong. Same like you walking on the street and picking up a £10 note , you will accept it but you are a little confused.
You talk as though the president was sick there is no exact illness disclosed meaning this has come out of the blues.
Regarding the constitution, it is a mere piece of guide that is not as important as Universitie, Roads, Jobs that have been born by the PF.
This was about prioritising what was more important as you will accept
Let us keep things in perspective please
Sad time for Zambia, the death of a human comes with heart felt sorrow, it does not matter what kind of human being they were. Even the tyranny Saddam had people feel sorry for him. Romans 12 gives us peace. As humans we still have to move on with God’s guidance, I am sure Zambia will be blessed with another leader, we should pray for someone who we will lead according to God’s guidance. Serving as a President is God given, at this point it is difficult to know the chosen one. Peace as we transition is what will carry the day. A few leaders to chose from might include, Scott if the constitution is changed, Kabimba, HH, Katele Kalumba, Lungu and many more. May the good Lord guide mother Zambia and may peace be still. In God we will persevere, and may we stay strong and focused.
This is a sad developments. The last three years are testimony of what happens when a country is led by myopic, visionless, tribal & inept group. The affairs of the state have been totally mishandled. Sata might have lived longer if not for the selfish vultures around him. MHRIP and may God intervene!!
and to have a muzungu as presido in jubilee year is a further insult to those who fought for independence! A clear succession plan should have been in place but cabinet was full of cowards who could not advise. May this nonsense never repeat itself and may people look beyond tribe so that our nation is no longer a laughing stock!
Edgar Lungu for President. Wait till the Satas come back with a candidate who Sata wished to take over.
I would rename a town after him and the University of Zambia, make it University of Michael Sata.
For his legacy alone.
If Lusaka is now known as Michael Sata town I don’t think many people would
Be upset
Has Mushota got anything between her/his ears? I think that head is empty
The only thing that Mushota has (most prized item) is in her/his pants. Mushota’s brains lies in her/his pants.
@Katongo – I agree with you there mate, Mushota does have a head between those ears. BUT the only reason the head is there is to keep her ears apart.
@Mushota its either you so immature or confused as you stated in your blog. so nauseating to say the least or perhaps you growing faster than an I.@diot.
I would name his Tanzanian father after his name!.So nice the Gods have answered at last. We all must have faith in God!
Shame God has never answered your prayers to be brainy! Lol
Let’s all rally behind and support an energetic, hard working president in the making, his excellence, president elect Hakainde Hichilema. This is the right time to make things right. The time to reach Canaan and leave the wilderness were we’ve wandered for almost 3 years 10 days is now. The Die has been cast. HH President for all well meaning Zambians
Kindly fix the law of the land to avoid this nonsense about presidential by-election. Come on guys, we can do better. Come think of it, elections in 2015 and again elections in 2016 Mmmmh! Is this normal? Address the parentage nonsense too! We are nothing but mortals and so always think about death in every manner you think about making or amending laws. In short Zambia will have to spend on by-election, then referendum on the new constitution then tripartite elections. Or maybe we combine the presidential by-election with the referendum on the new constitution. Well I didn’t know Zambia was that stinking rich! And lastly, a timely warning, please do not drag the body of my late President around the country like the MMD demeaned the body of Levy. Respect him like a dead King or Chief.
Please guy scott twapapata don’t bring Kabimba n Mmembe.These two make zambians unhappy.Otherwise if kabimba is back then definetely they’ll chaos in PF.U’ll be the only president to put Zambia in problems.People are now jst concerned about cartel(mmembe 2 take ober n kabimba).please never listern to kabimba.we don’t love that pompus man kabimba
PS Malupenga and OOP should investigate the activities of a teacher and DC zambezi.A teacher at zambezi Day Sec Sch called Chidata Kambanji was openly celebrating and campaigning for UPND today to the amazement of the residents.Although am non partisan but a patriotic Zambian,i am one of the people so disappointed.Yet this Teacher is always seen with DC who was supposed to be eyes of gvt.Shameful.
zambia should be a sister country to Scotland – the Scots recently voted not to be independent – zambia has gone full circle, indeed lets change the name back to northern rhodesia and sing scottish/british national anthem. I wonder want KK and freedom’s fighters take on this – wasted efforts? Was this a game plan or mere coincidence?
Before there was slave trade now africans traffic themselves individually – risk their lives to get to europe as slave: Helen Zille in SA is encouraged by all this: Africans short memories.
This ka USELESS Teacher should be traced and be disciplined.Where is Minister of Education Dr Phiri ? where is PEO and DEBS ? PS Malupenga of Northwestern should thoroughly investigate this case and this immoral teacher Kambanji of zambezi sec sch need to be disciplined including his DC.
Zambians fipuba……we always bend over to assist foreigners. Mind you, our new consititution will even allow them to stand in local government elections. In zambian it does not matter…sene sene, congole, bostwana, rwandaise umusungu….as long as you are foreigner people will bend over to serve you. Welcome to Zambia, land of the stupid and docile. Go ahead Scott, we have ourselves to blame tulifibuba.
Calm down mwe bekalachalo! My lawyer has just confirmed with me that Mr Scott is eligible to act as President according to Section 39 and 38 of our current constitution. Lungu is a lawyer and he probable knew this already. So chill and know that Zambia is a country of Laws!!
So Bana Nono was actually asking Bashi Nono relevant questions.
Sincerest condolences to Zambia on the loss of another sitting president. I am curious to see how the republican politics will play out in the party politics. I am not familiar with PF constitution/manifesto, but wonder who takes over the Presidency of PF. Is it the Interim President by virtue of his republican position? Was he also VP of PF? Does the Secretary General become the most powerful man in the party? It may well turn out that the upcoming elections by January, could create quite an even playing field for anyone to be elected as President. Its anyone’s cake for the eating. There are no clear front runners. Maybe HH? Who knows, his chances look reasonable this time around. Just some thoughts………..
I cannot believe that Zambians are lamenting over the death of a man that have sold them back into slavery… it is truly sad that black people cannot decide who among them should be the ruler so they happily opted for Apartheid. Good luck you all, you have not known suffering yet, stay tuned.
Now that the campaign starts, what is PF going to say about 1. Their u-turn on the constitution? 2. Barotseland agreement?
Like it or not, Guy Scott is the right guy to take over from Sata because I think he is very close to Sata’s vision of developing this country. He is the only guy who really understood what Sata wanted to do for this country. And lets separate colour from politics.
PF has destroyed our country. Its time to pack their stuff and leave.
Rubbish rants from a cadre. When civil servants are happy with the salaries Sata gave them…continue in the insipid denial. Same on you.
I think that one has to be realistic about Guy Scott’s chances to become President, even if the constitution could be changed to allow him to run. The truth is that he has to appeal to the masses and not just a small section of society. He truly has to identify with the people, the man was born in Livingstone, does he speak any Tonga? If he does, and I am only guessing, its very little. Does he speak any other indigenous language? I am not sure about that either. I think that even he knows that it would be difficult for him to bring people together and rally behind him for the presidency. If PF really want to be serious contenders for the election, they should field Edgar Lungu. If they pass him up for the likes of Chikwanda, then it will validate the tribalism that has been talked about.
Good guy scot is acting president for the 90 days. May his soul rest in peace Sata.
Let now see if HH will be president coz HH wanted sata dead so that he ascends to presidency. HH has a heart as that of a witch, a man who is so egoistic. Now that Sata is no more I wait to see HH become president of Zambia. Bo HH as you wanted it has happened and now the seat is yours…not so? We wait for the 90th day for the bye-election.
Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.
I am wondering what is behind HH’s silence. He may have rightfully guessed that he will be criticized for issuing a statement considering the bad blood between him and Sata. Perhaps, silence at this point is more appropriate as opposed to be seen as feigning sympathy. He must also be seriously analyzing how best not to be perceived as opportunistic and sell himself as a worthy contender of Plot 1.
Yap, yap Scot is acting what are going to do about it, just like the wage freeze cry, cry the wage freeze is in force for 2yrs. What have u done NOTHING. Don’t just yap go to court and put an injuction if you are man enough
Though HH wished Sata death,after 90 days us voters will teach him a bitter lesson by voting for our beloved Sata(PF) even in his grave!HH will regret his hatred for Sata as we won’t spare him on voting day!mark my words,any presidential candidate on PF ticket will win easily in 90 days!RIP our Sata!
Time to mourn and to reflect. PF must now wake up and face reality; take a recess from that senseless circus and focus.
Ok job done, now we can proceed and install Mwinilubemba Chitumukulu AKA Sosala. If PF are short on candidates for presidency, maybe consider Sosala.
Sosala must be saying mwamoneni nomba. It is even difficult for him to pretend that he is sad. I guess he has won not just the battle but the war as well eish sivintu.
It is difficult for him to pretend that he is happy. Eish
this time around let’s unite and mourn our president with dignity.MHSRIP.