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Zambia army soldiers perform the 21-Man Gun Salute after Sata’s body arrived
Zambia Army soldiers display Sata’s large portrait at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
Zambia Air Force jets take off to give escort to the plane carrying Sata’s body
Zambia Air Force fighter jets give escort to the plane carrying Sata’s body when it landed in Lusaka
Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda emerges from the plane caryying bags
Security personnel watch the p[lane carrying Sata’s body land in Lusaka7.
Sata’s relatives mourning at Kenneth Kaunda International airport
PF supporters of Mulenga Sata campaigning for Mulenga’s PF party presidency with a placard before president Sata’s body arrived
PF supporters chanting slogans for their man, Mulenga Sata before the body of late President Sata arrived
National Revolution Party president Cosmo Mumba mourns Sata during the arrival of the late president’s body
National Revolution Party president Cosmo Mumba mourns Sata
National Revolution Party president Cosmo Mumba is assisted to recuperate after collapsing upon seeing Sata’s casket
National Revolution Party president Cosmo Mumba is assisted to recuperate after collapsing upon seeing Sata’s casket.
National Revolution Party president Cosmo Mumba is assisted after collapsing upon seeing Sata’s casket
One of Dr Kaseba’s relatives mourns Sata when the late president’s body arrived in Lusaka
One of the Zambia Airport choppers that was used to give an aerial live TV coverage of Sata’s funeral procession from the airport to Mulungishi International Conference Centre
Pallbearers lay Sata’s casket on a podium before moving the funeral to Mulungushi International Conference centre
PF cadre Judge Ngoma, probably pondering his future after Sata’s death. He was captured in a solemn mood at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
PF cadres draped in Sata’s funeral T-shirts sponsored y GBM
PF cadres with Michael Sata’s portrait
Mulenga greets his supporters when he arrived in the advance party at Lusaka International airport
MMD president Nevers Mumba arrives to witness the arrival of Sata’s body
MMD cadres arive to witness the arrival of Michael Sata’s body
MMD and PF cadres console each other before president Sata’s body arrived in Lusaka
Late Frederick Chiluba’s wife Regina in a pensive mood after Sata’s body arrived in Lusaka
Guys Scott’s wife Charlotte consoles former First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba
Government officials and family relatives use their digital gadgets to photograph proceedings when Sata’s body arrived in Lusaka
Former president Rupiah Banda mourns Sata
Former Kenneth Kaunda after meeting former First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba
Former First Lady Dr Maureen Mwanawasa captured following proceedings during the arrival of Sata’s body
Former First Lady Dr Chritine Kaseba emerges from a chartered plane when Sata’s body arrived in Lusaka
Former presidents Rupiah Banda and Kenneth Kaunda console former First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba
Different PF factions printed T-shirts for Sata’s funeral. Here, en unidentified members dressed on one with its unique text
Central province Minister Obvious Mwaliteta mourning Sata
Cabin crew from the chartered airline line up to usher family members out of the plane when Sata’s body arrived in Lusaka
Bishop Joe Imakando takes photographs of the proceedings after Sata’s body arrived
An unidentified UNIP member followings proceedings through his sun glasses before Sata’s body arrived
An unidentified PF cadre in a pensive mood before sata’s body arrived
An unideitified relative to Sata mourns the late president during the arrival of the body
An unideitified PF cadre following proceddinsg through his sun glasses before the arrival of Sata’s body
An air traffic controller watches the plane that carried Sata’s body on the run way in Lusaka. The plane was escorted by Zambia Air Force jets
A Zambia Army soldier keeps vigil on a tank which was among the escort wagons at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
A Zambia Army sentry guards the chartered plane that ferried Sata’s body from London to Zambia
A police batallion keeps vigil on PF cadres who wanted to break police cordons before Sata’s body arrived
A PF cadre mourns president Sata, while holding on to the late president’s portrait
A PF cadre in one T-shirt scribed with Sata’s funeral message
A ministerial flag flies on one of the ministers vehicles dring arrivals before the arrival of Sata’s body
A Kenyan China Central Television correspondent at work when Sata’s body arrived in Lusaka
A guard walks on the side of the vehicle carrying Former First Lady Dr Chritine Kaseba
Thats why it’s better to treat people nice when you have the chance. Lies, corruption, deceit, violence, tribalism, oppression, are not necessary. Leave a good legacy behind so people can remember you for the good. The end of pF.
LT is anti HH. why is that HH is not shown in these pictures in preference for mangwamus like cosmo mumba for sure.
There are lot of thugs in PF my goodness, so many bakaponya attended. Some examples are; Mwaliteta, Judge Ngoma, Cosmo Mumba, look at Pic#40, 46, 20
It’s silly to cry with your glasses on!
Its was not `things`,,I wish Cosmo Mumba a quick recovery,,,i hope judge ngoma has a retirement package
Lusaka times pamene apa! please ati former first lady,, Christine kaseba is still the first lady until after 90days when Sata is replaced
And this lozi man also! imakando taking a selfie at the funeral!,,, he is embarassing our good tribe
For indians “BAMWENYE BA NSAMYA” it’s business as usual!!
Cozmo Mumba is a Drama Queen!
Who is that man with the tiny pink phone?
Let Scott ride the 90 days ….concentrate on finding the next President
Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda came back with shopping bags!! Do not be fooled by this comedy!!!
Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda came back with shopping bags!!
Chikwanda did not give a F…… K the guy was a goner along time ago
Imagine?? shopping as usual, you mean we don’t have shops in Zambia? embarrassing.
ABC with parcels, I think mwali Red Wine!! Chikwanda mwaume!! Alitemwa red wine..
I was just wondering that what ba Chikwanda is holding in his hands could have been the presidents personal effects! Remember he was the head of delegation
He just went to buy Tu red wine utwa lekana lekana ku London.
End of a brutal era. Lets look to the bright future. This was expected and I hope Zambians have learnt a big lesson. May our God help us go through this difficult situation. Thank you Lord
Picture number 40, what wrong with picture, are jealous of Zambians, he looks better than you. In fact you look lost here.
ha! ain’t that something? Advertising weed on Sata’s grave. That “unidentified PF cadre” is making a subtle statement for sure. I love it!
Some are mourning and some on a shopping spree. Hope this tome around you vote wisely and let your voice and vote count.
For once I like Chikwanda’s thinking – kill two birds with one stone. When you go to collect the body of your bululu in London, why not do a bit of shopping as well?
Truly laughable ….Fossil Chikwanda had the time to visit bespoke Italian suit specialists Canali whilst in London and you wonder why economy is a downward spiral…thank god this age of Sata recklessness and mediocrity is coming to a close.
Was is really necessary for that number of people to receive the remains of the late president? What a circus !!
Michael Sata’s era can be best summarized as just that; a jamboree circus…in all honesty which President only turns at Swearing-in ceremonies and makings incoherent statements about bald men.
At least now we don’t have to watch TV from behind our sofas as the old man was a big embarrassment when he opened his mouth at international conferences.
* …and makes…
Can someone tell me, Is cosmos Mumba related to Nevers Mumba?
Yes they are half brothers and I am related to both of them.
They do not get along though.
Cosmo is a better person than the media makes of him.
Mushota then you must be related to my former houseboy in Mpika… His name is Clement Bwalya, I’ve been looking for him for years so that i can give him €1000 bonus for being a good worker!! He told me he was related to Mr Micheal Sata who was then governer of Lusaka some donkey years ago.
we are ushering in a new government in 3 months time,no blotted cabin,you guys at foreign missions appointed because of relations please start packing because you dont qualify as you are all cadres mwanya fye aya kaba
Dream on brother. You seem to have forgotten that in Zambia lessons are never learned. @5
Pic 40 ……….. Gods own image
Stocking up on his Canali Suit Collection!
Iyo mune! Tuma red wine twalekanalekana!
Pic 40. is a JanjaWEED mafia mascalading as pama-fi supporter
It was given to Christine for her to receive awards around the world – she might have to hand it back hence her tears.
It was out patrolling the whole country’s airspace!!
Did Cosmos really collapse? Ba Finance minister….ni shopping trip or chililo bane!
But some Bembas are a big disgrace to Zambia. Unfortunately it is the same tribe that reproduces like rats and they have a lot of poverty stricken chaps when it comes to voting.
Look at u, echo tamuwinina ama election why pointing fingures so kubanenu?? We will see, kaili we will still vote. U can win on yo own, let that sink in yo thick cowdung brain, walenga naponta
Picture 17 the president with a torn trousers.
Picture 22
Preacher man of GOD, yet the luxury car he is in tells a different story, I wonder why.
God is not broke. I am Christian as well. No wonder Zambia is broke, that is poverty speaking in your head.
He was not just a preacher, he was ambassador too, plus many other things. Those jobs pay, bwana. He can afford it
This is not the return of Sata per se,its the return of hope ,the return of our dreams of a better Zambia.
True PF illiterates. Pic 8. You cannot spell Wish come on ati Wishe tachili cibemba
I sincerely mourn with all my brothers and sisters in Zambia. But it is downright pathetic and anathema for some people to use the mourning occasion to forward their political careers. Shame on you Mulenga Sata, you do not have respect for your father at all. You can not even wait for the burial, already you are busy campaigning, shame mwaice iwe. Also madumbo GBM, why advertise yourself on the T-shirts. Honestly if you intended to assist in that manner, you do not have to advertise the fact that it was you donation, what is the matter with you people, full of ignorance!
These people you are mentioning already knew that your Sata died a very long time ago…they were merely impatiently waiting for the right time to officially announce it to you gullible docile cadres….even this 2 week national mourning is a sheer waste of time and a great inconvenience given how much the old man set this country back…48 hrs would have been more appropriate.
Yaba Mwebantu Imwe..
The Truth is Truly Coming Out About what All these people were / are all about.. Materialism plain and Simple.
Even the Funeral has become a commodity, for the best buyer to Capitalize.
Is this a Reflection of the New Culture we have inculcated as a Society.. Fakeness, a Country that has Majority Poor, trying to Live well above its worth.
In the midst of poverty, a huge culture and self centered attitude is dominating, Our Lawmakers seem to have an appetite for Excess and Inclinations towards Plunder.
Pictures don’t lie..
Pic 40 even Lil wayne came to pass respect to our departed presido.
i remember when i first wore sunglasses in Zambia in 1980’s people were staring at me and some shouting rubbish behind my back. In Zambia people believed that sunglasses were only for the blind, now every “id!ot” wears sunglasses.
That Cosmo Mumba chap should be in Hollywood. Good actor.
I must admit I’m not familiar with cadre-speak. That “his worship the mayor of Lusaka” is that sarcasm or is that how they really address their boss?
Cosmo Mumba is really one pathetic actor. Geez!!
Can’t believe people are wasting the time to go to the airport to mourn a person that has been l-y-i-n-g to them from day one… fit for duty… L-I-E; working vacation… L-I-E; will improve the country… L-I-E, L-I-E, L-I-E, L-I-E.
The truth is Sata knew he was sick when he took office but saw it as an opportunity to get the Zambian people to pay his medical bills… no wonder he was in a hurry to raid the countries’ coffers to build his family a big house as he knew the end was near… if the Zambian people continue to allow degenerates in State House then they will remain forever poor and the country underdeveloped. As far as I am concerned the Name SATA is tantamount to SATA-N…. yet we are surprise that he and his degenerates bamboozled the country and continue to do so (even in death) with…
…continue to do so (even in death) with the appointment of SCOTT as head of (Satan’s Cohort Of Thieves & Trickery).
Wake up yea mighty people and look beyond your tribal affiliations for a leader that can actually lift the country and its people up… Wake up!
Another picture that caught my attention is ba Alexander Chikwanda getting off the plane. I bet he never counted on being photographed with shopping bags in hand when his trip to the UK was supposed to be of a rather melancholy mood..
Imakando taking pictures
I honestly think Mushota is an OP robot, watch how she literally ends all her postings with the word “THANKS”.
And I wonder what she has to say now after having spent a whole 2 years denying all facts that Ukwa was dying? Well, your ugly and tribally bigoted lumpen has kicked the bucket and is now roasting in the blossom of his nemesis, Lucifer. Never has any country has such a stinking divisive fool for president. Damn!
Zika huyu useless dikteta pap kama waisilamu.Sata ni mtu aliye na udanganyifu,roho ngumu na ukabila.Let him rot in hell.
yo, I figured your tirade was in swahili so I used google translate and here is what google spit out:
“This Zika useless pap as waisilamu. Sata dictator is someone with fraud, tough spirit and ethnicity”
Is that what you really said? because I’m starting to suspect that maybe google is not telling me the whole truth here 🙂
Something is surely stinking in Lusaka and it ain’t the sewer in Garden Compound.
Those who live by violence are mourned with violence.
Get a grip people, we are all going to die.If you said what i said in 1890, people would be like no! some won’t says the lord. But here comes reality, but do you know anybody born in 1890 or before? no, because they all died. Sata will be missed by many but Life Goes On! My day will also come ad yours too.
By the way, i can understand women and children crying but BIG BOYS DON’T CRY!
I guess am immune to all this, because am a health care worker and have seen and taken care of many people who died. People in the united states mourn and cry but not to the total embarrasment
te bonse balelosha ka
The Greatest Zambian we may ever know.
I miss you sir
Its was always going to end in tears as some of us said….
Uuuhhmm abena Cosma sure, nangu ku collapser sure? Comic Cosmo. Judge Ngoma, Oh dear, salary yaya.
Thats why it’s better to treat people nice when you have the chance. Lies, corruption, deceit, violence, tribalism, oppression, are not necessary. Leave a good legacy behind so people can remember you for the good. The end of pF.
LT is anti HH. why is that HH is not shown in these pictures in preference for mangwamus like cosmo mumba for sure.
There are lot of thugs in PF my goodness, so many bakaponya attended. Some examples are; Mwaliteta, Judge Ngoma, Cosmo Mumba, look at Pic#40, 46, 20
It’s silly to cry with your glasses on!
Its was not `things`,,I wish Cosmo Mumba a quick recovery,,,i hope judge ngoma has a retirement package
Lusaka times pamene apa! please ati former first lady,, Christine kaseba is still the first lady until after 90days when Sata is replaced
And this lozi man also! imakando taking a selfie at the funeral!,,, he is embarassing our good tribe
For indians “BAMWENYE BA NSAMYA” it’s business as usual!!
Cozmo Mumba is a Drama Queen!
Who is that man with the tiny pink phone?
Let Scott ride the 90 days ….concentrate on finding the next President
Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda came back with shopping bags!! Do not be fooled by this comedy!!!
Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda came back with shopping bags!!
Chikwanda did not give a F…… K the guy was a goner along time ago
Imagine?? shopping as usual, you mean we don’t have shops in Zambia? embarrassing.
ABC with parcels, I think mwali Red Wine!! Chikwanda mwaume!! Alitemwa red wine..
I was just wondering that what ba Chikwanda is holding in his hands could have been the presidents personal effects! Remember he was the head of delegation
He just went to buy Tu red wine utwa lekana lekana ku London.
End of a brutal era. Lets look to the bright future. This was expected and I hope Zambians have learnt a big lesson. May our God help us go through this difficult situation. Thank you Lord
Picture number 40, what wrong with picture, are jealous of Zambians, he looks better than you. In fact you look lost here.
ha! ain’t that something? Advertising weed on Sata’s grave. That “unidentified PF cadre” is making a subtle statement for sure. I love it!
Some are mourning and some on a shopping spree. Hope this tome around you vote wisely and let your voice and vote count.
For once I like Chikwanda’s thinking – kill two birds with one stone. When you go to collect the body of your bululu in London, why not do a bit of shopping as well?
Truly laughable ….Fossil Chikwanda had the time to visit bespoke Italian suit specialists Canali whilst in London and you wonder why economy is a downward spiral…thank god this age of Sata recklessness and mediocrity is coming to a close.
Was is really necessary for that number of people to receive the remains of the late president? What a circus !!
Michael Sata’s era can be best summarized as just that; a jamboree circus…in all honesty which President only turns at Swearing-in ceremonies and makings incoherent statements about bald men.
At least now we don’t have to watch TV from behind our sofas as the old man was a big embarrassment when he opened his mouth at international conferences.
* …and makes…
Can someone tell me, Is cosmos Mumba related to Nevers Mumba?
Yes they are half brothers and I am related to both of them.
They do not get along though.
Cosmo is a better person than the media makes of him.
Mushota then you must be related to my former houseboy in Mpika… His name is Clement Bwalya, I’ve been looking for him for years so that i can give him €1000 bonus for being a good worker!! He told me he was related to Mr Micheal Sata who was then governer of Lusaka some donkey years ago.
we are ushering in a new government in 3 months time,no blotted cabin,you guys at foreign missions appointed because of relations please start packing because you dont qualify as you are all cadres mwanya fye aya kaba
Dream on brother. You seem to have forgotten that in Zambia lessons are never learned. @5
Pic 40 ……….. Gods own image
Stocking up on his Canali Suit Collection!
Iyo mune! Tuma red wine twalekanalekana!
Pic 40. is a JanjaWEED mafia mascalading as pama-fi supporter
It was given to Christine for her to receive awards around the world – she might have to hand it back hence her tears.
It was out patrolling the whole country’s airspace!!
Did Cosmos really collapse? Ba Finance minister….ni shopping trip or chililo bane!
But some Bembas are a big disgrace to Zambia. Unfortunately it is the same tribe that reproduces like rats and they have a lot of poverty stricken chaps when it comes to voting.
Look at u, echo tamuwinina ama election why pointing fingures so kubanenu?? We will see, kaili we will still vote. U can win on yo own, let that sink in yo thick cowdung brain, walenga naponta
Picture 17 the president with a torn trousers.
Picture 22
Preacher man of GOD, yet the luxury car he is in tells a different story, I wonder why.
God is not broke. I am Christian as well. No wonder Zambia is broke, that is poverty speaking in your head.
He was not just a preacher, he was ambassador too, plus many other things. Those jobs pay, bwana. He can afford it
This is not the return of Sata per se,its the return of hope ,the return of our dreams of a better Zambia.
True PF illiterates. Pic 8. You cannot spell Wish come on ati Wishe tachili cibemba
I sincerely mourn with all my brothers and sisters in Zambia. But it is downright pathetic and anathema for some people to use the mourning occasion to forward their political careers. Shame on you Mulenga Sata, you do not have respect for your father at all. You can not even wait for the burial, already you are busy campaigning, shame mwaice iwe. Also madumbo GBM, why advertise yourself on the T-shirts. Honestly if you intended to assist in that manner, you do not have to advertise the fact that it was you donation, what is the matter with you people, full of ignorance!
These people you are mentioning already knew that your Sata died a very long time ago…they were merely impatiently waiting for the right time to officially announce it to you gullible docile cadres….even this 2 week national mourning is a sheer waste of time and a great inconvenience given how much the old man set this country back…48 hrs would have been more appropriate.
Yaba Mwebantu Imwe..
The Truth is Truly Coming Out About what All these people were / are all about.. Materialism plain and Simple.
Even the Funeral has become a commodity, for the best buyer to Capitalize.
Is this a Reflection of the New Culture we have inculcated as a Society.. Fakeness, a Country that has Majority Poor, trying to Live well above its worth.
In the midst of poverty, a huge culture and self centered attitude is dominating, Our Lawmakers seem to have an appetite for Excess and Inclinations towards Plunder.
Pictures don’t lie..
Pic 40 even Lil wayne came to pass respect to our departed presido.
i remember when i first wore sunglasses in Zambia in 1980’s people were staring at me and some shouting rubbish behind my back. In Zambia people believed that sunglasses were only for the blind, now every “id!ot” wears sunglasses.
That Cosmo Mumba chap should be in Hollywood. Good actor.
I must admit I’m not familiar with cadre-speak. That “his worship the mayor of Lusaka” is that sarcasm or is that how they really address their boss?
Cosmo Mumba is really one pathetic actor. Geez!!
Can’t believe people are wasting the time to go to the airport to mourn a person that has been l-y-i-n-g to them from day one… fit for duty… L-I-E; working vacation… L-I-E; will improve the country… L-I-E, L-I-E, L-I-E, L-I-E.
The truth is Sata knew he was sick when he took office but saw it as an opportunity to get the Zambian people to pay his medical bills… no wonder he was in a hurry to raid the countries’ coffers to build his family a big house as he knew the end was near… if the Zambian people continue to allow degenerates in State House then they will remain forever poor and the country underdeveloped. As far as I am concerned the Name SATA is tantamount to SATA-N…. yet we are surprise that he and his degenerates bamboozled the country and continue to do so (even in death) with…
…continue to do so (even in death) with the appointment of SCOTT as head of (Satan’s Cohort Of Thieves & Trickery).
Wake up yea mighty people and look beyond your tribal affiliations for a leader that can actually lift the country and its people up… Wake up!
Another picture that caught my attention is ba Alexander Chikwanda getting off the plane. I bet he never counted on being photographed with shopping bags in hand when his trip to the UK was supposed to be of a rather melancholy mood..
Imakando taking pictures
I honestly think Mushota is an OP robot, watch how she literally ends all her postings with the word “THANKS”.
And I wonder what she has to say now after having spent a whole 2 years denying all facts that Ukwa was dying? Well, your ugly and tribally bigoted lumpen has kicked the bucket and is now roasting in the blossom of his nemesis, Lucifer. Never has any country has such a stinking divisive fool for president. Damn!
Zika huyu useless dikteta pap kama waisilamu.Sata ni mtu aliye na udanganyifu,roho ngumu na ukabila.Let him rot in hell.
yo, I figured your tirade was in swahili so I used google translate and here is what google spit out:
“This Zika useless pap as waisilamu. Sata dictator is someone with fraud, tough spirit and ethnicity”
Is that what you really said? because I’m starting to suspect that maybe google is not telling me the whole truth here 🙂
Something is surely stinking in Lusaka and it ain’t the sewer in Garden Compound.
Those who live by violence are mourned with violence.
Get a grip people, we are all going to die.If you said what i said in 1890, people would be like no! some won’t says the lord. But here comes reality, but do you know anybody born in 1890 or before? no, because they all died. Sata will be missed by many but Life Goes On! My day will also come ad yours too.
By the way, i can understand women and children crying but BIG BOYS DON’T CRY!
I guess am immune to all this, because am a health care worker and have seen and taken care of many people who died. People in the united states mourn and cry but not to the total embarrasment